Hey, hey, my Lovelies!
So two chapters in one night!
Thank you to all who reviewed the last chapter! It's all very much appreciated!
Beta: None at the moment.
Disclaimer: I don't own it. I only play.
Without further ado … Enjoy!
Chapter Fifty-Four
23rd December
Jacob stood in the grand lobby of The Plaza hotel, fidgeting with his cuffs as he awaited the arrival of his husband. He loathed the fact that he couldn't get off work in time to pick his Love up from their home, but now Seth was being held back by the kids, or namely Demetri, who was throwing a massive fit because he couldn't come out with his fathers.
Tonight was Black Law's annual Christmas party, which also doubled as a fundraiser for all the local orphanages; the funds raised would be split equally between each home. It was invitation only, and so few of them were given. At least, compared to other events of this sort. The majority of his 2000 invited guests had arrived, including his parents, his sister and her husband and even Penny had gotten herself dolled up along with Quinn. Jack had taken a pass, choosing instead to volunteer to watch the kids for the night.
All were waiting for him in the grand ballroom, milling around whilst drinking the finest champagne and eating the most delicious hors-d'oeuvres, trying to scope out the depths of each other's wallets and find out the latest juicy gossip.
Some guests were still trickling in, and there was the typical few who tried to convince the door staff that they were in fact on the invitation list, and when their persuasion skills failed them, they resorted to bribery. Jacob smirked at that - as if any of those fools could bribe his staff with enough money that could outshine what he was already paying them for their excellent service and diligence tonight.
He nodded and smiled to those who walked by him, indulging some he liked more with small talk and well wishes, but his mind was on his Love and what the hell was taking him so long.
Quite honestly, his mind was with Seth and they were back home- or better yet, they were in their usual suite at the Peninsula (which Jacob secretly preferred to the Plaza anyway) eating chocolate covered strawberries, drinking fine wine and making love the entire night.
Well, his mind was there anyway ... his body however, was stuck in in this God-forsaken lobby, in a tuxedo he'd rather not being wearing after having worn one the entire day already, listening to some young trophy wife prattle on about the yacht her decrepit husband bought her last week, all the while trying to undress him with her boring blue eyes.
He missed the brown eyes of his husband ...
Speaking of...
Seth came bustling in through the doors, having had no trouble gaining entrance once the name 'Black' was uttered from his lips, smoothing down his unruly hair and trying to cool down his flushed cheeks. He couldn't believe that he was late! To their own event! He was so embarrassed, even more so when he noticed that Jacob wasn't standing alone and his lateness had an audience.
"I'm so sorry, I'm so late! But Demetri was super upset and he upset Anna and Jack couldn't calm her down and then Xavier was sick down my shirt and I messed my hair up changing it so I had to sort that out but it's still all messed up and- Mm!"
Jacob suppressed a chuckle and smirk, ignoring the indignant cough somewhere behind him as Seth melted against him, their lips pressed together as the younger man wrapping his arms around Jacob's waist as he kissed him back. As much as Jacob loved his nervous rambling, he knew that Seth was already embarrassed enough and knew he'd be mortified he was seen by these two guests losing his shit.
If it was even possible, Seth was even more flushed once Jacob pulled back, but his nervousness had been lessened, which was Jacob's aim. Their gazes connected, and they smiled at one another before Jacob leaned down for one last peck, turning Seth to the couple behind him.
"Please excuse the two of us, we need to go and greet our guests now. If you'd like to make your way into the ballroom ..." Jacob said politely, ignoring the huff from the decrepit old man and the sultry glance from the fake-busted gold-digger as he wrapped his arm around Seth's waist and led him past the duo.
The noise in the ballroom was stifling, though the soft violin music was crystal clear as it echoed throughout the room. People in tailored, designer tuxedos and ballgowns all milled around, speaking with one another and a few closest to the door turned as Jacob and Seth entered. Just inside the door, his parents were waiting for him. Sarah pulled her son into a big hug.
"Oh, you look as handsome as ever, both of you!" she gushed, pulling back to fiddle with Jacob's lapels and tie.
"Quite the turnout, Son. Last I heard, we were already into the millions on the total and we're only 15 minutes in," William chuckled as he hugged his son as well.
"Wow, really?" Seth gasped.
