Thanks to the three who reviewed! This is the final chapter!


Remaining Contestants: Sushie and Goombario.

Eliminated Contestants: Mario, Bowser Jr, Goombella, Lakilulu, Wendy, Waluigi, Bowser, Rosalina, Donkey Kong, Lakilester, Watt, Bobbery, Birdo, Wario, Princess Peach, Boo, Vivian Princess Daisy and Flurrie.


Last Time On Who Wants To Be A Superstar?...



"Bobbery...Peach...what's going on!?" Sushie gasped.


"I am...completely shocked." Flurrie said.

"Me too! I've only been eliminated for four days!" Daisy cried.


"Sushie and Goombario...I never expected it. Good luck to both of you." Birdo smiled.


"It's...a Pokemon Contest!" Toad cheered.


The contestants all sat in rows of chairs, along with the audience. Sushie and Goombario stood to the sides of the arena.

"Are you ready?" Toad asked them.

"Definitely." Sushie nodded.

"I guess so..." Goombario said nervously.

"...START!" Toad announced.


Sushie: 90 Points.

Goombario: 55 Points.

The audience gasped, looking at Goombario's points. The goomba gritted his teeth. What could he do?


"Welcome back to the finale of Who Wants To Be A Superstar!?" Toad and Toadette cheered. "And either Sushie or Goombario is going to be that superstar."

"Come on, Goombario! You can do it!" Vivian cried.

"I don't want any of them to win. I should be there right now." Daisy sulked.

"Grow up, Daisy." Wendy rolled her eyes. "How do you think I feel? I was eliminated fifth!"

"Yeah, but you suck." Daisy laughed.

"Whatever!" Wendy folded her arms.

On the battlefield, Goombario was not doing so well. Magikarp and Pichu were struggling to stand up, while Mamoswine and Togekiss got ready to attack, laughing.

"Please, Magikarp and Pichu! Please!" Goombario cried.

"This is too easy! I almost feel sorry for you...almost! Now Mamoswine, use Takedown on Magikarp, and Togekiss, use Aura Sphere on Pichu!"

Mamoswine charged towards Magikarp. The fish tried to get out of the way but it was too late and Mamoswine smashed into it, making it smash into the wall.

"Magikarp! No!" Goombario cried.

Goombario: 50 Points.

Unfortunately, he forget that Togekiss was gathering up the energy for its powerful Aura Sphere.


"What? Oh no!" Goombario turned around but it was too late.

Togekiss released the Aura Sphere and it spiralled towards Pichu, blasting him into the wall.

Goombario: 45 Points.

Sushie: 90 Points.

Time Remaining: 3:30 Minutes.

"Please get up!" Goombario watched as the smoke cleared and the two beaten up Pokemon ran back into the arena.

Goombario dropped to his knees. Mamoswine and Togekiss were too powerful...Magikarp and Pichu couldn't deal with it. He squeezed his eyes shut.

I've made it so far...And now I'm going to lose...

Time Remaining: 3:00 Minutes.

"Mamoswine and Togekiss, repeat the same move!" Sushie laughed.

Sushie's Pokemon used the same move on Magikarp and Pichu and they screamed in pain.

"NO!" Goombario screamed.

Goombario: 35 Points.

Sushie: 90 Points.

Time Remaining: 2:30.

Goombario looked up at his points and the time.

"It's too late...I'm done for..." He whispered.

"Karp! Karp!"

"Chu! Chu! Pichu!"

"Hm?" Goombario looked up to see Magikarp and Pichu smiling at him.

Goombario nodded.

"You're right. I can't give up." Goombario smiled.

"Mamoswine, Takedown!" Sushie cried.

Mamoswine charged towards Magikarp and Pichu.

"If this move hits, I'm finished. And I'm not going to let that happen. Let's do this!" Goombario roared. "Magikarp, Pichu, dodge!"

"Karp!" Magikarp hopped out of the way.

"Chu!" Pichu also jumped out of the way.

"Wow...impressive. But it's not good enough. Togekiss, use Aura Sphere on Pichu!" Sushie cried.

"Oh no...what can he do?" Lakilulu gasped.

"He's done for...I can't look!" DK covered his eyes.

"Wait...why is he smiling?" Bowser asked, confused.

Everybody else looked at Goombario and sure enough, he was grinning. Toad and Toadette looked on in confusion. Togekiss gathered up the energy and released a huge aura sphere. Pichu gasped.

"Magikarp, run in front of Pichu and use Splash!" Goombario ordered.

"What is Goombario doing!? That could take down both of them!" Toadette cried.

Magikarp smirked and ran in front of Pichu, using Splash. A shield of water covered both of them and the audience gasped.

Sushie: 85 Points.

The aura sphere hit into the water shield.

"Magikarp, press against it!" Goombario yelled.

Magikarp used all of his strength to press against the shield of water. Suddenly the aura sphere bounced off the shield and spiralled towards Togekiss. It hit into the Pokemon and it smashed into the wall.

