So.. this is the final drabble - for the time being. I've had some troubles writing down my original idea.. and so I ended up writing it from scratch. I'm still okay with the outcome, though. Unless anyone asks me explicitely to continue the drabbles, I'll have them as "complete" until further notice - and Kurichan, you asking me doesn't count xD

I don't own Symphogear, if I did... let's keep that a secret. I apologize for any mistakes, in case they were overread by my beta and me.

Thanks for reading!

#15. Accident

It was an accident.

It was thanks to her clumsy self, the fact that Hibiki never knew not to leave her things lying around and her Senpai strategically placed right in her path. Okay, so, she wasn't placed that way, Chris was sure, Tsubasa had some ulterior motive as she got up from her place on the couch and walked towards the door.

The same door Chris came through, stumbling on a cable of a wireless controller, because her younger friend and fellow Gear-user needed to charge it right in this moment and leave the damned thing lying right in her path. Where was the sense of something called "wireless" when you needed to plug it into a cable to charge it anyway, Chris would never understand.

So she stumbled right into Tsubasa, who was not quick enough to catch her footing, most likely caught off-guard by the very feminine squeal that escaped the white-haired girl. They had a very nice meeting with the carpeted floor.

This was no random occurrence. Chris and her Senpai seemed to have had this thing going on, in which the younger girl would somehow, always manage to run into the Idol. It was very nerve-wrecking from time to time.

But that was not her problem.

Far from it, actually.

At least the floor was soft and not hard, cold stone.

No, her problem lay right in front of her. Shocked dark-blue eyes stared at her. They were close. Way too close and she was sure her lips tingled. It was a nice feeling, though. It was also new and warm.

And all that, together with Tsubasas' eyes wide open, the warmth that surrounded her and the feeling of someone's lips connected with her own made her realize that she dreaded the answer to her unasked question.

Her blood started to circulate wildly in her body, and as usual a blush crept upon her cheeks. And her ears. And she was quite sure that the heat she felt right now was because Tsubasa was mimicking her quite well. Suddenly the awkwardness disappeared.

Tsubasa was blushing, furiously.

Chris relished in it.

It wasn't necessarily a rare sight to see the older girl blush, but it was never that strong. Something moved on her back, her dress was gripped tightly and she saw Tsubasas' eyes close ever so slowly. She followed suit. There was no nagging thought that told her to stop this foolishness and to keep hiding the growing feelings for her Senpai. No, if anything the silence spurred her on.

Her arms wound tightly around the idol's neck – Chris was somehow glad they managed to land in a moderately upright position, even if it was a bit weird to nearly sit on the blue-haired sword-wielders lap. More or less anyway.

The younger girl paid the minor detail no mind. Tsubasas's very essence surrounding her was a lot more important.

Unfortunately this moment obviously wouldn't last. Well, it could've, but the faint sound of a camera shutter going off, ripped both students out of their intimate moment. A curse followed. The photographer was complaining that her phone was supposed to be on silent.

"Hibiki…" the fourth occupant, Miku, also wore a blush on her face, scolded as silently as possible. Hearing commotion from the kitchen, the girl had tried her best to be quiet, as she stepped into the room and saw the... situation.

Chris found her bearings in a matter of seconds, tore her arms away from the girl below her and dashed out of the room as fast as her legs could carry her. The fierce blush only intensified even more as she heard the door opening and closing behind her.

Tsubasa followed.