A/n: Okay, so this is the revision. I went back and read the chapters and realized that I really sucked at writing back in September. I'm surprised you guys still read it. Anyway, here's the real thing. And I hope you don't mind that I typed it in Japanese format…Tell me if you do.

Pairings: Yaoi. Yuri. Bakura + Yami, Seto/Jou, Malik/Ryou, Mai + Anzu, implied Yami/Yuugi

Disclaimer: Yeah, the show is just TOTALLY filled with yaoi couples isn't it?

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Bakura gazed longingly out the window of Ryou's room.

"Yami? Are you coming to bed?" came a soft voice from the other side of the room. Bakura turned and stared at his light with emotionless brown eyes. He shook his head.

"I can't sleep." he replied. Ryou looked concernedly at him.

"Daijoubu? [Are you all right?]"

Bakura sighed. "Yes. If you'll please excuse me, I think I'll go for a walk in the park." Ryou nodded, understanding.

"Okay…But make sure you don't get into any trouble!" Bakura rolled his eyes, but nodded all the same.

"G'night, Aibou." He said, patting Ryou's hair shyly before striding out into the dark night."

"Good night, Yami." Ryou whispered.


Bakura sighed and sat down on a stone bench in the park. Lately, he had just been lonely. Okay, so he was used to loneliness. What else do you expect from someone who had been trapped in a Sennen item for three thousand years? But recently…it just seemed like everyone he knew was drifting away from him. Of course, they were only his hikari's friends…but still.

Jou and Seto were together. Everyone had accepted that, though they were still a bit shocked. He had to admit, though, that it was pretty damn amusing to watch the two bicker for two minutes and start making out crazily afterwards.

Yami and Yuugi had always been together…

And Ryou…his sweet, innocent light…was with Malik. Malik, of all people. The group had accepted this as well. Bakura didn't like this. There was nothing wrong with Malik or Mariku, but it just…he was just…

Okay. He was jealous. He hated to admit it, but he was. Not of Ryou or Malik specifically…just jealous of everyone in general. Jealous that everyone seemed to have found their soul mates.

The former thief's thoughts were distracted at the sound of approaching footsteps. Yami appeared from behind the shadows of the bushes.

"What are you doing here?" Bakura asked, angry that his private space had been intruded. Especially by the Pharaoh.

"I should ask you the same question." he replied smugly.

"I came here to think." Bakura answered, crossing his arms.

"Well, I come here every night." Yami shot back crossly. Bakura bit his upper lip. Uhm…yeah…his lips…wait! What the hell am I thinking? Yami mentally slapped himself for thinking such twisted thoughts.

"Fine!" Bakura growled angrily and sat down on the edge of the stone bench. Yami took a seat as far from Bakura as he could. They sat in silence.

Oh joy. Now Mr. I Am So Great is here. Stupid pharaoh. Bakura thought bitterly. Though he does look kind of cute when he's mad…No! I can't fall for him again. Not EVER.


"We can't keep seeing each other secretly!" Yami said, frowning.

"Why not?" Bakura retorted.

"…If somebody finds out…"

"Stop with the foreshadowing! Why must you always be so pessimistic?"

"But what would they say if they found out?"

"Does it matter what other people think?" Bakura practically yelled. The current pharaoh bit his lip and looked at the ground ashamedly.

"It matters to me."

**End Flashback**

Bakura stared at his hands. A small dark red cut ran across his wrist. That was his life long reminder of the time when Yami had given up on him and he had tried to kill himself…

He scooted over on the stone bench until he was sitting right next to the spiky-haired pharaoh. Yami didn't realized at first and when he did, he looked at the former tomb robber and raised an eyebrow.

"I'm…cold." Bakura said. Oh Ra, that was the lamest excuse ever… But he didn't need to fake a shiver. It had been many, _many_ years since he had had the chance to be this close to his supposed enemy. Bakura snuggled tightly next to the former pharaoh. What came as a shock was that Yami didn't shove him off.


Ryou frowned. Something was different with his yami. He had been distancing himself lately…always going for walks… This difference was something that he didn't like. It had only happened recently, he noted. He forced himself to think. What had happened recently that had made Bakura change the way he acted?

Well, Jou and Seto had gotten together…and so had he and Malik…then there was the whole cookie issue…wait!

Malik and me! It must have been! Yami probably fell left out…Ryou's face fell. He didn't like anyone to be left out, since he had experienced enough of that in his childhood. He picked up the phone by his bed and quickly dialed Yuugi's number.

"Hello?" a voice answered, yawning. Ryou hesitated.

"Yuugi? Did I wake you?"

"Uhh…yeah. Is that you, Ryou-kun?"

"Yeah, it's me. Sorry about waking you up."

"It's okay. I'm a light sleeper."

"Yuugi…I need your help. How do you cheer up someone who feels left out?"


Yami said to himself, "Well, it's late. I'd better be going." He stood up, forgetting that Bakura had been leaning against him, currently asleep with an angelic smile on his face. The thief's head hit the stone when the pharaoh stood up, waking him up.

"ITAI!" he screamed into the night. He glared at Yami (or rather his back), who was leaving. Yami didn't see and just kept walking on instead.

It wasn't until much later that he had realized that he and Bakura had been together for half an hour…without tossing insults at each other every second.

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A/n: Okay, I admit. If you've read the original version, this one wasn't much different. For some reason…it seemed shorter. O_o I don't know. Gah. This fic still needs a lot of work…

Review, onegai.