Hello there everyone! I am really really sorry for the super late update. I had lost the original chapter for this fic and have to rewrite it. I was in a rush and had skipped a lot of part from the original so it may be short. Thank you for your continuous support and exam had finally ended, so I can continue updating all my other stories.

It is peaceful here, the energy of the local deities and yokai were so thick and dense, that it had unintentionally formed a barrier around this town, no wonder no other outside yokai had knew of it. It was a perfect place to build a base, just like at Tono.

Wandering under the sun without any sort of protection from it had been a stupid idea; yes Rikuo and Yoru had become one but his whole being had continuously shown favor to his yokai blood despite ¾ of it being human and because of that, his appearance also almost fully changed to that of his yokai side. He had not changed much over the transformation, just a small mark had shown under both of his eyes and trailed down to his high cheekbones.

Too lost in his thought, Rikuo almost walked into someone when he rounded the corner. While he managed to step aside gracefully, the person he had almost walked into had not managed to stop himself from falling backward when he had jerked back in shock.

Ripe oranges rolled around the person, as he groaned in pain from the fall. Rikuo immediately got to his knees, checking over the blonde for injury. "Are you alright? My apology, I don't see you there." The silver haired hanyou apologized, picking up one of the oranges.

"It is alright, no harm done." A soft and soothing voice spoke and Rikuo's eyes widened when he saw what he could describe as beauty rolled into one.

Gentle amber orbs glowed behind the curtain of long lashes that fanned the high cheekbones and smooth pale skin mixed perfectly with twinkling sea of golden hair.

"Gorgeous…." He breathed out in awe as his ruby eyes continue to stare at the blonde haired beauty like no tomorrow. "Umm mister, are you alright?" The blonde asked, placing a hand on the silver haired hanyou's cheek as a worried frown creased the blonde brows. Rikuo closed his eyes, marveling on the softness of the skin and appreciating the warmth of the hand.

He reopened his eyes and smiled as he took the hand on his cheek into his. "I am alright; it is just that your stunning beauty dazzled me." He admitted truthfully, kissing the inside of the blonde's wrist but he never breaks the eye contact. The blonde's pale cheeks turned a deep shade of red and mouth opened and closed, making a perfect imitation of a fish. Rikuo found that face cute and he could not help the urge to tease the blonde more.

"I am really sure this is a love at first sight. What do you say; will you give me the chance to court you?" He asked, smiling suggestively as he leaned in until their face were only inches apart, warm breath slapping on each other's face. The redness on the blonde's face turn even more brighter and Rikuo wondered if it could go even more redder. Not one to deny his own curiosity, the Hanyou brushed his lip against the others, slightly shocked by the feeling of electricity and sparks that coursed through him when their lips brushed. It made his skin tingle and something inside him warmed.

He was broken out from his daze when a fist collided with his jaw and pain exploded, blinding him for a moment as he staggered back from the sheer force of the packed punch. "H-Hentai!" The blonde shouted, wiping her mouth with her sleeve and her flushed face resembled a ripe tomato. Rikuo was left staring at the blonde's retreating back, still dazed from the surprisingly painful punch he received from the frail looking blonde.

The Hanyou brushed his throbbing jaw and his lip curled into a predatory smirk. "Interesting." He murmured, ruby eyes twinkling with excitement, like a hawk that had just found its prey. The silver haired teen stand up, dusting off his kimono nonchalantly as his mind worked itself.

"Now where to find that little bird." He hummed, walking down the road before disappearing under the shadow of the maple tree.

Takashi ran away as fast as his legs could bring him while his face burned in embarrassment and mortification. He had just been kissed! By a freaking guy no less! Oh Kami-sama, that was his first kiss! He silently freaked out.

The blonde did not stop running until he reached the only place that made him feel safe and secure; the Fujiwara's Household. He slide the door open and hurriedly took off his shoes and ran up to his room. "Sensei!" He shouted as he throws the door open, panicked amber eyes immediately searching for the pudgy cat.

Madara raised its big head toward the blonde, taking in the frazzled appearance of his ward. "Did so-!Ack!" The spirit was not able to finish its question when the blonde suddenly scooped him up and hugged him close, nearly squeezing the life out of him.

Takashi buried his flushed face inside the cat's fur, heart still beating erratically as he gasped for breath.


He frozed when he heard the familiar deep husky voice of the stranger that had just kissed him out of blue. He shivered in dread, not liking this feeling at all.

Yay! As promised, the two had met and sorry for the lameness. I will rewrite it so it can satisfy you but for now, please enjoy it.

Drop a review on your way out!

Ciao ciao