Well, name explains a lot no? It will be a Genderbender remake of Wreck-It Rhonda but with the twist of the ages of the characters. All the main characters will be teens (except for the Sugar Rush races, who will keep their ages of nine, and King Candy who still seems so old like ever). I don't know the age the characters really are so I will not take it by consideration, so Ralph will be nineteen, Felix and Turbo eighteen (with Turbo a little older than Felix) and Tamora will be seventeen (elenven months younger than Felix). I also will not change Turbo to genderbender form, don't ask me why. And I will also have the twist of two new Sugar Rush racers, based on the characters of Lily Von Schweetz's series, that will be glitches too. So, enjoy it. I have to admite Citrusella Flugpucker II wrote this chapter to me so, thanks to her.

I own nothing, just the genderbent names. Rest belongs to Disney and the changes on the script to Citrusella.

Wreck-It Rhonda Teen

Chapter 1: Bad-Anon Meeting

"My name's Rhonda, and I'm a bad guy. Uh, let's see... I'm nine feet tall, I weigh six hundred and forty three pounds, I know it sounds a little exagerated to a nineteen years girl but this is me. Got a bit of a temper on me. My passion level's very near the surface, I guess, not gonna lie. Anyhoo, what else, uh... I'm a wrecker. I wreck things, professionally. I mean, I'm very good at what I do. Probably the best I know. And probably the youngest I know too. Thing is, fixing's the name of the game. Literally. Fix-It Phoenix Jr. So yeah, naturally, the girl with the name Fix-It Phoenix is the good guy. She's nice enough as good guys go. Definitely fixes stuff really well, principaly for a girl with her age. But, uh, if you got a magic hammer from your mother, how hard can it be? If she was a regular carpenter girl, I guarantee you, she wouldn't be able to fix the damage that I do as quickly. When Phoenix does a good job she gets a medal. But, are there medals for wrecking stuff really well? To that, I say, ha! And no, there aren't. For thirty years I have been doing this, and I have seen a lot of other games come and go, how sad. Think about those guys at Asteroids? Boom, gone. Centipede? Who knows where that guy is, you know? Look, a steady arcade gig is nothing to sneeze at, I'm very lucky. It's just, I gotta say, it becomes kinda hard to love your job... when no one else seems to like you for doing it. I dunno, maybe I wouldn't be feeling this way if things were different after work. But as it is, Phoenix and the Nicelanders go hang out in their homes, which she just fixed. And I just go to mine that actually is in the dump. You might call it a lonely cesspit of despair on the outskirts of humanity... which would be accurate. But I call it home. I guess I can't bellyache too much; I got my bricks. I got my stump. It looks uncomfortable, but it's actually fine. I'm good. But... if I'm really honest with myself, I see Phoenix up there, getting pies, everyone thanking her... And sometimes I think... It must be nice being the good guy."

The other Bad-Anon members applauded her.

"Nice share, Rhonda. We've all felt what you're feeling and we've come to terms with it." Said Cynd, the orang ghost from Pac-Girl.

"Really?" The girl aske hopefull.

"I'm Zangief, I'm bad guy." Another member pronnounced herself.

"Hi Zangief." The others greeted.

"I relate to you, Rhonda. When I hit bottom, I was crushing girl's skull like sparrow's egg, between by thighs... and I think, why you have to be so bad, Zangief? Why can't you be more like good guy? Then I have moment of clarity... if Zangief is good guy, who will crush girl's skull like sparrow's eggs between thighs? And I say, Zangief you are bad guy, but this does not mean you are bad guy."

The others agreed.

"Right... I'm sorry, you lost me there." Rhonda replied, she had came there hoping to get a help, but she was still more confused now.

"Zombie! Bad guy!"

"Hi Zombie."

"Zangief saying labels not make you happy. Good, bad, nggghhhh... you must love you."

"Yeah!" Performs a Heart-rip Fatality on Zombie. "Inside here!"

"Okay. I gotcha. Watch out; it's dripping." Replied Rhonda a little nervous.

"Question, Rhonda. We've been asking you to Bad-Anon for years now, and tonight you finally show up. Why is that?" Cynd asked her.

"I dunno, I just felt like coming. I mean, I suppose it has something to do with the fact that uh... well, today's the 30th anniversary of my game." Rhonda replied with a shy smile. She just not wanted pass another aniversary alone home or sat down alone on a corn in Tipper's.

"Happy anniversary, Rhonda."

"Thanks Satan."

"Uh, it's 'Saitine'."

"Got it. But here's the thing... I don't wanna be the bad guy anymore." She finally let that out.

The other Bad-Anon members gasped in shock.

"You can't mess with the program, Rhonda!"

"You're not going Turbo, are you?"

"Turbo?" Oh, why they had to bring that subject up? She don't wanted to talk about Turbo, but she had to give them a reply. "No, I'm not going Turbo! Common guys! Is it "Turbo" to want a friend? Or a medal? Or a piece of pie every once and awhile? Is it "Turbo" to want more out of life?"

"Rhonda, Rhonda, we get it. But we can't change who we are. I know it's harder to someone with your age, but the sooner you accept that, the better off your game and your life will be."

"Hey, one game at a time, Rhonda."

The girl sighed. That haven't really helped. She should have guessed adults wouldn't understand, but no one could say she hadn't tried.

"Now let's close out the with Bad Guy affirmation." Cynd called.

Everyone hold hands, technicaly in some cases. and repeated:

"I'm bad, and that's good. I will never be good, and that's not bad. There's no one I'd rather be then me."

Rhonda keep silently, maybe that wasn't the best idea she had, but she had at least done something.

"Okay gang, see you next week."

The bad guys break the circle. Satan put a supportive hand on Rhonda's back.

"Hang in there, Rhonda."

Rhonda was leaving Pac-Girl with the others, but she stopped in the door. Pac-Girl had ever fresh fruits, what hunger teen could resist? She walked back, took two cherries and catches up with the others. The bad guys climbed onto a train car and shove off down the tracks. Rhonda sat on the back with the cherries.

The train pass through the power cord of the Pac-Gil game to the power strip to finally stop. The characters hop off the cart and make their way into Game Central Station.

Citrusella: Well I have to admite I lost some lines in my part, but it haven't to be exactly like the movie, right? Bt I did my best to keep it closer of the original as I could. I'm totally sure I missed things, but if Luna said if it was her she would do a worst job, I think it's good enough. Please, review, I would apreciate it so much.