A request by I-can-be-a-duck. Fanfic request if anyone is up for it…the reception. Brennan dancing with Parker, Booth dancing with Chrisitne, Booth shoving cake in Brennan's face…not to mention B&B's first dance as husband and wife. Lots of potential. Please?

This isn't all you asked for, but it's what my muse wanted to write.

This takes place shortly after "The Woman in White".

I don't own Bones.


Barely moving, Booth looked down at Brennan in his arms and smiled. "The Fates conspired against us Bones, but we won."

Amused at Booth's whimsy, Brennan smiled in return. "Perhaps they just got tired of fighting with us. If we're anything, we're tenacious and tenacious people can be very wearisome."

Laughing, Booth shook his head. "Is that what we are . . . tenacious? I was leaning towards bullheaded, but yeah, tenacious . . . that's us." Pulling her tighter in to his arms, he whirled them a little and then stopped. "You know I don't have a clue how Angela managed to put a wedding together in hours when it took us weeks to get our idea of a wedding together. If anyone is tenacious, I'd say it's her."

In total agreement, Brennan nodded her head, looked around and saw her friend dancing with her husband. "We have great friends, Booth. They love us and we are lucky to have them in our lives. Their the family we should have had."

Nodding his head, Booth glanced over at Angela and then back at his wife. "You're right. Not only is she your best friend, she loves you like a sister and I think that's great. Everyone deserves to have a sister like her."

A slight feeling sadness entering her thoughts, Brennan leaned her head on Booth's shoulder, closed her eyes and swayed to the music. "I wish Christine had been more cooperative. Her dress was so pretty and I wanted her to be in our wedding."

Closing his eyes and moving slower as the song continued, Booth tried to assure her. "She was at the wedding Bones. It doesn't matter if she couldn't be part of the ceremony. Our family and friends were there and it's the wedding I always wanted. You, me, Christine, Parker, Mom, your Dad and the people we've grown to love as our family. Our family was there and that's the most important part. Everything else was that little extra to sweeten the pot."

Opening her eyes, Brennan glanced into the face of her husband, "I love you Booth."

Her soft words stole his breath away momentarily and caused him to open his eyes. Booth moved his gaze to the face of his wife and kissed her. "I love you Temperance."


Watching the couple dancing, Caroline dabbed a tissue against her damp cheeks. Max, watching his daughter and son-in-law dance, reached up with a finger and rubbed it under his right eye. "Caroline, this is the greatest day of my life. My baby girl is married to the man she loves and that man . . . that man loves her so much I'll never have to worry about her future. It's more than I ever hoped for. It's more than I thought was possible."

Turning to stare at Max, Caroline frowned at the old conman. "Well Cher', I guess you're part of the family now. You'd best behave. I don't want to embarrass myself by having to prosecute family."

Chuckling, Max shook his head in confusion. "Now how am I family, Caroline? Did you secretly adopt Booth?"

Amused, Caroline winked at the rascal sitting next to her. "I'm too young to be his mother, Max but he is the little brother I always wanted. Don't tell him that. He already thinks he can wrap me around his finger when he wants to."

Curious, Max asked her, "Can he?"

Turing to stare at the happy couple, the prosecutor sighed. "Yeah, Cher', he can."


Her arms around her husband's neck, Angela glanced at Booth and Brennan as they stood in the middle of the floor, unmoving and staring into each other's happy eyes. "I don't know how they do that."

Curious, Hodgins glanced at Brennan and Booth and frowned. "Do what?"

Shrugging her shoulders, Angela smiled. "Talk without talking."

Returning his gaze to Angela, the entomologist responded, "Yeah, they've been able to do that for so long, I don't think about it anymore. . . . Ange, you did great. I don't know how you did it, but wow . . . this wedding was the best wedding I've ever been to. If you ever want to give up your job at the Lab, I'd bet you'd make a great wedding planner. I mean . . . you're a miracle worker."

Her cheeks a blushing rose color, Angela laughed gently. "Oh no. This is probably the hardest thing I've ever done. I absolutely would hate to do that for a living. I love parties, but this was a lot of work and I've never threatened so many people in one day in my life."

Amused, Hodgins kissed his wife. "Ange, I love you."


Sitting with her hands clasped on her lap, Marianne watched her son and daughter-in-law, barely move as they stood on the dance floor. "They're so beautiful."

Filled with pride, Hank inhaled deeply, his chest swelling at the sight of the couple. "That boy did good. He did real good. I always knew he would if he'd just let go of his fear."

Puzzled, Marianne asked the old man, "Fear? I don't understantd, what fear?"

Glancing at his daughter-in-law, Hank shrugged his shoulders. "That he wasn't good enough."

A feeling of guilt coursing through her, Marianne glanced at her late husband's father. "I wish things had been different."

Shrugging his shoulders, Hank smiled as his grandson leaned over and kissed Temperance. "He found love when he'd given up on that ever happening. He's happy and I can die happy knowing that my boy is okay. He's loved and that's all I ever wanted for him."

Watching Booth and Brennan kiss once more, Hank smiled. "Temperance and Seeley were made for each other. I knew it when I met her. It took awhile but my prayers were answered."


The music stopped and couples left the dance floor. Booth, holding Brennan against him, whispered to her. "The music stopped."

Brennan stared into her husband's warm chocolate eyes and whispered back, "No it hasn't. It's just begun."


Hope you liked it. Let me know what you thought of it. Thanks