The park bench. It was damp, and cold but Phil loved it. It was one of his favourite places. Scratch that; it was his favourite place. It reminded him of where he had first properly talked to Dan. Yes, Dan had stalked him over the internet way before they had ever talked to each other, but they had arranged to meet at a park in Manchester, very similar to this one.

That had been where he had fallen in love with Dan. He had fallen in love with Dan Howell, and he was the luckiest guy ever!

Why? Well, I guess that's another reason to loved this place so much. This was the place where Dan had kissed him for the first time.

Phil was too deep in his thoughts and (may I say) daydreams that he didn't notice his friend and flat mate come up behind him.

Dan grabbed him from behind, before Phil could yell with surprise Dan pulled him into yet another a kiss. Every time he kissed Dan, he felt a rush of joy, like nothing else would matter ever again except this moment, like-


They broke off the kiss. Both YouTubers turned in surprise to see a fifteen year old girl standing before them. Her messy brown hair would have reached down to her waist if it hadn't been tucked into her scarf, and the book she was carrying defiantly had Japanese characters on the front.

"I did not go through 10 months of rehab because my fucking OTP wasn't cannon, to walk out of the support group for the last time EVER and find you kissing of all things! KISSING! You could have saved me the trouble!" With that seemingly random outburst, she stormed off.

"Did that just happen?" asked Phil.

"I think so..."

"Should we go and film another Phil-is-not-on-fire ?"

"I think so."