"We have been receiving donations all week, and besides, we have a very noble cause this year. Seems everyone is donating to something that's close to their hearts tonight," Sarah said, hooking her arm around Seth's waist (despite being much smaller than him) before leading him towards the ballroom.
Jacob huffed. "She stole my date," he joked, shaking his head.
"Well, your date stole my date so where does that leave us?" William laughed.
"Dateless schmucks, I'd say," came from behind them, the following familiar giggles drawing their attention.
"Oh, trust this meddler to have an opinion," William grumbled good-naturedly as they watched Marcus and Didyme approach with Emmett and Rosalie not too far behind them.
"Might I remind you that you ask for my opinion. Daily. Several times a day, in fact. Hell, you pay me for it," Marcus replied smugly with the matching smirk.
Jacob chuckled, kissing Didyme's hand in greeting before he was pulled into a hug by his godfather.
"Where is that handsome husband of yours?"
"I'm the handsome husband, he just enhances my beauty whenever he's next to me," Jacob joked, only to cringe when he heard an indignant cough behind him.
"I'll remember you said that," Seth said dryly, sending his husband a scowl that made him bite back a grin. "We came back to see what the holdup was. I thought you two had some schmoozing to do?"
"US two? You mean all of us?" Jacob corrected, smirking at the look of confusion on his handsome husband's face. "You don't get to sit at a table all night this time, Love. All night, you'll be by my side, schmoozing right alongside me."
Seth groaned. "No! Please, anything but that. You know I hate it!" He whined, reminding Jacob so much of their middle son that he laughed.
"Not this time. This time, I want to show you off. You've gotten away with it for years to date, but not tonight," he replied.
"Not to worry, Darling. The men at these things love the sound of their own voices, this lot included, so you won't even have time to get a word in edgeways. Do as I do and just stand there all pretty-like," Didyme chortled softly, hooking her arm through Seth's, much like Sarah already had.
Without another word, they strolled off again. This time, Seth had two of the most influential and envied women at this whole thing on his arms.
"Well gee looks like you just joined the dateless schmucks club, Marcus," Rosalie helpfully pointed out as she and a smirking Emmett strolled by them towards the party. "Have fun, Gentlemen."
Marcus grumbled. "This is all your fault," he accused, pushing his godson's shoulder.
Jacob barked an incredulous laugh. "How is it my fault, exactly?"
"Well he's your husband isn't he?" William laughed, finally walking off towards his wife.
"Well ... yeah, but I don't see how-"
"It's your fault because you had to go an find a pretty one that makes all the women love him. You should've found a bear-like man with a beer belly, third eye and eleven fingers," Marcus grumbled, limping off after William.
Which left him all alone in the lobby, standing like an idiot, with the paps snapping pictures of his back. Jacob just shook his head and laughed.
Seth was anything but a bear... Somehow he doubted he'd ever feel guilty or ever regret finding him ... his Pretty Boy.
Jacob soon caught back up with Seth and they did exactly as he said they would—schmoozed together, side by side. It seemed like Seth took to it much better than either of them thought he would. In fact, he took to it like a fish to water, flashing his charismatic smile and using his pretty boy charm to woo the ladies of the gala. They simply adored him. Not that Jacob could blame them. However it made his father and godfather smug; after all, the observation about his husband earlier in the lobby was ringing true right before their eyes. Women loved Seth.
As Jacob observed him throughout the night, he couldn't help but feel pride and love for his husband. He held himself with grace and confidence, looking absolutely delicious in his tux and carefully styled hair that seemed to grow wilder as the party went on.
Jacob's colleagues and associates seemed eager to meet his husband simply for who he was, but they stayed because there was so much more to the younger man; when they realized, one by one, that he could actually hold an intelligent debate on all manners of things.
Of course, Jacob's older partners couldn't resist trying to impart their wisdom and expertise upon the younger man once they learned he was an aspiring new lawyer, wanting to make a name all for himself. Seth had no time for arrogance as he skillfully and subtly brushed off those who sought only to brag and inflate their own egos.
God, he was so proud of him ... and aroused, he admitted.
They were talking to a couple of local doctors when someone in Jacob's peripheral caught his eye. He grinned at the two men before them, saying, "Please excuse us, gentlemen," before he pulled Seth away.
