"Four-" Alec breathed hard as he lifted himself. "Hundred." His body relaxed and he let himself fall, wincing slightly when the chain attached to his ankle brace stretched taught and he began to oscillate, hanging upside from the ceiling, about the training room.
"Can you get yourself down from there, or do I need to climb up after you?"
"I'll manage," Alec replied through heavy breathing. He folded himself and reached for the brace around his feet when his abdominal muscles screamed and he fell back with a groan. "Eventually." Drenched with sweat, he looked down to a grinning Jace who was half sitting up, half sprawled on the floor.
"Yell when all the blood gets to your head," Jace said with a laugh before taking out a dagger from his boot and haphazardly threw it dead centre into the target on the far end of the room, next to the door. He smiled proudly and then fished out an apple from his pocket.
The door to the training room burst open and Isabelle flew in dressed in a short, dark maroon camisole dress. Her hair was lightly curled up into a high ponytail. The clicks of her heels against the hard floor coupled with the incredulous look on her face made both men wince inwardly as they presented her with innocent smiles. She stared at them for a second and then threw up her hands in exasperation.
Alec sighed as he continued to swing upside down; he'd forgotten about the gathering his parents were hosting, and as the eldest Lightwood, he was expected to attend.
"Why aren't you both ready yet?" Isabelle asked, eyes darted angrily between Jace, who was still on the floor nonchalantly staring at his apple, and her brother who was swinging by his feet on the ceiling. "And what are you doing up there?" She paused for a moment. "How did you get up there?"
Jace raised his hand and grinned. "I helped."
Izzy made an exasperated sound and turned around, marching to wards the board by the door. Removing one of Jace's daggers, she expertly began to twirl it about her fingers, her eyes locked on Alec.
Alec's eyes widened in realisation and he held up his hands, as if to stop her, though from his position, there was little he could have done. "Izzy, wai-"
Too late. Isabelle flicked her hand with ease all three watched as the dagger sailed smoothly through the air, cutting clean through the chain that held Alec to the ceiling, and embedded itself into the ceiling with a thud.
With a yelp, Alec fell. He twisted his body - hard - and tucked his feet into a double flip, landing gracefully onto the soft mat below with a dull thud. Letting go of the breath he'd been holding, he fell back onto the floor with a sigh.
"Like a cat," Jace laughed amusedly.
Isabelle glared at them both. "Get dressed, please? Now."
Alec did his part without complaint, dutifully following his parents as they snaked around the room. After a few introductions here, a sarcastic laugh there, he was ready to be hung by his feet from the ceiling and have them all go at him like a piñata. With an excuse of getting something to drink, he managed to slip away, picking up a glass of a pale green ale without a second look and made a beeline for the window around the corner that was largely hidden from the crowd.
Leaning his back against the wall, he gingerly took a swig and made a face; Magnus was fond of sweet wines and he'd become used to drinking them on occasion. This, on the other hand, tasted like wet road with a touch of honey. Alec closed his eyes and sighed as he sent a silent prayer up to heaven, hoping he could go the rest of the evening without having to force another smile, or better yet slip away to continue his training; the world seemed a little more bearable upside down.
"Alec? Alec Lightwood?" said a male voice.
Alec opened his eyes to a set of round chocolate brown eyes framed by a full head of curly blonde hair. The boy didn't seem any older that he was, and was dressed in a dark jacket and blue jeans. "Umm, hi." Alec said, straightening himself and thrusting out his hand.
The blonde boy smiled as he shook his hand. "Steven Hardwood, your mother said I'd find you around here," he said.
The name completely unknown to him, Alec smiled warily as his eyes darted back to the main congregation. "I was just…looking for some quiet," he said sheepishly, silently wondering why he was attempting to justify himself to this person.
"So was I," Steven said as he gestured around Alec's quiet corner. "Seems like a good spot."
"It's big enough to share," Alec said with a nod. "I guess I'm not the only one forced to be here.
Steven laughed. "It's like conscription," he said. "My brother's probably prowling around for a hole to hide in, too."
"You're from London, aren't you?" Alec asked, noticing the accent for the first time. He leaned back and slid down the wall to a crouch.
Steven sat down beside Alec and grinned. "We live near the Institute in London. Quite the way to go just for a party, isn't it?"
Alec nodded.
"Father says that in these perilous times, one must be seen well and often in the hopes that someone would notice if you go missing," Steven said in a heavy english accent, which Alec thought was likely in imitation. "It's inconvenient," he said, his voice returning to normal. "But at least the company isn't bad."
Alec laughed dryly as his eyes followed the veins in the marble stone floor. "I'm not very good company, trust me." Wondering if Steven would stay or leave, he almost jumped out of his skin when he felt Steven's hand squeezing his upper arm.
"You're not that bad," Steven replied. "I had a date once that literally turned into a rock."
His eyes remained fixed on the contact, a sense of conflict churning within him for reasons he didn't know - it wasn't the first time someone had touched his arm. "Uh, thanks," he stammered. He looked at Steven who was smiling back at him and he found himself staring back. Steven wasn't as stunningly attractive as Magnus, but he was handsome with his curly sandy blonde hair, and he was, for lack of a better word, comfortable.
