Chapter 10

Sorry this chapter took so long but I've been working on a new story. I am also looking for a BETA If anyone's interested just pm me

Ok so here's something that you may not understand for all my readers and that one annoying guest reviewer. For one I could have had them have an all out war and them kill the volturi at the ball, but it would have rushed everything. Two if they where busy fighting where would that leave their mates? I don't think the hunters would put their mates in danger, the volturi unlike any other vampires they have fought are different. These vampires have powers, and I had Aro walk in there just to show that they are not as guarded and protected as they think. That he can strike whenever he want, Aro is modest so he kindly went and told them that he plans on starting a war. Aro in return knows what the hunters are capable of so he's being smart about it as is the hunters. The hunters want to strategize and figure out what type of artillery Aro has, he has something on his side that allowed them to break the force field and disrupt the ball so what could it possibly be.

Today was the day of the Hunters ball, I was extremely nervous. I was already dressed and making my way over to Bonnie's. Alice was already there, she and Bonnie decided that it would be best if they got dressed together. Deciding against my motorcycle, I took Alice's car that she left at my house from the night before. She refused to let me ride my bike fearing that I would mess up my suit.

I pulled up to Bonnie's drive way parking the car, Bonnie would be teleporting us to the ball because it was in a different realm. I parked and made my way to the door. Before I could knock Bonnie was there holding the door open.

"Where is she." I asked with a smile. Alice glided into view.

"So do you like." She asked.

"I know you looked good in it the first time, but you look even better in it this time." She had her hair styled just the way I liked. In a nice neat bowl hair style,she had little make up on. She decided to put on her diamond necklace along with the bracelet. Bonnie looked nice as well she had on a green dress and her hair in a nice up do that I know Alice did.

"You look so handsome in your suit Bella, and it fits your body perfectly. I do plan on taking it off later on." She said whispering the last part in my ear.

"Only if you promise to keep your heels on."

"Then you got your self a deal."

"So are you guys ready to go." Bonnie asked.

"Lead the way." I said. Bonnie went to a blank wall and with a piece of chalk she drew an out line of a vertical rectangle, then she mumbled a couple of words and the rectangle began to illuminate light.

"The ball is right through that portal." Bonnie said. I looked over at Alice and she had a worried look on her face.

"Alice everything will be ok, there's nothing to worry about." I said as I grabbed her hand and gave it a reassuring squeeze.

"Ok let's do this." Alice said.

Bonnie went through the portal first, disappearing instantly.

"Ok let's do this." Alice said with a slight quiver in her voice.

With her hand in mine I her lead her to the portal. I stepped in pulling Alice along with me. Seconds later we where met with a huge ball room with tables covering the floor, there where huge chandeliers hanging from the ceiling. To the right of the room there was a huge table where the council members where seated. You could tell they where part of the council, they wore this armor and carried they swords.

"It's so beautiful." Alice stated.

"It's is, would you like a drink, they have some good elk here." I said to Alice.

" I would love that. It's been a while since I've had elk." I walked over to the caterer and grabbed a glass of elk for Alice. When I walked back I notice a guy was talking to Alice, I knew who it was instantly.

"Demetri I see you've met my girlfriend." Using the word mate was too formal.

"I didn't know she was your girlfriend." He said with a sickening smirk."she is very beautiful."

"Why thank you." Alice said nicely, Demetri was a typical cocky guy, he was an ok hunter. Girls fell for his whole tall dark and handsome thing. He was a total idiot if you asked me.

"Demetri if you would excuse us, I would like to introduce my GIRLFRIEND to some people that actually matter." I said while handing Alice the glass, I wrapped my arm loosely around her waist and ushered her to some people I knew.

"Ashley." I called out." Long time no see." Ashley was one of my fellow hunters and closest friends. She had this brown Curley hair and was short and petite like Alice. She had these deep brown eyes that the guys loved so much.

"Bella. I thought you would never get here. And this must be the famous Alice that you talk about every time we talk on the phone." Ashley said extending her hand out to Alice." It's a pleasure to finally meet you."

"Same to you." Alice said politely.

"I hope Bella's treating you right, if not you can always call me I'll give her a good talking to." Ashley said playfully.

"Please don't tell her that." I said with a laugh."she might call you if I refuse to go on one of her many shopping trips."

"Your suppose to go. Who else will carry my bags for me."

"Alice your more than capable of carrying your own bags."

"The two of you are total love birds." Ashley stated.

"Where's Finnick?." Finnick was Ashely's mate and also a werewolf.

"He's around here somewhere." Him and Ashley where complete opposites, but they adored each other.