"Friendly fire!" Sushie gasped.

Sushie: 80 Points.

Goombario: 35 Points.

Time Remaining: 2:00 Minutes.

"No matter! Your points are way too low for you to beat me! Now Mamoswine, use Takedown on the shield to shatter it!" Sushie ordered.

Mamoswine smashed into the shield and it shattered, also sending Magikarp and Pichu into the wall.

Goombario: 30 Points.

"Now Togekiss, use Air Slash on them while they're weak!" Sushie smirked.

"Toge...KISS!" Togekiss cried, hitting both of the Pokemon with its wing.

They fell back again.

Goombario: 25 Points.

Time Remaining: 1:45 Minutes.

"No...they've figured out my plan..." Goombario dropped to his knees for a second time.


"Air Slash!"


"Aura Sphere!"

Goombario watched as his Pokemon fell to the floor, struggling to get up. He glanced at his points.

Goombario: 10 Points.

Sushie: 80 Points.

Time Remaining: 1:30 Minutes.

"Please, stay strong!" Goombario cried.

He squeezed his eyes shut. His two Pokemon glanced at each other.

"Hahaha! This is too easy!" Sushie laughed.

"I-I'm finished..." Goombario whispered.

"Karp..." Magikarp looked down.

"Chu..." Pichu did the same.

Suddenly, they both turned white. The bright light illuminated the dark room. Goombario looked up. Magikarp and Pichu's bodies were engulfed with white.

"W-what's going on?" He asked.

They slowly grew bigger. Suddenly, the bright light disappeared. Everybody gasped.

"I...I can't believe it..." Sushie whispered in shock.

"Did they just...?" Toad gasped.

"Yes, Toad." Toadette looked at him and smiled. "They evolved."

A Gyrados and a Pikachu now stood in front of Goombario. The crowd cheered. Goombario gasped.

"You guys...evolved?"

"Dos! Dos! Gyrados!" Gyrados smiled.

"Pika Pika!" Pikachu nodded.

"YOU CAN DO IT, GOOMBARIO!" Goombella cheered.

Goombario looked up at the clock.

Time Remaining: 1:00 Minute Remaining.

"I can still turn this around..." Goombario realised.

He stood up.

"LET'S DO THIS!" He roared.

The crowd cheered.

"Ha! Unlikely!" Sushie laughed. "Mamoswine, use Takedown on Gyrados! Togekiss, use Aura Sphere on Pikachu! Go!"

Mamoswine charged towards Gyrados.

"Gyrados, get out of the way!"

Gyrados swiftly jumped out of the way and Mamoswine skidded, slamming into the wall.

Sushie: 70 Points.

"And now use Dragon Rage on Mamoswine!" Goombario ordered.

Gyrados ran towards Mamoswine and smashed into him.

Sushie: 65 Points.

"What!?" Sushie cried. "You only have ten points left! Togekiss, NOW!"

Togekiss released the Aura Sphere. It spiralled towards Pikachu.

"Oh No! If this hits Goombario will lose all of his points!" Vivian cried.

"Pikachu, get rid of the Aura Sphere with Thunderbolt!" Goombario yelled.

"Pika...CHUUUU!" Pikachu used Thunderbolt and it struck the Aura Sphere, making it explode, leaving purple sparkles dancing through the air.

Sushie: 60 Points.

Time Remaining: 0:45 Seconds.

"And now use Iron Tail on Togekiss!" Goombario cried.

"Pika!" Pikachu jumped towards Togekiss.

"I don't think so! Togekiss, fly out of the way and smash into Pikachu!" Sushie ordered.

Togekiss flew out of the way and smacked Pikachu with its wing and it plummeted closer to the ground.

Goombario: 5 Points.

"Gyrados, catch Pikachu with style!" Goombario shouted.

Gyrados swiftly jumped into the air and caught Pikachu with its tail. They both waved to the audience.

Sushie: 55 Points.

"Mamoswine, finish them with Takedown!" Sushie cried, getting nervous.

Mamoswine dizzily ran towards Gyrados and Pikachu.

"Jump over them again and again!" Goombario smiled.

Gyrados leapt into the air, avoiding Mamoswine. They kept doing this, impressing the audience.

Sushie: 50 Points.

"Togekiss, pick up Pikachu right now!" Sushie screamed.

Togekiss flew towards Pikachu, picking him up.

"Pikachu, use Thunderbolt on Togekiss!"

"Pika...CHUUUU!" Pikachu used Thunderbolt on Togekiss and it spiralled towards the ground.

Pikachu jumped off as Togekiss smashed into Mamoswine.

Sushie: 40 Points.

Time Remaining: 0:30 Seconds.

"Stay strong!" Sushie cried. "Aura Sphere!"

"Use Earthquake to mess up Togekiss's accuracy!" Goombario yelled.

