AN: Ok I got some idea where I'm going with this story now. I've got a team of betas for this story now! Many thanks to plumgal1899, titania522, hutchmeup, and themockingcat on tumblr! I love you guys' you're the best! Anyway, I was disappointed in the lack of reviews for this story. Also in the follows/favorites, the amount of people viewing it is high but it seems like no one really likes it. Is this true? I know some of you do like it but not many. Is there something I can do to change that? Let me know. Please! This story needs your input too! A writer only knows how good their stories are by the feedback they get from their readers. Also I'm on tumblr and there's always crazy stuff going on, on there. Check it out. On to the story now.
In the weeks after my first day of school, reality sets in and I now know that the initial calmness of that day has come to an end. People may have stayed away from me before, but now I suddenly seem to be the reason that the bullies in this school exist. Every day has become a living hell. It started with little things like being asked if I could really see or if I was okay with the way I looked, implying that I shouldn't be. I was never very girly and that hasn't changed now that I can see. I don't wear makeup, my clothes are mostly casual t-shirts and jeans and my hair is always in a single braid down my back. I'd never saw anything wrong with it but the other girls definitely seem to. Madge and Gale have told me to ignore them, but it isn't as easy as it sounds.
I sigh as I think about Gale and Madge. I don't know what has happened, but even they seemed to have distanced themselves from me. Like some kind of trust has been broken between us. I've wondered if it might be because I didn't tell them about my operation this summer, but honestly I didn't tell them because I was scared that it wouldn't work. I just didn't want to get their hopes up in case it didn't. They're my best friends and they've been there for me through everything-especially Gale- but what would I have said if the whole thing didn't work out? I'm having a hard time understanding why they can't see that this is why I didn't tell anyone.
The biggest change has been that someone from Peeta's group of friends always seems to be around me at throughout the day. Peeta is something else that's bothering me. I'm not quite sure what to make of the whole situation with Peeta. He hasn't done anything specific, but I don't understand why had he all but ignored me until this year? Ever since he spoke to me on the first day of school, he hasn't actually spoken to me again, but I feel as if he has taken a great interest in me, as well. But why did he even walk up to me that day? He could have just gone straight to his car like he would have any other day .So why would someone who had never even spoke to me before this year have their friends follow me around to protect me? At least it seemed like they were around to protect me. If a mean comment was made to me whichever one of Peeta's friends happened to be around would always stand-up for me. I appreciated it, but it bothered me because I didn't understand why.
Today seems to be National Make Katniss Feel Horrible About Herself Day. People have been particularly hurtful. It is getting to the point that I am about ready to just skip the rest of my classes and just go home. I never imagined that being more like everyone else and not being the oddball would make me even more of an outcast. I have already been pushed into a locker three times and had my books knocked out of my hands more times than I would even try to count. I finally decide that I am just done.
As I cross the hallway to go to the doors closest to the student parking lot, someone gets in my way. It's Finnick Odair, Peeta's best friend. He is the school's biggest player, which is not surprising since he is tall, with bronze colored hair and sea green eyes. The girls follow him in droves. I'm not saying that Finnick isn't good looking, but he doesn't appeal to me. Who wants to be with someone who knows that he is good looking and uses that to his advantage to have one night stands and use girls? Not me.
"Where are you going?" he asks.
"I'm going home," I respond shortly."Do you have a problem with that?"
"Why?" he asks.
"Like you really care," I reply. "Don't you have some girl to try and get into your bed?"
Finnick shakes his head. "Maybe you should get your facts straight before you start throwing insults around," he snaps back.
"Look, I just want to go home so please move." I'm done with this conversation.
"I'm not moving until you tell me why you wanna leave," he replies. The look on his face, the sadness in his eyes is what finally gets me- he actually looks as if he cares.
So I cave and tell him, "I'm just done with all the jokes and rude comments people are making." At this point I'm close to crying. I'm already shaking.
Finnick looks to the ground as he moves to the side and lets me pass; I guess dealing with a hysterical girl is not part of his bargain with Peeta. I run out the door and to my car. As I sit down in the driver seat the tears finally begin running down my cheeks. I cover my face and just let it all out.
It's a good 10 to 15 minutes before I can stop. I've never cried so much, not even when my Dad died. When I finally calm down I pull my keys out of my pocket and put them into the ignition. As I turn around to back out of the parking space I notice something sitting on the passenger seat that I hadn't realized was there when I entered the car.
AN 2: Cliffhanger! Ok yes I'm evil. I was having a hard time coming up with a ending and this is what it became. Hopefully the next chapter will be up sooner than this one. Please review. I would love to hear your comments. And come chat with me on tumblr.