"Jacob, what—"
"Sam's here. And he's not the only one," he told him, pointing towards the two who'd caught his eye.
Seth grinned devilishly. "Oh, my ... so they finally meet ..." he snickered, all conspiratorial-like.
He cocked an eyebrow at him. "You planned this?"
"Tonight? No. But eventually, I may have intended to introduce them. Sooner rather than later. Sam deserves someone who will take care and love him."
Jacob nodded in agreement just as they reached the duo. The taller of the two turned and grinned at them whilst Sam blushed deeply, even for his russet skin, and damn near buried his face into his champagne glass.
"Darryl, I'm glad you could make it! Sam, good to see you did too. Who has Danny?"
"A friend," Sam answered vaguely. "You don't know her."
"Of course I'd be here, Jacob, this is the hottest party in the city tonight. Lots of jealous A-listers out there who didn't get an invite and you invite a lowly man like me?" Darryl joked.
Jacob laughed. "You're much more pleasant to talk to than those who didn't get invited, trust me," he assured him.
"Aww, that's sweet," Darryl snorted.
Seth interrupted then, a massive grin on his face as he glanced at their two friends. "So ... you two have met?"
Sam blushed deeper and coughed awkwardly. "Define 'met' ..." he mumbled lowly.
"Ahh, we were just getting to introductions as you two walked up ... I'm Darryl, pleasure to meet you," he said, holding out his hand towards Sam, who simply looked at it.
Understandably, Sam had been very wary of men since Brady. The telltale blush on his cheeks, however, told them that he was at least affected by the Artist.
Seth, taking the initiative, wrapped his arm around Sam's shoulders and grinned at the taller man, lifting Sam's hand until it met Darryl's in the middle. "This is Sam. Sam Uley, lawyer, father of one, very, very gay and absolutely available."
Darryl's eyebrows lifted as he grinned in amusement. Jacob resisted the urge to bury his face in his palm at his husband's embarrassing display. He didn't look remorseful whatsoever, grinning like the Cheshire Cat as Sam gasped and glared at him in mortification, blushing a thousand shades of red in under a minute. Jacob found it incredibly hard to fight the grin on his face.
"Seth! That's hardly relevant information," Sam growled, tipping back his champagne in one gulp.
"I think it is," Seth laughed airily. "I think it's very relevant information. What do you say, Darryl?"
"I say it's very ... interesting information indeed," he answered with a chuckle and smirk, knowing exactly what Seth's game was.
"Likewise ... Sam, this is Darryl, a very talented artist who owns his own art gallery from which we got a good few of our paintings at home from. The daddy of none. He is newly bi-sexual, single, though divorced from a hetero-lationship, and very very available," Seth listed for Sam's benefit, though the man still looked like he was more interested in killing his meddling friend.
Darryl just chuckled, not at all bothered by the summary of his life.
Sam swallowed thickly, looking down into his glass flute as he mumbled awkwardly, "That's ... great ... I guess."
Jacob decided to save both of them, placing his hands on Seth's shoulders to steer him away. "We'll let the two of you ... get to know one another. I know you'll get on great!" he told them both, leading his protesting husband away.
Once they were far enough, he turned to Seth and lightly admonished, "Did you have to embarrass the poor guy? And what the hell is a hetero-lationship? Did you just make that up?"
Seth grinned innocently. If Jacob hadn't known better, he'd've been convinced he was. "I don't know what you mean, dear hubby ..."
The older man snorted. "Sure you don't. I know that look in your eye," he accused, not allowing his faux-innocent smile fool his in the slightest.
"Still not entirely sure what you mean, oh dear hubby of mine," the youth giggled, causing Jacob to shake his head and smirk. But then continued, "And a hetero-lationship is a relationship involving man and woman, duh! And yes, I may have made it up on the spot. Aren't I clever?"
"An evil mastermind," Jacob deadpanned, biting back his grin as he shook his head. "You're incorrigible."
He grabbed Seth's hand and pulled him into the crowd of slow dancers. He grimaced. "Aww, no ..."
"Aww, yes," Jacob replied with a laugh. "Consider it payback on Sam's behalf."
"Payback? Pfft! He'll thank me one day," Seth said smugly as he allowed his insistent husband to lead him in line with the other dancers.