Gyrados used Earthquake and Togekiss fell forward, releasing the Aura Sphere. It spiralled towards Mamoswine, blasting him into the wall. The power of it made Togekiss smash into the roof.

Sushie: 30 Points.

Goombario: 5 Points.

Time Remaining: 0:15 Seconds.

"Let's finish this!" Both of them yelled.

"Aura Sphere!"




The Aura Sphere and the Thunderbolt collided. A huge cloud of thick grey smoke engulfed the four Pokemon, sending all four of them into the wall.

Time Remaining: 0:00 Seconds.

"And...time is up!" Toad yelled.

Everybody looked at the black screen. The contestants gulped. The hosts held hands nervously. Sushie and Goombario looked at each other and smiled. Then the results flashed on.






Sushie: 15 Points.

Goombario: 1 Point.

"No..." Goombario dropped to his knees.

"Oh my...YES! YES!" Sushie cheered.

"And Sushie is the-" Toad began.

"WAIT!" Goombella screamed.

Everybody looked at her. The dust cloud disappeared. Gyrados and Pikachu were still standing. Mamoswine and Togekiss were on the floor, swirls in their eyes.

"Sushie's Pokemon have fainted!"

Everybody gasped. Goombario was silent for a few moments.

"I...I won..." He whispered.

"What!?" Sushie cried.

"I WON! I WON!" Goombario cheered.

The crowd applauded wildly.

"And Goombario is the winner of Who Wants To Be A Superstar!?" Toadette announced.

"Thanks you guys..." Goombario smiled at Gyrados and Pikachu. "You fought really hard."

The crowd continued cheering and Goombario waved at them happily.


Goombario walked onto the stage, where everyone was waiting.

"Congratulations, Goombario!" Toad smiled.

"Great job! I never thought you could win, but you did!" Toadette said.

An intern walked into the room with a suitcase. Goombario was filled with excitement.

"I am happy to announce-"

"Haha! Fools!"

"What?" Everybody said, confused.

The intern pulled off his clothes. Master Koopa.

"Master Koopa! No way!" Lakilester gasped.

"Yes, it's me! And now I've got the money! Haha!" Master Koopa laughed.


Master Koopa fell to the floor, dead. Sushie was holding a gun, shaking.

"Nobody steals a million coins from my friend." She smiled sadly at Goombario.

"Sushie..." Goombario whispered.

Sushie picked up the suitcase and handed it to Goombario.

"Congratulations, Goombario."

The crowd erupted into cheers and laughter.

"What are you going to spend the million on, Goombario?" Peach asked him.

Goombario looked at Sushie and smiled.

"A party for all of us!" He cheered and everybody applauded. "LET'S GET GOING!"

Music started playing and everyone started dancing.


Daisy sat on a chair, sulking, her arms folded. She just wanted to go home. She didn't have the million, so what was the point in celebrating? Vivian noticed this and walked over to her.

"You okay?" She asked.

"Why do you care?" Daisy snapped.

"Honestly, I don't. But why don't you enjoy the party?" Vivian asked.

"I don't like parties. I don't like fun." Daisy said.

"Have you ever had fun before?"

"Of course I've had fun!" Daisy glared at Vivian.


" week..." Daisy said.

"Look, Daisy, I don't want to argue with you anymore. I bought you something." Vivian reached into her pocket and pulled out a wrapped box.

Daisy opened it and gasped. A pearl necklace with a daisy in the centre was staring at her. She looked up at Vivian.

"This is...for me?"

"Of course it is. I miss being friends with you, Daisy. Do you want to be friends with me again?" Vivian asked, smiling.

Daisy felt tears in her eyes. She placed the present on the table and ran towards Vivian, hugging her. Vivian, surprised, hugged her back.

"Yes. Yes I do." She whispered.


Toad and Toadette watched the contestants partying and smiled.

"You know, I'm gonna miss these losers." Toadette said.

"What are you talking about? We're not done yet! Master Koopa's gone...for good." Toad smiled.

They both hugged.


The party was soon over. Every contestant was gone except for Sushie, Goombario and the two hosts.

"We're gonna go outside for a moment." Toadette winked at Toad, who grinned.

They both left the room.

"So...that was a great battle." Sushie smiled. "Great job on evolving Magikarp and Pichu."

"Thanks! You did great too. Don't forget, you technically won, but your Pokemon fainted." Goombario said.

"I just can't believe me and you made it so far..." Sushie said.

"Me too." Goombario said.

"Well, I guess it's time for me to go." Sushie stood up and walked to the door, ready to leave.


Sushie turned around.

"Please don't leave."

Goombario kissed the surprised fish. She smiled and closed her eyes.


"We'd like to thank everybody who's reviewed, voted, liked, favourited and followed! We really appreciate it." Toad smiled.

"It's now time for us to go. We'll see you next time!" Toadette said.



Well, it looks like Goombario's won. And it also looks like something's happening between Sushie and Goombario. Next I'll work on The Plague, so please read that if you get the chance. See ya!