More and more guest began to arrive at the ball, and I introduced Alice to many of the people I knew. Alice became more comfortable, she laughed and joked with the other hunters mates and she even made plans to go on shopping trips with them.

"Alice is surely a keeper." A deep voice said from behind me.

"Maximus, I figured you would make your way from the council stand." Maximus was my mentor and the youngest council member ever. He was tall with shoulder length blonde hair. He resembled thor in many ways.

"Yea you know them old farts will try and bore me to death with their politics and things of that sorts."

"Max your one of them yourself." I said nudging his side.

"Oh please 29 is not that old." He said scoffing at my comment.

"Did you tell them of Alice's vision." I asked quickly.

"Yes I did, and it's well taken care of, there's no need to worry. Aro wouldn't be foolish enough to send his finest to a hunters ball."

"Ah Isabella I've been hopping to see you."

"Michael." He's always made it rough for me during my training, it's like he had it out for me.

"So your an accomplished hunter now. How does it feel." He asked.

"No different than before."

"Isabella I've always know you would be an excellent hunter. Who knows, maybe one day you to will join the council." As if, I love hunting to much to trade it on for that.

"Who knows." I said." Maximus I'll see you later, if you will excuse me I think my date would love to dance."

I walked over to where Alice was and gently grabbed her hand leading her to the dance floor.

"I had a vision of you doing this."

"I figured you would. May I have this dance my lady?"

"Of course you can." As Alice and I danced other couples began to join in. I honestly never was the type to do such a thing. But with Alice it's different, she makes me all mushy." Seconds later Alice went limp in my arms. I don't know what happened next, all I know was that there was a huge hole blown into the wall. I quickly swooped Alice up into my arms and held her close. "The V-vultori." She said in a whisper. I quickly ran with her in my arms and grabbed her some blood. Sometimes when her visions are strong they drain her. She quickly gulped down the blood regaining her strength a little bit.

All of this took less than a minute for me, so when I finally looked up there was a group of black hooded figures that made their way into the ball. They approached the hunters table, with the one in the middle taking off his hood.

"Aro you have some nerve showing up in a room full of hunters. Do you want to lose your life." Michael said.

"See there Michael that won't happen. I'm here just to declare war, I just wanted to let you know in person."

"Is this a joke." Maxmius said.

"No I'm not trying to be funny." Aro said plainly. "Sorry for interrupting your little party, I'll let you all get back to it." Aro said turning around while the rest of the hooded figures paved a way for him. Once Aro reached the front they all glided out.

"Are you fucking kidding me." I herd Bonnie hiss."how did they manage to get here? Something isn't right."

"Something isn't, do you think they have a dark witch working with them."

"I hope not bells, because then we would have a huge problem on our hands."

"Attention everyone I declare that we end this ball. We have to have a meeting to discuss everything that has went on. So all of the hunters I will need you to escort you mates home and arrive back within the hour." Michael said.

"Alice I have to get you home. I think I can teleport us back if I concentrate good enough."

"Is there really going to be a war." Alice asked with a worried look in her eyes.

"I believe so, but you have nothing to worry about. Now hold on tight I'm about to teleport now." I concentrated as best as I can. I envisioned Alice's room, in the blink of an eye we we're standing in the middle of Alice's room.

"What the! Where the hell did you come from." Emmett yelled.

"She can teleport you doofus." Alice said while smacking him in the head."and what did I tell you about being in my room?"

"I'm sorry but I needed that stupid DVD that you told rose about. Now I have to sit and watch the notebook with her." Emmett said huffing.

"Em it will all be worth it in the end." I said smirking at him.

"Don't encourage him Bells." Alice said hitting me in the arm.

"I'm just saying."

"Ok I'll leave you two to it then." Emmett said dashing out.

"Are you gonna be ok going back." Alice asked me.

"Yes I'll be fine, don't worry about it. As soon as I'm done there I'll come back ok?" I said as I looked in her eyes.

"Ok and please be careful. I don't know what I would do if anything where to happen to you."

"Baby you don't have to worry, have you forgotten what I am capable of."

"I know but I still worry."

"Don't ok, I'll be back before you know it." I said as captured her lips. Before she could even open her eyes I teleported out. I quickly put on my. Armor and grabbed my diamond blade. My armor consisted diamond coated body armor that was spell bound making it unbreakable. It was light weight so it was very easy to move in. After making sure I had everything that I needed I closed my eyes and began to focus on the place I needed to be. It might of took a moment but I finally teleported to the room that was now set up with a long table that was face against the elders. One by one the we all took our seats, by the way it looks this was going to be a long night.