"You think?" Jacob asked rhetorically and in much amusement. "I don't know so much ..."
"You will see and he will see. Trust me. Those two are perfect for each other."
"Just be careful, Love. You know Darryl has just come out of an 8-year marriage. A heterosexual marriage at that. This is all new for him."
"So he'll be cautious and Sam will be cautious. I'm not pushing them to get hitched, for goodness sake. I just want them to get to know one another. If they turn out just to be friends, okay I will back off ... but just look at them. Look at Sam. He likes him."
Jacob glanced over at the pair again when Seth's back was to them and had to reluctantly see what his husband had. Sam was blushing fiercely and whether he knew it or not, leaning closer than what was strictly appropriate.
"Yeah, okay, I can see what you see, but please Love, he may have destroyed my first marriage, but I've become a little protective of Sam."
"I have too, which is why I want to try to steer him in the direction of good men, rather than those like Brady."
Jacob smiled, leaning down to kiss him softly. "You're a good man, Seth Black," he murmured against his lips.
They let the subject matter drop as they lost ourselves in each other, eyes locked as they swayed to the music gently. One song turned into three songs until Marcus and my father interrupted to announce the night's first interim total. There would be two more and then the final total, which will be split between numerous orphanages that Sarah had picked out - the majority of which were local.
Jacob was forced to let his husband from his arms at some point as Didyme, Sarah, Sue and various other women came to take him for a spin. If he hadn't been very secure in his marriage and absolutely sure that his Seth was 100 percent gay and mine, he would've been jealous.
Jacob guessed he was just going to have to get used to it. Women love his Pretty Boy.
25th December
Christmas passed in a flurry of snow and family. Demetri was ecstatic when he woke up Christmas morning to find it had been snowing heavily overnight. Seth and Jacob hadn't been too surprised as they'd stayed up until the early morning hours worshipping each other thoroughly under the Christmas tree as they'd always planned.
They had been asleep for two and a half hours before Demetri began pounding on their door at 5 am on the dot (His father had threatened one less Christmas present for every minute before 5 am if he'd roused the pair before that specified time). Initially, Jacob had shouted for him to go back to bed, but the boy wouldn't have it.
"Dad! You said 5 am! It's five!" he shouted back.
Jacob had groaned loudly before scraping himself off the bed, clad in nothing but his breathtaking glory as he padded across their bedroom to the bathroom. Seth watched him lustfully the entire way, silently cursing their son for the early wake-up call. He had thrown Seth a knowing smirk over his shoulder just before he disappeared through the door, shutting it behind him.
Christmas morning drove Jacob entirely crazy. He followed both boys around the spacious living room with a black bin liner in his hands, picking up stray wads of glittery wrapping paper they tossed haphazardly into his path.
Being as young as they were, the twins didn't really understand what the day was about so Seth and Jacob opened their presents between them, showing off every single item before adding them to their overflowing piles. Their family, not just Jacob, and Seth had spoiled the four children horribly, but Seth couldn't bring himself to care when he saw the beaming grins on their two eldest sons' faces. It grew wider and wider after each gift. It warmed Seth's heart.
Benjamin was completely and utterly fascinated with the collection of animal encyclopedias that his Godfather Marcus had given him and Demetri shrieked with happiness over the new bike Santa (Grammy Sue) had snuck under the tree last minute.
At one point, Demetri turned around to Jacob and asked confusedly, "Dad, how did Santa get the bike down the chimney? It's a little big."
Benjamin smirked and opened his mouth to no doubt shatter Demetri's illusion about Christmas and Santa when Seth shot him a warning glare as Jacob replied, "It's all about the Christmas magic, Son, and no one has more Christmas magic than Santa."
Demetri was completely appeased by this answer and turned back around to fiddle with his bike whilst Benjamin laughed under his breath, shaking his head before going back to his books.
Xavier took a keen liking towards a toy that Bella had bought him — it had lights and sounds and textures that had Xavier's eyes blown wide with wonder. Anna, bless her, was more fascinated with the shimmery wrapping paper than the mountain of festive spoils.
