He didn't know what it was. It was a sinking feeling; one that made his heart beat faster, his emotions unstable, and his stomach twist in knots. He was looking over his shoulder every few minutes, panicked that he was not going to be able to see what was behind him one of those times. He was far more restless at night- not like that was anything new, as insomnia was a real bitch- pacing, talking to himself, running ideas and previous encounters, conversations, evidence over in his head. He couldn't sit still, and his heart twisted painfully at the sight of the one he loved.

There was something different about Raito. It wasn't noticeable right away, but L, who knew every inch of that boy, inside and out, could tell easily. His eyes were colder and more malicious, and his smile screamed of a hidden sadism and attraction for blood. He had a dreadful sense that Raito- sweet, kind, brilliant, submissive, Raito- wanted his blood. On his hands, and in his mouth. Dripping over his fingertips and from between his teeth and tongue. Coloring his striking white smile red. Was his blood even red? L didn't know. Scientifically, he knew it was, but in his mind, he knew he had to be something other than completely human.

He blinked, staring at the wet concrete, studiously ignoring the raindrops and tears that fell from his lashes and pitch black eyes respectively. His hands were in his front pockets, and his played with the small chain he always kept in the right one. He looked up, staring at the falling water and dark gray clouds over his head, not blinking when the droplets hit his pale, pale face.

The church bells rang loudly in his ears, echoing, thundering one moment, and damn near silent the next. It didn't bother him as much as it probably should. The bells of church had been ringing the night of his mother's death, and the morning over his sister's. Though, the latter was probably because it had been Sunday morning. They had woken the town of Winchester when his best friend had committed suicide, and then three years later, when he woken from a vivid nightmare, the bells struck midnight the night his brother had first committed a homicide. They had been ringing the day Kira had killed him, too. L knew, at least subconsciously, that this set of bells was for him.

Dimly, he was aware of his beloved calling his name. Then, he corrected himself. That malevolent monster standing under the overhang was not his lover. That was a creature that was twisted, dark, and cruel. He had taken Raito's mind and changed his entire personality, track of mind, and feelings. It wasn't official, but L knew that Kira did not think of him as a boyfriend, or a lover. Raito did, certainly, but not Kira. L had tried, desperately, to think of a way to get Raito back, but with the bells ringing in his ears, he knew he was too late.