Hello guys! Spark n' Jetz here with When the world falls down, Netherarian world, sequel to when the world falls down. Due to my dear friends not telling xyz and dirt blockz, I will begin! But first off, some notices.

I may make these chapters somewhat longer, so hopefully you'll be able to enjoy more of it. I'm sorry if the last chapter of when the world falls down seemed too rushed and confusing. I'm really sorry, I think I was just wanting to finish, so I rushed it a bit. Sorry!

Second of all, this will have to do with minecraft much more than the last one, as I received a few complaints about that. Besides the first sentence of when the world falls down book one, there's no real reference until chapter….15, was it? Something like that.

Yet another notice is that author's note may be longer, and I will still do character questions. I will also accept OC's, as I have plenty of space for them.


With that, I think we can begin.

Kevin 'candle' Lackstin, and Derrick were both pretty optimistic, but after a while, we walked in silence. All I could dwell was the…..monsters. In this world. They were so...strange. Like the zombies at Ikea. The concept, it was new. Well of course it was new. Monsters from another world technically. Technically. We were generally following the direction of the withers. While we were walking, Derrick starts telling me all about the mobs, I listen as the information may be invaluable during later fights.

Here's the basics that I know so far, and that they have recorded and nicknamed:

Big flying jellyfish are ghasts. Strangely blocky, they will shoot fireballs at you. I presumed they learned that the hard way. bullet immunity: Not very much. Rocket launchers are useful, but an occasional burst from your gun is enough to make a high-pitched scream, and a retreat. Ghasts are seen sometimes in groups, where you have to be wary. If you have something as simple as a pistol, shoot the tentacles or eyes.

Zombie pigmen: These are strange creatures. They look literally half zombie, half pig. They will wander aimlessly, and as long as you don't attack them, they will stay peaceful. If you attack one, it is suggested there are tribes, and any zombie pigmen near will attack you. Bullet immunity: Almost zero. They fall easily, but you are usually overwhelmed by the sheer numbers. They are fairly fast, wielding with golden swords. Weird.

Blazes: Their name suggests their personality. Hot and fiery, they were what I encountered back where the portal was. They were encountered at the nether fortress before we took over. They shoot fireballs too, but at a faster rate, but smaller. Dangerous in groups, alone, and pretty much everywhere. Best avoided. Bullet immunity: Hard to beat. Unless you hit the face, which is always floating and dodging your attacks, the bullets will always go through, or be hit by the golden shimmering energy encircling it, deflecting it.

Magma cubes: Literally cubes of magma and a….face? Anyway, we aren't sure how to beat them, since all bullets are just absorbed. Best to stay away.

Wither skeletons: Pretty obvious. Grey eight feet skeletons, with stone swords. They usually are in groups, and are powerful. Watch out. Will usually flinch, but it takes quite an amount to take one out. I learned that it's quite fun to use something called a 'nether bomb' as Candle calls it. He did some weird potion combination using gunpowder, the newfound 'nether wart' which is an evil looking mushroom, and something called 'nether quartz', creating some kind of powerful explosive. Weird if you ask me, but he tells me it's helpful in….situations. Also, it is told to me that when killing a whither skeleton, you get something called the 'whither effect' (using quote on quote a lot) which causes sickness, headaches, and general nausea.

Anyway, after he told me, I started to feel sick. The whither skeletons. How many could they have...killed? Derrick assures me that it's okay, but who knows. Candle doesn't help, muttering things underneath his breath about the fiery hell, and how it was watching us. It. Candle seemed like an okay guy, but he seemed a bit...off. Not crazy. But the muttering creeped me out.

"Hey, you okay?"Derrick asked.

"Yeah….."I say trailing off.

"For the last time, they're okay!"He says, smiling. But even his smile is sad.

We'll probably die here. Hell. The heat radiates around me, and I'm surprised that I've adapted to it already. We're all sweating, but we have to deal. We're lucky that water doesn't evaporate. We have a little container, which keeps the water safe. Occasionally, we'll find red and white mushrooms, and regular brown mushrooms, which is surprising, as I didn't think it could live here. But the mushroom with closer inspection is actually tinted red, sucking nutrients from the netherrack sand. We would collect them and make soup with them, but by the first day, I was sick of it. It was worse than MRE's in the army.

But my mind keeps coming back to the community. And her. I wondered where Beatrix was. Was she okay? I couldn't decide whether I had a six sense that alerted me when someone died or not.

I sighed. "I can't stop thinking about her-them,"I say, catching myself.

Derrick raises his eyebrow. "So, you have a special someone?"he asks. I look down, blushing, but then, what was so wrong? I wasn't ten, I was freaking 22.

"Yeah. She was with 'them' when it happened,"I say reluctantly. He nods thoughtfully.

"Well, when we find them, it'll be double as good, aye?"he says, and shoves me a bit. For a man in his fifties, he wasn't that bad, not that I didn't like 'em or something, I just didn't think he would be so chummy. I was still trying to decide what age Candle was. I wasn't sure. Maybe 20?

And then I saw something terrible. Cracked stone swords, and dust. Candle picks some up, and observes the sword.

"A struggle." He states.

"And?"Derrick says. I was guessing Candle had some experience, and Candle started muttering.

"Little louder?"Derrick said. Candle glares at him.

"There was a struggle. They managed to take down, with the evidence of the dust and the sword, undoubtedly wielded by a whither skeleton. Can't be sure, but the sword looks like it's rested in the netherrack for about 2 days. I sigh.

"So…."Derrick says. He gets another glare.

"So, yes, we need to keep going."

Candle starts walking at a rather quick pace, and Derrick turns at me and shrugs.

"Cut him some slack man,"I say.

"Kay," he says, but I don't know whether he really cares. Seeing evidence of struggle brings one and one only question pops into my head. Where were they?

Beatrix's P.O.V.

I stumble along. The hot wind rushing at my face. I don't struggle or yell, or sob. I just want to live normally again. With him. With Devon. A single tear drops onto the netherrack, which instantly absorbs it. I shake my head. With my vision hazy. I keep walking. Keep walking...