Christmas afternoon was spent at Sarah and William's house with Jacob's sister, Rachel and her family. Marcus and Di also dropped in as well as a few of the other partners at Black Law but they didn't linger too long. Sue came after she did a volunteer shift at a homeless shelter that was giving free Christmas dinner to those who were less fortunate and she regaled tales over dinner, which Sarah had slaved over the entire morning with her husband.
After dinner came even more presents, more spoiling and another bin liner glued to Jacob's hand. Sarah giggled and shared with everyone that William had done exactly the same thing when Jacob, Rachel, and Rebecca had been young. Jacob had smirked at his father when he blushed.
With feet dragged, Benjamin and Demetri trudged up the stairs around eight-thirty Christmas evening to fulfill their bedtime routines while Jacob and Seth settled the twins into their crib for the night. Their two eldest rejoined them in the living room where they spent half an hour snuggling in front of the fire, sharing hot cocoa and stories.
Jacob carried Demetri up to bed whilst Seth guided a sleepy Benny into his room. Seth sat down beside him on the bed once the younger boy was safe and warm under his comforter, smiling down at him. Brushing a stray hair from his forehead, Seth asked, "Did you have a good day?"
Benny smiled and nodded. "Yeah ... hey, Papa?"
"Do you think I could call Tia real quick?"
"Didn't you call her this morning?"
"Yeah, to wish her a Merry Christmas, but I was hoping to hear how her day went."
"I doubt that would be a short conversation. Why don't you save it until you see her? Besides, it's kinda late, Benny."
The boy nodded and didn't argue as he snuggled deeper under the covers. "Do you think she had a good day?"
"I'm sure she did. Good night, Benny."
"Night, Papa... Love you."
Seth leaned over and kissed him on the forehead, smiling. "I love you too. Sleep tight."
"M'kay ..." Benny mumbled, already half asleep as Seth shut the bedroom door.
Jacob was just walking up the stairs as Seth left his son's room — they met in the middle and wordlessly, Jacob took his hand and led him to their bedroom. Not a second after they'd shut the door, Jacob gently pressed his young husband up against the white wood, kissing him tenderly.
Seth smiled into the kiss, mumbling, "We need to lock up."
"Done it," Jacob replied as he began nibbling on Seth's jaw.
"Hmm ... what about the security system?"
"Done it already," Jacob muttered between kisses against Seth's soft neck.
The younger man swallowed, tilting his head to the side as his eyes fluttered closed. Breathily, he asked, "The lights?"
"Off," the older man breathed before licking a trail up to Seth's ear, his fingers playing with the hem of Seth's shirt.
"Well, what about—"
"That wasn't an answer, it was an order," Jacob interrupted, his blazing eyes searing into Seth's as he tugged his shirt up suggestively, "Off."
Wordlessly, Jacob lifted his shirt up and off, throwing it into an armchair before continuing is ministrations on Seth's neck. The younger man whimpered silently as his husband nipped a sensitive spot at his collarbone.
"S-so that's a no on the lights then?" Seth sighed.
"God, Seth," Jacob chuckled softly against his skin. "Yes, Love, lights off."
There was nothing but silence for an immeasurable amount of time other than their soft moans and deep groans. Trailing nips, licks and kisses down his torso, Jacob took one of Seth's nipples into his mouth, suckling before biting it, soothing the sting with his tongue as Seth gasped.
Their cocks rubbed together through the black slacks they'd worn to dinner and it felt divine as Jacob continued to lavish attention between Seth's pecs.
But then Seth reopened his mouth as another thought came to him, "Did you put the leftovers away from your mom's?"
With a playful growl from Jacob and a startled whimper from Seth, the younger man suddenly found himself airborne and flying through the room as Jacob lifted his legs to wrap around his hips before walking over to their huge bed. Seth gasped and then giggled as he was gently powerbombed onto the bed, bouncing in place before he was smothered by Jacob's broad, muscular frame.
With their noses brushing, Jacob ordered, "First off, do not mention my mother when I have your nipple in my mouth. That's all kinds of wrong."
Seth laughed as loudly as he dared, his eyes sparkling with mirth as he took in Jacob's blush and stern glare. His giggle morphed into a breathy moan as Jacob dipped his head back to said nipple, sucking on it vigorously.
Releasing it with a pop, he continued, "And second ... less talking already, I'm trying to seduce my husband here ... Is it working?"
