Title: New Chapter

By: Bleeding Destruction

Began: Date Unknown (EDITED: October 22, 2013)

Summary:So, with the help of Toothless, I struggle to the open the door on a new chapter of my life.

Warnings: None that I've noticed.

Author's Notes: (Date Unknown) Just a little drabble about Hiccup's feelings when he discovered the loss of his foot.

(Edit: October 22, 2013) This was originally on my old account, The Almighty Authoress. I've moved it over to this account because I am deleting all my old stories and editing them. Feel free to review if you enjoyed.


I'm awake. Toothless is in my house. I already know something's wrong, and I have a feeling this is not it. As I start to get out of bed, I realize exactly what's wrong. I throw back my blanket and see…


I knew when I went to rescue Toothless, my father, and the others with him, I probably wouldn't come back unscathed. But I was willing to make the sacrifice, if only to lift the guilt I felt for having gotten Toothless into this mess.

And this… this was the price.

My life was changed. But then again, I was pretty sure I was dead. So, with the help of Toothless, I struggle to the door.

And open the door on a new chapter of my life.