NOT GOOD. My name is Max and just minutes ago my best friend kissed me. What was there for me to do besides run? I mean it's what I do best. Let me fill you in.
When I was 10 I was taken from my mother. Kidnapped. Nobody hurt me don't worry, not like you care. Anyways after they drugged me and took me away in their, of course, white van they just brought me here, the orphanage. Within a week I was already best friends with Fang. No, that is not his real name, its Nicholas. But he hates that and I hate to call him that so, I call him Fang. Fang is in the orphanage because his mom was a teenager when she had him and his dad did in fact stay for the ride until Fang was 8. He left for another woman. I bet Fang has a sibling out there somewhere. But anyway, his mom couldn't provide for him by herself and her parents didn't help they disowned her when she got pregnant. With much reluctance she took Fang to the orphanage.
Got it? I hope so because I'm not saying it again. So let me tell you what happened just yesterday. Apparently Fang's mom got back on her feet because this is what my best friend told me a few days ago…
Fang came into my room with his head down and he mumbled something incoherent. He looked up at me with an impassive face that I was so used to seeing with expectant eyes.
"What'd you say?" I asked, with a bad feeling in my gut.
He swallowed before saying a bit louder "I'm leaving,"
I felt a pang in my heart until I realized I shouldn't automatically assume he means what I think he does.
"What do you mean by leaving?" I asked wearily,
He sighed "My mom got better she's gonna take me home"
"When?" I asked me voice shaking.
He walked over and sat on my bed taking my hand "Thursday." he stated,
Its Tuesday.
Fang slept in my bed that night, holding me close. We've done it before but it's been a while. Fang used to sleep in my bed when I had dreams about my family and cried in my sleep.
Wednesday, we packed his things, looked at pictures of us over the years. I may have cried just a bit, but don't tell anyone about that.
Thursday. I woke up this morning with Fang's arms tight around my waist and I snuggled closer to him, I looked up to see his dark eyes already trained one me, I smiled.
"I'm gonna miss those" I sighed,
He raised an eyebrow, asking me asking what I meant.
"Your eyes, that always seem to be shining at me." I answered.
Fang smirked, realizing what I said, I blushed.
We sat in a comfortable silence for at least an hour before Fang broke it,
"I've wanted to do this for quite sometime Max," Fang whispered.
I looked into his eyes while my brown ones swirled with questions "Do what?" I asked
He didn't answer; instead he cupped my chin and tilted my head up while he tilted his down. I didn't move, what was he- before I got that out I felt Fang, my best friend's lips lock with mine. My eyes involuntarily fluttered shut and I tightened my hold on him.
I was kissing Fang. All I saw were fireworks and I'm sure sparks were flying off my waist where Fang's one free hand laid while his other still held my chin. I was ki- WHAT!
I pushed Fang off me and ran to the storage room which is where I am now. Fang banged on the door for 10 minutes then told me he'd be there when I came out I could see his shadow under the door.
I'm 16 and nobody's ever kissed me like that before. Well nobody's ever kissed me; I mean nobody's really worried about lip-locking around here. I sighed before getting up, it's been 20 minutes and I'm starting to get claustrophobic. I opened the door to see Fang muttering about how stupid he was on the floor, I smirked and stepped over him to my room.
"MAX!" he exclaimed, getting up to follow me.
I plopped onto my bed and he walked in, closing the door behind him and following my lead by plopping down on the bed beside me facing the ceiling.
"So..?" he began
"So?" I retorted.
"You were obviously doing some thinking in that closet, wanna tell me what about?" he asked.
"Question, why have you been talking so much lately Mr. Wall of Bricks?"
"Max," he warned,
"Well, what do you think I was thinking about, genius?'
He sighed, "Well are you mad? Or..?"
I thought out my answer before deciding not to give a real answer at all, I'm kind of trying to avoid emotions even though I knew what I felt. I certainly wasn't mad, more like I was floating on a cloud. I then remembered I was having a conversation. Oops.
"Did you mean it? Was it a joke?" I asked
"Of course I meant it; I wouldn't joke like that with you Max. I might want to have children someday y'know." He joked
"Hm, okay then," I reached a little ways across the bed and locked fingers with Fang. He looked down at are hands before bringing them to his lips and lightly kissing mine.
"Ok then." He said giving me a rare Fang smile.
There was suddenly a knock on the door and somebody yelled "Fang, are you with Max? Your mom is here for you."
My heart gave a painful squeeze before dropping to my knees. I looked at Fang to see him giving me the same pained look.
Why now? I thought.
Thanks so much for reading. Review and tell me if I should continue. And this is my first fic so don't take it easy on me. Spelling errors don't worry I'm always on a look out I type a bit to fast sometimes.