Sorry I was a little late at posting this chapter. I'm at my Aunt's so things are kind of hectic right now.


Artemis had not gone anywhere since she took a leave from the team. Mostly she lay around her apartment and did nothing. Her mother had tried calling her a few times, but Artemis didn't answer. She was furious with herself; if she hadn't talked Wally into retiring from the team then maybe he would have been fast enough to still be alive.

Part of her knew that this wasn't true, but she wanted to believe it was. She wished badly she could go back in time and fix everything, start over. She sat there with her head in her hands, heaving her shoulders up and down as if she was crying, but there were no tears left. She was interrupted by a knock at the door.

Zatanna knew that Artemis needed a break from herself, she knew inside she was beating herself up. She smiled as the door opened; she looked exhausted, and inside was a mess. "Oh hey Zatanna." Artemis forced a smile for her friend; she didn't want others to be worried about her.

"So movie time, then dinner." Zatanna gave a thumbs up, putting her hand on her hip. Artemis' smile faded slowly, "I don't know…Maybe another time?" She felt horrible for putting off her friends but she didn't want to hang out with them and be miserable the whole time.

"I wasn't asking." Zatanna stated, sliding past Artemis into the apartment. She went into her room and picked an outfit out, handing it to her as she followed her into the room. "Come on. You need some time out. I get that you wanted a break from missions and work, but you can't take a break from your friends." She walked out of the room, leaving Artemis alone to change.

Artemis closed the door behind her, sighing softly to herself. There was no way of getting out of this. She put on the outfit Zatanna picked out then turned to the mirror. She had been wearing her hair down a lot since she left the team. Grabbing a hair tie off the dresser she tied her hair in a low pony tail. After checking herself over once more she walked out into the living room, "Okay. I'm ready I guess."

"Look at this place, it's a mess. She would have yelled at me if I left our place like this."Wally huffed; he had followed Zatanna there to check up on Artemis. Zatanna glanced over at Wally, giving him the 'not now' look. "What's wrong?" Artemis questioned, looking to where Zatanna was looking.

She shook her head, "Nothing…It's messy, reminds me of Dick's apartment." She chuckled then linked her arm with Artemis' pulling her towards the door. "Sure. Let's just pretend Wally's not here because no one can see him. Damn this ghost thing." Wally threw his hands in the air, shouting sarcastically. He knew only Zatanna could see him, he just didn't know why.

Zatanna rolled her eyes before closing the door behind them. They stayed quiet for most of the walk to the theater until they stopped right outside. "So what do you want to see?" Zatanna asked, glancing over at Artemis. "Anything is fine with me, I think a new funny movie came out, we could go see that if you want?" Zatanna nodded, a funny movie would be good. She walked up to the ticket window and ordered the tickets. "Three… I mean two tickets for the new comedy movie." The guy took her money then handed her the tickets. She forgot that Wally didn't need a ticket, he was invisible.

"I'm surprised she didn't pick the romantic mushy movie, those are usually the ones she likes the most." Wally inquired; Artemis had gotten up to go to the bathroom. "Wally, I'm trying to cheer her up, not make her feel even worse…" Zatanna looked over at him, he was pale, and his freckles were hardly noticeable when he was in this state.

She had spent the last few nights reading through books and articles, trying to find a way to bring him back, but nothing yet. Her eyes darted back to the screen as Artemis walked in and sat down, "Did I miss anything good?" She asked; Zatanna gave a small shrug, "Not really, a guy got attacked and that's it."Artemis chuckled then returned her gaze to the screen.

They finished the movie and went to dinner t a small pizza place. Artemis wasn't that great at talking anymore, she didn't do anything exciting so there wasn't much for her to say. "We had a mission the other night, and one of the enemies was really good at using a bow. He kind of reminded me of you, except you aren't evil." Zatanna laughed; looking up at Artemis to see a small smile appear on her face.

After finishing the pizza Zatanna walked back with her to the apartment. Wally made small comments about something had changed since he died, Zatanna tried to ignore him for the time being. As they made it to Artemis' apartment, Zatanna hugged her; "It was nice getting to hang out with you, Dick still doesn't get out much." She shrugged slightly. Artemis smiled, "I had fun, thanks for taking me out. Maybe we can do it again next week or something?" Zatanna nodded then said goodnight; Artemis closing the door behind her.

"I'm sorry I didn't pay much attention to you… it's just no one else can see you. I don't want Artemis to know yet."Zatanna spoke softly, turning her head to look at Wally. "I get it." He chuckled, scratching the back of his head. His smiled faded as someone walked right through him, he looked over to Zatanna giving her a small shrug even though it bothered him greatly.

"I've been reading a lot; I still haven't been able to find anything. If I don't find anything by the end of the week, I'll go to Fate and see if he can help at all. I want to do anything I can to get you back to your old self." Zatanna touched his shoulder as she entered her apartment. "Don't worry Kid, we'll figure this out."