The Night Where It All Started

Descriptn: A Pokémon fanfic – Halloween style! :P

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokémon! There enough said. Lol.

Rating: T plus mature subject matter :P

Note: thoughts *Pokémon Translation*

Ages: Ash:19 Misty:19 Brock:21 Gary:19 Tracey:20

Part 10: Epilogue

Six months, and one night before Misty's dooms day later...

"Now! Volt Tackle!" As Pikachu charges towards Lucia with the speed of light, Misty looks behind her to see Tracey, in full wolf form, looming over her, until nothing but complete darkness surrounds her.

Misty woke up with a start. After frantically looking around at her surroundings, she notices that she's in a familiar Pokémon Center overnight room. With that realization of reality taking a hold of her, Misty breathed out a sigh of relief.

"Jeez, it's that nightmare again."

Misty said, as she wiped away the sweat from her forehead, and tried to calm her rapid nerves. As she did, she looked across the room to see Brock sleeping on the top bunk, but as usual, Ash wasn't in the bottom bunk, but Pikachu was sound asleep.

"Not again. I swear, that boy never goes to sleep...Now where could he be?"

As Misty changed into her regular attire, her mind kept going back to those weeks after that nightmare they called Halloween. Sure the curse is gone, but the aftereffects are still lingering around. Misty knew that Dead Season was long over with, according to Lucia, but she can't help but feel that their nightmare will never leave them for good.

As Misty came outside of the Pokémon Center, she looked over at the beautiful nighttime scene around her in awe. The Pokémon Center was nestled between a lush forest behind the Center, and a beautiful view of an ocean, facing the front of the Center. Above, were twinkling silver stars shining happily in the dark sky. To Misty, this was one of those rare times that she can truly enjoy nature, without any distractions. But sadly, she knew that finding Ash was more important right now then enjoying the view.

Sure enough, sitting on a lumpy grey rock nestled securely beside the waterline of the ocean, was Ash.

Misty felt a smile cross her lips as she walked towards him, happy to see him, safe and sound.

"Hey, Mist." Ash said without even looking at her, but instead he kept his eyes on the ocean.

"...How did you know it was me?" Misty said.

Suddenly a flashback came to Misty as she thought back to the first day of the curse, when Misty decided to talk to the vampire Ash, after an argument from Brock. It was that moment before she came into Ash's room, that Ash knew it was her, before she did or said anything. This moment was not that much different from back then.

"Wow. Dejavu."

Ash looked up questioningly towards Misty. However, Misty just waved it off, and sat down next to Ash, also looking at the ocean.

"You're probably here to get me back to sleep, no doubt."

Misty side-viewed Ash and looked back towards the ocean, shaking her head.

"Nope. I just got curious, that's all. And besides, I don't think I'll be able to get back to sleep, after that nightmare."

Ash turned towards Misty with semi shock.

"You too, huh?"

Misty looked towards Ash, also surprised.

"You've been having nightmares too?"

Ash looked away from Misty, and back towards the ocean.

"Yeah. And it bugs the hell out of me. Ever since I found this locket..."

Ash pulled out a simple silver, round locket necklace, from under his shirt, and showed it to Misty.

"I've started to feel like myself each and every day. But during the night, random scenes come into my head. Yet, I keep thinking they're just dreams, but they seem so real."

Misty was getting curious.

"What kind of scenes Ash?"

Ash's face began to redden as he thought back to those images in his head.

"Well, um, there were scenes of me and you...getting close."

At this point Ash's face was as red as a tomato, but luckily Misty wasn't paying any attention to Ash's expression. She was more worried about the simple fact that, if Ash can tell the difference between reality and dreams.

"But Ash, do you remember anything from Halloween?"

Ash looked back towards the ocean.

"The last thing I remember from Halloween was when Brock and I went shopping for candy. We came back home to change into our costumes, I guess, around the time it got dark, that light came. And everything else after that was all blurry. Until, I found this locket. I guess, you could say, my memories are coming back in my dreams, if you can call them memories."

