Shy kiss turned into a surprised kiss

Sharon Raydor goes all out for the holidays, especially Christmas. Andy's known this for years. Two years ago he attended her Christmas party with most of the division, and last year he'd brought the party to her when the case they were working kept them at work. Both years had been fun; Sharon threw a good party.

This year, it's different for him. This year Sharon's not just his boss, or his friend, or the ridiculously beautiful woman who's smiling brighter than the lights that decorate the Christmas tree he's standing beside.

This year, Sharon's the woman who makes him laugh on the phone when he calls late at night just to hear her voice. Sharon's the woman who looks worried whenever he's hurt and fusses over injuries and cares about him. Sharon's the woman who likes to snuggle into the side of his body and hold his hand and does this thing where she breathes in the scent of his skin in a way she thinks is discreet but he notices every time.

This year, Sharon's the woman that ends up standing in front of him under mistletoe.

The room gets quiet – really quiet – and Andy can tell by the look Sharon is throwing over her shoulder to where all three of her children are, failing at keeping straight faces, that one of them is responsible for this.

And it's not like he's never kissed her in front of people, or like he hasn't kissed in front of at least half the room already. It's just that there's mistletoe, and his heart is beating a little too fast, and he's not really sure why he feels so…nervous.

"For Pete's sake, kiss the woman already. We don't have all day."

Sharon laughs and raises an eyebrow, head tilting. "Well, Andy…"

Andy licks his lips and wipes his hands off on his pants before putting one on her arm and carefully leaning towards her.

He's not really sure how his light peck turns into Sharon leaning up to his mouth and capturing his face between her hands to kiss him properly. It shocks him, because he can feel her taking his lip between her own and sucking on it in that way that makes his blood feel thick and hot as it travels through his veins.

Usually Sharon makes these small gasps when he takes her by surprise and pulls her into a kiss, but it's him this time that lets out a surprised noise, a low grunt that he hopes only Sharon hears as her tongue touches his lips and then she pulls away from him, ending the kiss far too soon for his liking.

He chases her mouth and hears laughter around them and has to blink his eyes open and take a full step back to feel like he won't push her up against the nearest wall and get lost in her luscious mouth. Sharon's eyes twinkle and her lips have formed one of those smug smirks, because of course Sharon knows how weak he gets from kissing her.

"Wow," he says lamely when no other words come to mind, and then everyone's laughing again and paying attention to everything but them. But Sharon's smiling and looking at him like she might be falling in love with him (a little more), and Andy's thinking this might be the best Christmas party Sharon's ever invited him to.