Disclaimer: I don't own the Lost Boys (though I wish I did), but I only own my OC.
Please enjoy! XD
Chapter One: Welcome To Santa Carla!
I unwrapped a sucker and popped it into my mouth, enjoying the salty breeze blowing through my hair. I walked down the boardwalk, taking in all the sights and people. I had thought I would stick out like a sore thumb, but after being down here with everyone else, I found out I blended in pretty well. I brushed my dyed hair out of my face, laughing to myself as some adults threw me dirty looks. They apparently thought my cyan blue hair was horrible and a sign of rebellion. I flipped them off, rolling my eyes at their shocked gasps. What did they think? That I wouldn't act out to their nasty looks? Unbelievable. I shrugged, unzipping my cropped, fitted leather jacket, showing off my tank. I had designed it myself; there was a Day of the Dead skull on the right side. I had made it to look like it had been sprayed painted on.
I was walking by a 'Missing Person' board when I heard someone sniffling. I turned my head and saw a cute little boy standing next to it. He had long, brown hair and doe-like brown eyes. That were currently filled with tears. I looked over his outfit, noticing it was a little dirty. I didn't think much of the dirt, he was a little boy. They were bound to get dirt on everything. I walked up to him, noticing that no one was stopping to help him. Typical, self-obsessed, people. I pulled out a sucker and held it out to him. He stopped his crying and looked at it.
"It doesn't bite, I promise." I said, smiling softly at him. He wiped his eyes and gave a hesitant smile back. He took the sucker, unwrapped it, and quickly popped it in his mouth. His nose scrunched up immediately. I laughed, forgetting that the suckers were a little spicy. "Sorry, should've warned you. They're a little spicy at first," he pulled it out, looked at it, then put it back in. I held out my hand. "What's ya name, little guy?" He stared at my hand. Probably been taught to never talk to strangers. Even ones that were trying to help.
"Laddie," he said, shaking my hand. I grinned, standing up and holding onto his hand. I scanned the crowd for a panicked mother, but found no one.
"Are you lost? Did you lose your parents in the crowd?" He nodded to the first question, but shook his head no at the second. "Okay, you're lost."
"I lost my brothers in the crowd, again." He whined. Normally I hated whining, but he just looked so adorable, so I let it slide.
"Again, huh? They don't sound very responsible if they can't keep an eye on you," he started to laugh. That was good. Meant he wasn't sad anymore. I chuckled, ruffling up his hair a bit. I looked around us, finding an empty bench. I pointed over there, then dragged him over there. That way we could search the crowd for his brothers and I could get to know him. We sat down, sitting close together so no one would bother us. After sitting down, I flopped down so I could lay down while facing him. He gave me a weird look. "I like to lay down. Don't judge me, kid."
"I'm not a kid!" He protested, finishing his sucker. He glowered at the lonely stick, probably wishing he had another. I pulled out one and gave it to him. He had it in his mouth within a second. He smiled.
"If you're not a kid, then what are you?" I asked, humoring him. I loved getting under people's skin. It was so much fun. He rubbed his chin, thinking very hard. I chuckled, grabbing another sucker for me. That's when I remembered I hadn't told him my name. I smacked my forehead, grumbling about my damn stupidity. "Oh yeah, I'm Tabby by the way." He nodded, not really paying attention.
"I'm a vampire!" He said, making a dinosaur pose and roaring. I rolled off the bench I was laughing so hard. It wasn't because I didn't believe him, I just found his pose funny. When I had calmed down and was sitting on the bench, this time Indian style, I smirked at his angry face. "It's not funny! It's the truth," he mumbled that last part under his breath. I nodded, playing along with him. Most kids would've said they were a spy or something, but no, he went the other way.