Seth moaned, fisting Jacob's hair in his hands. "Mmm, yeah ... yeah, it's so working ..."
"Good," the older man growled.
"But no talk? Like, at all?"
Jacob lifted his face high enough to smirk at his husband. "You feel like a little dirty talk tonight, Pretty Boy? My seduction must be working really well." When Seth blushed but didn't reply, Jacob teased, "Hmm? Does my Pretty Boy want to hear about all the dirty things I want to do to his delicious body tonight?"
"God ... Yes, yes please," Seth breathed.
"Do you want to hear how I'm going to kiss every single inch of this amazing body before I suck you until you fall over the edge ... and then bury myself deep inside you and take you hard?" he whispered sinfully, suckling Seth's earlobe into his mouth. "Or maybe you want it soft and tender, hmm? Would you like that, to feel me worship you inside and out until you shatter around me over ... and over ... and over again?"
"Jacob ..."
His words were swallowed by Jacob's swollen lips as they crashed against Seth's, plundering his mouth with wet flesh to explore every crevice. The younger man was jelly beneath his strong body, following his every nudge and slide until Jacob spooned his husband, both of them laying on their sides. Seth craned his head over his shoulder, seeking his lips blindly.
They kissed languidly as Jacob disrobed quickly before slowly undressing his husband, revealing hot, smooth skin inch by glorious inch. Seth exhaled hard, whimpering softly as Jacob took his member in hand, squeezing just the way he liked before stroking a few times before swiping a thick thumb across the head, collecting the beads of cum culminating there.
Jacob held his lover tightly against his chest as with one hand he stroked him towards his peak whilst with the other, he spread lube over his fingers before probing his entrance, pressing gently. Seth moaned, thrusting his hips back in a silent plea for more. He gasped as fingers penetrated his ring of thick muscle, slowly thrusting deeper and deeper, stretching him deliciously.
"Please ... I'm ready, please ..." Seth panted, breaking their kiss.
He buried his face into Jacob's pillow as the man himself removed his fingers, replacing them with something much thicker. The hand beneath Seth was still wrapped around his cock, stroking loosely.
Biting his pillow, Seth cried out in pleasure as Jacob's cock slid passed his relaxed sphincter, caressing his hot, sensitive walls until he was seated as far as he could go. They lay there unmoving for a long time — Jacob's face nuzzled Seth's neck lovingly whilst his hand's ministrations continued, relaxing Seth further. The younger man couldn't possibly become any more relaxed by the time Jacob flexed his hips back and forth slowly and shallowly, moving inside his husband.
"Oh, Jacob ... yes ..." Seth breathed on a prayer, gripping his lover wherever he could reach as if he was frightened their connection, their intimacy would vanish. He needn't have worried as Jacob pulled him closer, kissing up and down his neck lovingly as he gently coaxed his husband towards his peak.
Within the safety of Jacob's embrace, Seth shattered and took his husband along with him as they both cried out hoarsely, shivering and shaking through their releases. Seth felt the hot seed of his lover splash inside of him as he painted Jacob's hand and his stomach with his own.
After a moment, as they tried to catch their breath, Jacob pulled Seth impossibly closer, nudging the younger man's head over so that their lips could caress. They sighed in longing and grievance as Jacob eventually softened and slid from his lover. The older man reached over to retrieve some tissues, thoroughly cleaning them both up before pulling the comforter over their exposed bodies.
Seth turned and snuggled into Jacob's chest, giving a sated and content sigh. He kissed his chest, right above his heart before laying his ear there, eyes closing to the sound of his Love's heartbeat.
Jacob laid awake for a little longer, listening to the soothing sounds from his family — Benjamin's soft snores, Demetri's quiet mutterings in his sleep; the soft pitter-patter of rainfall the twins loved to listen to and of course, his favorite, the soft, even breathing of his Pretty Boy.
As he closed his eyes and let sleep overtake him, he thought about how completely blessed he was to have a family such as his.
No, really ... other than an epilogue, this is truly the end. It's been a long time coming, and some of you didn't want this time to come, but it must. Thank you to everyone who is still reading after all this time. Your loyalty is astounding! I'm forever grateful for having such amazing readers.
I hope those who celebrate Christmas had a good one, and that you all have a happy New Year.
Love MrsWolfPack x