Sensing a little apprehension in Alec, Steven's smile faltered. "Are you okay?"
Alec was still staring, a stream of thoughts running through his mind at once that he felt completely blank. He was aware of the hand still lingering on his arm and it gave him goosebumps. Mentally shaking himself, he moved his arm away and stared at the floor. "I'm…fine."
"You're gay, aren't you?"
"Wha-" Alec's eyes widened in alarm as he turned to Steven, who had turned a shade of green.
"I-I'm sorry, that kind of just came out," Steven stammered in embarrassment. "You were staring at me and I kind of thought.."
Alec shook his head leaned back to stare at the sword that hung perilously above him. "It's okay. I should be used to it by now."
"No." Steven's hand was on Alec's shoulder for a second before he pulled it away. "Sorry," he said sheepishly. "I'm alright with it. Actually it's kind of flattering having a gay bloke be into you. Makes you feel like a sex symbol - like George Clooney. It's fun."
Alec blinked twice. "Who?"
"Sorry," Steven replied sheepishly. "I like to watch bad mundane movies."
"And I never said I was into you," Alec pointed out.
Steven shrugged. "Still, don't spoil my fun - it's the most I've had all night," he quipped, and Alec genuinely laughed.
As they began to talk, Alec found himself beginning to relax and even found Steven to be comfortable - he felt like he could be himself around Steven, a little like he did when he was with Isabelle and Magnus. He didn't even feel that way around Jace. He relished this newfound ease. Steven, he found, was the younger of two boys, had a passion for mundane pop music and was proficient in his use of twin daggers, which he kept on his person at all times.
They had laughed and shared stories of their demon-hunting exploits when the sound of footsteps made Alec turn his head. The ease and comfort of his evening melted away into anxiety as his body tensed. Green-gold cat-like eyes peered down at him, all Alec could do was stare blankly back at the tall figure towering over him that was Magnus Bane.
"May I have a word," Magnus asked, his voice kind. He looked at Steven for a moment as Alec scrambled to his feet, and then smiled. "If you'd excuse us."
Mentally shaking himself, Alec apologised briefly to Steven and made his way through the crowd, knowing Magnus was on his tail, and out through double doors into the empty hallway. Hearing the door close behind him, he kept walking, turning right to climb a set of stairs and then stopped. He turned to face Magnus, who kept his distance, and was staring right back at him. Dressed in a well tailored grey suit and a bright purple scarf around his neck, Magnus, at least to him, didn't look well; there were dark circles under his eyes and there was something intangible he couldn't put his finger on - Magnus looked tired.
"Who was that?" Magnus asked. His voice betrayed no emotions but Alec couldn't help but pretend that it was out of jealousy.
"Steven," Alec replied brusquely. "He's visiting from London."
"You're angry with me." Magnus was blunt as his eyes softened.
I wish I was angry at you, Alec thought. He ought to have been after the emotional turmoil Magnus had put him through, but the worst thing was that he wasn't, no matter how much easier it would have been. Alec took a deep breath and lied: "Yes-" was all he could get out before he found himself pinned to the wall in between two suit of armours. Magnus was kissing him - hard, and he froze for a second before, as if someone had flicked a switch within him, he found himself kissing the warlock back with fervour. He let himself go, releasing the pent up emotion he'd learned to ignore for so long - like opening flood gates he knew he wouldn't be able to close again. He heard himself groan loudly and shoved Magnus back with his hands, pinning the slightly taller man against the far wall and then kissed him, almost angrily, his fingers grabbing a fistful of Magnus' shirt. Magnus groaned low in his throat and Alec felt like he'd won the battle.
As their hands roamed each other's body, Alec ignored the small voice in his mind that told him that this was wrong - that he deserved to be treated better, with respect and the rest of the nonsense that Isabelle had prattled on about. Sure, she had been talking about Simon, but he felt entitled. You're better than this, he told himself, over and over, and then Magnus pulled him close and his brain cleared the slate.
He didn't know how long they stood together on the landing, but eventually the small voice won out and he found himself pushing Magnus away. Alec took in Magnus' flush face and swollen lips and resisted the animalistic urge to pin him back against the wall. He closed his eyes and took a deep breath. He looked at Magnus, who took a step towards him, and he took an equal step back. "I can't," he whispered.
"I can't go through this again, Magnus," Alec replied and he turned around, bounding down the stairs two at a time, down the hallway to the main entrance. He closed his eyes as he pushed the doors open and stepped out into the brisk night air, the memory of Magnus' face as he turned away seared in his memory; a look of crushed sorrow that he'd never seen on Magnus' face. Worse was the tiniest part of him that relished the pain he had inflicted. With guilt on his conscience, he began to walk.
From the second-floor window, Magnus watched, a hand steadily against his pounding chest, as Alec passed the iron gates and into the city.
A/N: Thanks for reading. Whether you loved it or hated it, please leave a review and let me know.