"You're right, Prince of Darkness. Just, next time, don't make a dinosaur pose again. That was too funny," He crossed his arms, pouting. I ruffled his hair again, getting cries of protest. Laddie glared at me, but when I pulled out another sucker, he dropped the glare in return for sugar. His brothers would probably kill me for getting him on a sugar high, but that's what they get for being bad babysitters. "So, want to look for your brothers? Or do you want to suck my blood?" I mocked his pose, which made HIM laugh loudly. I smirked, liking this kid. He had a great sense of humor, even he was only a little kid.
"Sure! But first, can we go on some rides?"
"Aren't you scared you'll get in trouble with them?" He shook his head furiously. I laughed and stood up. I had originally planned to walk around and stay out of trouble, but now it seems like my plans had changed completely. "Okay, okay. Where first?" He bounced on the bench, excited out of his little mind.
"Well, Paul always takes me on the kiddie rides, Marko likes to scare me, David doesn't really like the rides unless they're are pretty girls, and Dwayne loves the roller coasters." I nodded along, only catching names and rides. I grabbed Laddie and tossed him on my back, that way I wouldn't lose him like his brothers.
"Okay, so no kiddie rides and nothing scary, right?" He nodded. I thought hard, trying to think of rides we could both go on AND enjoy ourselves. Roller coasters seemed like a good idea, but they had a height restriction. I couldn't tell if Laddie was tall enough for most of them. "Let's see, I'm a chick and I like guys, so no worry about me hittin' on girls. Let's find some roller coasters, deal?" He nodded, laughing as I bounced him on my back. We got some looks, but most of them were warm and friendly. Everyone probably though we were brother and sister, just having some fun on a Friday night. I headed towards the carnival area, passing a group of biker dudes who were arguing. I felt Laddie let go of my neck and scramble to get down. "Easy Prince, if you want down so badly just say so." I set him down. He took off running towards the guys, stopped, turned back around, grabbed my hand, and pulled me along. I had to bend down a bit as he ran forward, dodging around people. People made way, laughing along. I just grinned like an idiot, pretending to not care.
"Paul! Marko! David! Dwayne!" Laddie called out. All four heads turned and looked our way. There were three blondes and one brunette. And they all looked dangerous, in a dark kind of way. Lovely. Just my luck to help a kid who had brothers that could kill me without even thinking. Laddie let go of my hand and jumped into the arms of the brunette, giggling as he scolded him.
"Where have ya been, little dude?" One of the blondes asked. He had hair like Twisted Sister and a wicked smile. He looked like a ladies man to me. The smaller blonde had a heart shaped face and a colorful jacket. He was biting his thumb nail, laughing to himself. Most likely the youngest of the four, and probably the playful one. The other blonde had a platinum mullet, wore a leather trench coat, and gave off the vibe that he was dangerous. He was definitely the leader. The brunette screamed 'tall, dark, and mysterious'! I watched as the group talked amongst themselves, giving me the perfect opportunity to walk away. I turned around and linked my hands behind my head, feeling like I had done something right. And also feeling lonely. I guess Laddie grew on me in those short thirty minutes.
"Tabby!" He called out. I turned around, seeing him jog towards me and latching onto my legs.
"Yes, Little Prince?" His nose scrunched up.
"Why am I a little Prince?" I ruffled his hair. He smacked my hand away. I laughed at his angry face.
"Because you're little, that's why. And you won't let me call you kid," I shrugged, ignoring his adorable pout. He crossed his arms and turned away from me. I crouched down and waved a sucker in front of his face. That brightened his mood. He snatched it away from me with lightning speed. "Better, Prince?" He nodded, happily sucking his sucker. He grabbed my hand and pulled me towards his brothers. I stood up after we were about a foot away from them. He held onto my hand, swinging it back and forth.
"This is Tabby, she helped me, and gave me these awesome suckers." I rubbed the back of my neck, not meeting eye contact with any of them. I felt embarrassed, being showed off like this. I was more used to helping people without getting any credit. Compliments made me uncomfortable. "Tabby, these are my brothers." He looked up at me, smiling his cute smile. I couldn't resist it. I had to smile back. Not doing so would make me look like a bitch, and I did not want to be called that.
