This is a legend.

In the Heart of Shizume City, there is a King

Like the Personification of Fire, A King of Otherworldly power.

Violent, Frightening, Beautiful.

Cold and Merciless

Little believes in it,

And few knows if it's true

But All Fears and Admires

The Red King.

~_*The Birth of a King*_~

The bells on top of the door rang and a blond bartender turned from the counter to spy the person who had entered.

"Uhm… excuse me…?" the boy asked cautiously, guard up. A young girl came over to him, looking through a red marble in silence. He stared back rather awkwardly. "H-Hello…" her petite face was blank and still, like that of a living doll he thought, and then she simply walked away.

From the sofa, a young man wearing a black beanie stood up, meeting the girl halfway. He wasn't all that tall, even shorter than him, really, but just a glance at him and anyone would know that this man shouldn't be underestimated.

C-Could this person be the rumoured King? He thought in slight awe.

"Whaddaya want?" he asked in a menacing voice, walking almost nonchalantly towards the newcomer, hands in his pockets.

The boy, looking somewhere in his late teens, gulped as his knees trembling in fear, but he stood his ground, determination flashing through his eyes. "I…I heard about… about the legend of the Red King… I heard you can…can join HOMRA here"

"Heh?" the man grinned, taking a step back. "So you wanna be a Red Clansman do you?" he stated, a smirk on his face as he walked around the guy, inspecting him from head to toe. He turned to the door at the corner. "OY! SARU! GET YOUR ASS DOWN HERE!"

The blond sighed from the bar, calling the newcomer over. "Sorry about him" he mouthed, placing a bottle of sparkling wine in front of him with a wink.

"SO! Newbie, ya think ya got what it takes to be a part of our gang?" Yata turned back to him, feral grin and eyes like crackling flames.

The newbie could feel his entire body shake in intimidation, but he steeled his nerves. He had come here for a reason. "Yes" he said in his most determined voice, even as he stared a wild tiger in the face.

Yata's grin widened. "Then can you take his hand?" he pointed a thumb behind him.

Huh? The boy thought, looking past the man to see another; raven haired and bored.

"What is it Misaki? I was busy you know" the man stated in an annoyed tone, eyes locking on the brunette.

"SHUT UP STUPID MONKEY! AND DON'T CALL ME THAT! Anyways, this kid wants to join the gang" the brunette stated, re-pointing the thumb his direction.

They both turned to him, the raven lethargically. And although he was already intimidated by the shorter of the two, the taller could've sent him to his knees with just that uninterested look of his. He could feel the power surging in waves from the other man, unbelievably frightening and awe-inspiring at the same time like he couldn't believe.

"Heeh?" the man sighed, running a hand through his hair before extending it to him. "Misaki… do I seriously have to do this sort of thing? All the time?"

"Shut up. Of course you do, you're the King you know"

"And who's idea was that anyway? I never asked for the position, not to mention I still work with Scepter 4"

"Shut it. Have you ever heard of 'With Great Power comes Great Responsibility'?"

"Seriously? Mi-sa-ki~?"


"Tch. Fine"

The newcomer couldn't help but sweatdrop at the two's bickering, not quite sure what to make out of it, as he stared at the offered hand cautiously.

"Go on" the man in the beanie stated, looping an arm over the other's shoulders. "Take it. Careful not to get burned though" he grinned again.

The other rolled his eyes.

And the hand was suddenly engulfed in flames.

~_*K – Project*_~

"AAAAH SERIOUSLY Saru! Do you have to be that boring all the time?" Yata Misaki whined from his perch on a bar stool, watching the man next to him work away on his laptop. "All you do is laze about and sleep! Lazy King" he grumbled.

Fushumi Saruhiko ignored him.

From the behind the bar, Kusanagi Izumo chuckled. "You say that Yata-chan, but I'd say Mikoto was worse than this guy when it comes to laziness"

The Crow looked scandalized. "LIES! Mikoto-san was awesome! He's the Best King there'd ever be! WAAAAY better than this sorry excuse for a King!" he barked, pointing a finger at the noirette.

"Yeah yeah, who cares" Fushimi drawled, looking completely uninterested as he swatted the shorter's hand away. He yawned.

Yata twitched. "Why you…."

"Not. In. My. Bar."

They both received a fist to the head.

"Why me too? I didn't do anything…" Fushimi grumbled as Yata whimpered at Kusanagi's menacing aura, both cradling their now sore heads.

Kusanagi smiled, perching his cheek on his hand. After the whole incident with the Strain, things have finally calmed down. And apparently they gained a new King. "Well, if ya ask me, I never woulda' thought Fushimi'd be our King at all" Kusanagi stated, calming down. "Dresden Slate or not"

Yata frowned, awkwardly looking away. "Hmph"

Fushimi eyed him from the side, a grin spreading across his lips as he spied a dusting of red on the other's ears.


This Red King is a little different this time around,

but the Legend remains true.

Would you take his flaming hand?

~_*The End*_~

AAAAAND DONE! XD This is it folks! The official Ending of my first K-PRoject fanfic!

Thanks again to all who stuck with this till the end! Cookies for all! XDDDD