Misty didn't know what to say at this point.

A part of her wants Ash to remember everything that happened between them from Halloween, and the days that followed. Yet, at the same time, she doesn't really want Ash to remember everything that happened between them. To Misty, being just friends with Ash is a lot better than to continue a relationship that may not have existed in the first place.

Misty looked towards Ash.

"Ash, why don't you throw away the locket? Since its hurting you."

Ash looked away from the ocean, and towards Misty.

"Misty, why would I throw away something that can help me unlock my memories?"

Misty looked away from Ash.

"Because you shouldn't remember what happened back then. It's best that you never knew."

As Misty stood back up to go towards the Pokémon Center, the sun broke through the night bringing the beautiful colours of orange and pink of the sunrise.

"What do you mean by that Misty? What happened back then?"

Misty looked up towards the sunrise and hoped to the heavens that Ash wouldn't remember anything from that awful time.

"Ash, please, do us all a favour and throw away that necklace."

Something clicked in Ash's head, that he regretted saying the moment he said it.

"Tell me something Misty, those scenes that I keep remembering about us together, were they true?"

Luckily Misty's back was towards Ash, since he wouldn't see her crying those silent tears, but her voice betrayed her as she slowly made her way back to the Centre.

"Just forget it Ash." And just like that, she ran towards the Centre, just in time to see Brock and Pikachu coming out of it.

"Good morning Mist..." Brock tried to say, as Misty rushed past him and Pikachu into the Center, all while hiding her tears.

Brock turned towards Ash running after Misty. "Did I miss something?"

"Not now Brock." Ash also tried to run past him, but Brock obstructed his way.

"Let me tell you something, if a girl is upset like Misty is, then it's best to just leave her be."

"But Brock, she won't answer me!"

Brock was slightly confused.

"And, what did you ask her that made her react like this?"

Ash's face became saddened as he remembered the conversation he just had with Misty.

"I just asked her if my dreams about that Halloween were real."

You could see panic growing on Brock's expression, but as usual he kept his cool.

"And what were your dreams about, exactly?"

Ash's face began to redden as he remembered those dreams about him and Misty, and all those moments they shared. But there was something that didn't make any sense to him. In his dreams, he was a different person then he is now. A dark, mysterious, and he has to admit, a bit brooding love – struck guy. Totally unlike he is now. But, if those were dreams, then why would Misty tell him to throw away the locket? Was she hiding something? Or perhaps that maybe, just maybe, those dreams were real?

"Well Ash, what were those dreams of yours?"

Ash looked back towards Brock, momentarily forgetting that he was there.

"Brock, it's just..."

"Well, look who it is."

Ash turned around to see Gary and Tracey heading towards them from the forest.

"Gary? Tracey? What are you guys doing here?"

"Why do you always have to ask that same question every time we meet Ashy-boy? Can you just accept the fact that I'm here, and leave it like that?"

Tracey shook his head. "Don't mind him; he's not in a good mood right now."

Brock spoke up. "Mind if I ask why?"

Tracey couldn't resist the temptation of teasing Gary of all people.

"No I don't mind at all. It's simple really. Gary here, can't magically make things appear anymore."

Gary was annoyed. "Mind your own business wolf boy. And besides if I could, we wouldn't be aimlessly walking through the forest without food."

Ash was utterly confused.

"What are you guys talking about? Magically making things appear? And since when is Tracy a wolf boy? He doesn't even look like a wolf."

As Brock bit his lip not wanting to say anything, there was a moment of stunned silence from Gary and Tracey, until Gary spoke up.

"Huh? Did you get a few loose screws in there Ashy-boy? Or did you seriously forget?"

Ash was getting annoyed at Gary's attitude. "I don't even know what you're talking about Gary. To me, it sounds like you're the one that's missing a few screws yourself."

Gary stepped up towards Ash. "Oh, so you're saying that I'm crazy? At least I'm not the one with memory loss here."

Ash also stepped up towards Gary, resulting in being face to face to with him, just like they were about to get into a fight.