"Hey," I said, waving slightly. I finally looked up and saw the brunette staring at me. His eyes were a dark brown, almost black. I stared back, not one to back down from a challenge. "Laddie told me a bit about you guys." I said.
"What did he say?" The Twisted Sister look-alike asked. I smirked and jutted out one of my hips.
"Your names, and what rides you guys take him on." I replied, waiting for them to introduce themselves. No one made a move. I sighed and looked up, not wanting to face palm in front of them. "Okay, there's a Paul, Marko, David, and Dwayne. Who's who?" I asked. The small one grabbed other hand and kissed it, acting like a gentleman.
"I'm Marko, nice to meet you Tabby Cat." I groaned at the nickname. It had taken me forever to get rid of it in high school, and now it was back.
"Lovely, the foul nickname is back!" I said over dramatically, slapping my face. The guys roared, they were laughing so hard. Marko clutched his sides, leaning against Twisted Sister. Those two laughed the loudest, and hardest. The other two chuckled to themselves. Well, not everyone was blessed with a great sense of humor, like moi. I shrugged, feeling Laddie digging around in my coat pockets. I scooped him up and threw him on my back. He giggled. I handed him another sucker, which was my last one. "Savor that one, it's my last." He frowned but ate it anyway. I rolled my eyes.
"I'm Paul, the good-looking one," Twister Sister said, stepping up next. My hands were preoccupied with holding Laddie up, so that left him with patting my head. I rolled my eyes, again. When he tried to pat lower, I snapped my teeth at him. "Damn! Feisty!"
"Damn straight." I grumbled. I didn't like guys who got frisky. The brunette was next. He nodded my way.
"Dwayne," was all he said. I nodded back, getting the feeling that he wasn't Mr. Talkative.
"And I'll take a swing and say you're David?" I asked the last one. He chuckled, but nodded. He lit a cigarette, his moves fluid and cat like. Made me jealous. "Okay, now that's done with, I got to go." I said, setting Laddie down. He gave me one of his cute pouts. I sighed heavily and knelt to his level. "Okay, why the sad face?" He turned away, giving me the cold shoulder.
"You said we would go on rides." I chuckled and sat down, crossing my legs and waiting for him to turn back around.
"True, I did say that. And we can still go on some rides, but only if it's okay with your brothers." There. I get to keep my promise, and not kidnap the kid in the process. Laddie clasped his hands together and pretended to beg. The guys looked to one another, probably not sure what to do. David sighed and nodded. Then he held up a finger.
"You can go with her, but we get to follow." I raised an eyebrow at him, wondering what he was getting out. Paul knelt down so he was at eye level with me.
"That's not a problem, is it, kitty kitty?" He chuckled at his own joke, his smirk looking a bit dark. I leaned back on my hands, giving them full view of my shirt.
"Watch it Twisted Sister, this kitty's got claws." I said, my voice dropping to meet his. I didn't take threats all that well, nor did I take peer pressure. If they wanted to tag along, fine, that was their choice. But I wasn't gonna let them ruin my night of fun with Laddie. I pushed off with my hands and jumped to my feet. I dusted myself off and grabbed Laddie's hand. I turned around and we started walking towards a roller coaster. It was one of those that had tons of loops. I looked to Laddie. He bounced up and down, nodding his head. I grabbed a hair tie and threw my hair into a high, messy ponytail. I didn't have to look to know the boys were behind us.
"Just like when you take me on rides, huh Dwayne?" Laddie asked, turning around to address his older brother. Out of all of them, Dwayne was the only one who looked related to Laddie. The others just looked like they were friends of Dwayne's that Laddie thought of as family. We got in line, and I was getting ready to wait, when the guys had another plan. They pushed us to the front of the line, annoying everyone else. Laddie didn't seem to care, like this was normal behavior. I shrugged and just went with it. The guy at the front looked scared as he explained the rules about height.
