Before reading this, I suggest that you have a look at my account page for the main message.

This message is for those that were wanting a more in-depth reasoning as to why I've decided to rewrite this story.

When I first started this story, I was influenced by The Infamous Man's Fate/Zero Sense (which I partially acknowledged in Chapter 3), but beyond that, I had made this story as a sort of companion piece for 'Otra Ves' (in fact an idea I had was to specifically reference 'Otra Ves' in the Carnival Phantasm-esque series based around 'Return to Zero'), and had written major plot elements around some of the background stuff for 'Otra Ves'. So, with my decision to rewrite 'Otra Ves' those plot elements needed to be changed, and thus so did some of the characters in 'Return to Zero'.

Along with that was the fact that I had set a few things up for the sequel to 'Return to Zero' which would've included Ryuma from One Piece as a Servant; so much so that I already had a planned character sheet for him, Servant stats, abilities, Nobble Phantasms, the whole nine yards. Buuuuut then I stumble across the series 'This Bites!' by Xomniac, and he, and the rest of the Cross-Brain, completely revamp Ryuma into something way beyond what I had planned (and fair warning, my Ryuma was tooled to be a monster), which effectively made it damn near impossible to do the character justice without it appearing like I was trying to one-up the Cross-Brain…

Add to that, Type-Moon also released even more Fate/Stay Night side material (such as doing more with Fate/strange fake, showing off more Waver stuff in El-Melloi II Case Files, and even releasing other Fate works such as Labyrinth and Grand Order), which made me take a hard look at the Servant's I'd written up, and forced me to acknowledge my own shortcomings in writing them up. (For one, too many Personal Skills and Noble Phantasms, seriously needed to rework those)

So with AAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL of that, what I was left with was a gutted mess of a story, that needed to be remade from scratch if I wanted to continue it; and since I was doing so with 'Otra Ves' anyway, may as well do it for 'Return to Zero' as well.