"Well, if I have memory loss, then I'm sure as hell glad to forget the time when you lost it, Gary. I wouldn't want to spoil your day by reminding you of your dark past."

Brock separated the two boys before things could get ugly.

"Enough! Do you guys always have to fight whenever you two see each other? You guys are friends, so act like it."

Ash and Gary turned away from each other, resulting in Ash going back to his lumpy rock by the ocean's waterline, and Gary going into the Centre.

When Brock, Tracey and Pikachu were left standing there, Tracey spoke up.

"They're always like this, aren't they?"

"Like you wouldn't believe."

Brock looked down towards the semi-confused Pikachu with a kind smile.

"Pikachu, you should keep Ash company, while things get sorted here, ok?"

Pikachu nodded, smiled with a "Pi" and ran towards Ash.

"So now what?" Tracey looked around as if he was looking for someone. "And where's Misty?"

"She's inside somewhere, staying away from Ash."

Tracey gave Brock a questionable look.

"Staying away from him? What? Did they break up?"

Brock shook his head.

"You saw him; he clearly doesn't remember the fact that Gary used to use magic, or the fact that you were a werewolf. And if he doesn't remember that, I doubt he remembers what happened between him and Misty."

"But, that was a long time ago Brock, maybe he naturally forgot?"

Brock gave Tracey a stern look.

"You don't forget the love of your life dying in your arms. And he definitely wouldn't forget those moments that they, no doubt, shared together. Something made him forget. But, knowing Misty, she wouldn't want him to remember her dying."

There was a moment of silence as Brock and Tracey absorbed that statement knowing how true it was. Until an idea came to Brock, like a light bulb had gone off above his head.

"It's the locket!"

Tracey was confused. "What locket?"

Brock shook his head.

"Gary found a locket by that old Willow Tree and gave it to Ash. And I bet my life's allowance, that locket made Ash forget about everything that happened after that light. But, what Ash said earlier to me, it sounded like those memories were starting leak out of the locket into his dreams."

You could practically see the wheels in Brock's head spinning, but Tracey, unlike Brock, wasn't on the same page. He was confused, but was trying hard to catch up.


"Meaning, it won't take long for Ash to remember everything that happened. As long as he has that locket with him."

You could see it in Tracey's eyes that he finally caught up with Brock.

"So, we have to get that locket away from him, before it's too late?"

"Right. Well, I don't know about you, but I don't want to see him go through that pain again."

"He won't."

Brock and Tracey turned around towards the entrance to the Centre and found Misty standing there with determination in her eyes.

"How much have you heard?" asked Tracey.


There was a slight pause when Brock spoke up.

"So, I take it you have a plan?"

Misty looked down, while biting her lip as she made up her decision.

"I do. But there is one thing I need to know, before I go through with it."

Misty looked up towards Brock, knowing well that he had the answer to her question.

"Why weren't you, Ash, and Gary affected by Lucia?"

Brock looked right into her eyes, wondering why she would be asking this kind of question now, since a lot of time has passed since then. At the same time, you could see Tracey sporting a blank look on his face, as he didn't know who Misty was talking about.

"Uh, who's Lucia?"

Misty turned towards Tracey a bit surprised.

"You don't remember Lucia? As I recall you had a crush on her, of sorts. How could you not remember her?"

"He wouldn't."

Behind Misty, Gary came out of the Centre, with a serious expression.

Misty faced Gary. "Let me guess. You did something didn't you?"

Gary nodded.

"I did. I wiped everyone's memory about Lucia and what happened at that Willow Tree. The only people I spared were you, Ash, and the Mad Scientist here."

At this time, Misty fell silent as she was putting the pieces of the puzzle together in her head.

"But that locket, was not from Earth. Well, not man made at the very least." Gary continued. "But I did sense some sort of dark supernatural power coming from it. So I figured, well why not? Let a supernatural creature of darkness deal with its own likes. So I gave it to Ash."

Suddenly Misty realized something that she hated herself for not realizing sooner.