"I-I'm sorry. But-but he isn't tall enough," I rolled my eyes as David tried to intimidate the poor guy. I walked pass them and stood in front of the guy.
"It's my little Prince's birthday, and I promised him we would go here first." I said, batting my eyes at the guy. "You don't want to make me a liar, do you?" I said, reaching up on my toes to whisper that in his ears. When I pulled back, the guy looked flustered. His face was bright red, and he couldn't form any words. But he was able to nod, letting us pass. I patted his cheek and thanked him, silently laughing as we walked pass him and got in our cars. Laddie and I got one all to ourselves, as the guys couldn't figure out who would ride with us. In the end, Laddie said he wanted Dwayne to ride with us. The other guys mumbled about favorites and something else. I didn't really pay attention.
"Where did you learn to do that?" Laddie looked amazed, like he had just seen someone use superpowers. I chuckled and noticed that the guys were curious as well.
"Simple, I charmed him. Most guys are suckers for a girl batting her eyes at them. Truthfully, I hate having to do that." I looked away, staring off into space. Dwayne's deep voice broke my concentration.
"Why? You seemed pretty good at it." I rolled my eyes, snorting to myself.
"Please, all I did was act like a cheap flirt." Laddie looked sad, which broke my heart. I flicked his nose, chuckling at his expression. "But, it was for a good reason, so I don't mind as much." Thankfully the ride started, ending all conversation. I smiled, laughing with Laddie as we went through the loops and over the hills. The little vampire seemed to be enjoying himself.
When the ride was done and we were all walking towards the next one. I found out the guys were pretty funny when happy, and pretty scary when not. I found this out indirectly. Laddie had wanted some cotton candy, which I obliged him. I had walked over to a nearby stand to get him some, when this group of Surfer Nazis came over. I ignored them, waiting patiently with Laddie. When it was our turn, we walked up only to have one of those idiots shove Laddie. I had caught him in time, turning around to give those guys hell. I guess their leader liked what he saw and sidled up to me. I was disgusted; I could smell the alcohol a mile away. And the sweet smoke of weed. I covered my nose as he grabbed my waist and pulled me close. Laddie started to beat on the guys leg, telling him to let me go. Said surfer lifted his hand to smack Laddie. My eyes widened and I just...moved. I ducked down and replaced Laddie. Let's just say, I lost taste in my mouth for a few minutes.
Laddie had left to get one of the guys, leaving me alone with a bunch of drunk men and a killer pain. I chad clutched my cheek as the guy pulled me to my feet. I didn't taste any blood, yet. The guy got angry when I wouldn't respond to him. He shoved me back and I had landed hard on the ground. I had glared at him, ready to fight, when I felt this dark presence behind me. I turned so I could see, finding Laddie and Dwayne. The other guys were right behind them. Laddie came to my side, asking me if I was fine. I shrugged it off, saying I was all good. I stood up with help from Dwayne and saw the murderous look in his eyes. It was frightening, to say the least.
I moved Laddie behind me, afraid a fight would break out. The Surfer Nazis saw Dwayne and ran off, scared about something. I let out a breath and began to check Laddie, looking for any damage. I sighed in relief when I found none.
"Tabby, you're face," Laddie said, pointing to the cheek that had been hit. He touched it lightly, but it still stung like a bitch. I hissed and pulled my face away. "Sorry!" He said quickly, thinking he had done something wrong.
"Relax little Prince. No harm done. Now, let's get you that cotton candy, 'kay?" He nodded after a few seconds. I smiled and grabbed his hand. I turned around, finding the guys standing very close to me. I titled my head, wondering why.
"You need to have that looked at," David said, gesturing to my cheek. I shrugged, placing my hand on it lightly. It still stung, but I bit back the hiss. Didn't want them to know it hurt.
"Later. First, Laddie gets his cotton candy and another ride." I pushed pass them, heading towards a stand and purchasing him his sugar on a stick. I walked back, gave it to him, and we headed off to the next ride.
Well, what do you think? Please review!