"You idiot! Why did you give it to Ash?! Now because of you he's going to remember everything! Hell, he might even turn back into a vamp for all we know!"

Realization hit the three boys as they said "Oh." in unison. Even Gary said; "Did not think of that one."

At that instant by the lake, a shining light came from Ash and Pikachu, as Ash just realized that there was an opening to the locket.


Misty ran towards Ash just right before he looked into it, and swatted the locket away from his hands. Freeing Ash from whatever trance he was in.

"Huh? What...what just happened?"

"Why did could have...ugh! You never think!" Misty was frustrated beyond words.

But at the same time, the locket was still open, and shining that very same light, as the light that turned them into their costumes that very night. But instead, that locket was shooting that bright light like a beam into the sky.

As everyone else was staring at the locket on the grass, Ash was staring at Misty.

"I remember now...I remember everything."

Horror struck Misty as she heard those words. As she turned to face him, she knew that this was her moment, her D-day. She knew that this was her last moment on Earth. Her last moment with the man she loved. And as she looked into Ash's eyes, Misty knew that she would never forgive herself for being so selfish after all this time. But what could've she done? She couldn't have told him that she was going to die now. And besides she was already dead, the only reason that she's alive now is because of the deal she struck with Lucia. And as the locket got brighter and louder, as vibrating sounds starting to come from the inside of the locket, Misty knew it was now or never.

"Ash, please listen to me. You won't see me anymore. Heck, you might not remember me. But, I want you to remember these words. What happens from here on out, isn't your fault."

Misty looked away from Ash and looked towards Brock, Tracey, Gary, and Pikachu. Remembering every moment she shared with them, the bad and the good. From the petty arguments, to the time they laughed about Prof Oak turning to Fabio. And all those memories before that Halloween. She remembered everything.

A tear rolled down her cheek, as she felt Ash's hands wiping them away.

"Mist, please don't do this."

Misty looked back to Ash, with eyes full of tears.

"I have to, or you'll never find peace."

She turned towards the locket, took a few steps towards it, and stopped as she knew she had to do one more thing before she disappeared.

She ran back towards Ash, and surprised him with a passionate kiss, whispering;

"I always loved you, and always will."

She closed her eyes, took a deep breath, turned around, and ran straight towards the locket.

As she stepped on the locket, the bright light blinded everyone into shielding their eyes, as Misty disappeared into the beam. Once she was completely gone, the locket exploded into a bright white light, erasing Misty's existence from everyone that ever knew her.

And as the light died down, and everyone regained their eyesight, Ash knew that he was dearly missing something but he couldn't recall what.

"Pika? Pikachupi chu?" *Huh? What just happened?*

Ash shook his head, as he felt a little light headed.

"I don't know pal. But I feel like I'm missing something."

As he said it, he noticed that there was a mallet lying on the grass, exactly where the locket was before Ash's memory was wiped clean.

"I wonder what's that doing there?"

As Ash picked up the mallet, he wondered why such an object was lying on the grass like that. It was like someone had lost it, and whoever that was, he wondered what kind of person would carry around a mallet for.

"Pika, Pikachu pi chu." *Huh, maybe it belongs to a judge.*

Ash smiled. "Or it could belong to someone with a bad temper, or a feisty personality."

With that, Ash and Pikachu laughed, as everyone else headed back towards the Centre, like nothing ever happened. Ash picked up the mallet, and thought that maybe, just maybe, this thing could bring him good luck.

He just never knew how lucky that mallet really was.

Author's Note

Wow...just wow. I never would have imagined that this story would end up like...this, to be honest. And usually I wouldn't end a story with a bittersweet ending like this one, but it just fits to the storyline. But yea, I guess, I should give a big thank you to all of you, who stuck through to this story from the very beginning, until its end. THANK YOU. And a big round of applause to everyone who reviewed this story, and to everyone that helped out in one way or another. THANK YOU. Without all of you, this fanfic would never have existed. And maybe, just maybe, there will be a sequel to this story. But it all depends on you! Hope to hear from you soon! And once again, THANK YOU! :D