The Night Where It All Started

Description: A Pokémon fanfic – Halloween style!

Disclaimer: I do not own Pokémon! There enough said.

Rating: T plus mature subject matter

Note: thoughts

Ages: Ash:19 Misty:19 Brock:21

Part 1

T'was the night before Halloween where children and adults alike were preparing for the scary night ahead in the town of Pallet.

"C'mon Misty you have to dress up! It's the whole point of Halloween!"

"I don't care if it is Ash! I am not dressing up and that's final!"

Ash and Misty were arguing in Ash's living room, where Ash was trying out his brand new costume. Pikachu was sitting on a table behind Ash and watching the scene before him. Brock was in the kitchen helping out Delia.

"And besides, the only fun part of Halloween is the candy. I don't see the point in dressing up."

Ash looked at her with a stern look. "Okay, Misty. First of all, it's not all about the candy. And second, dressing up for Halloween is to scare other people and kids. Basically turning an ordinary night into something worth remembering."

Misty looked into Ash's eyes and saw that no matter how many times she would protest, he would stand his guard. He was one stubborn teen. Exactly like she was, but she decided on her better judgement with a sigh.

"Fine, but don't expect me to dress up. I'll just help you with the costume, if you want."

Ash knew when Misty made up her mind, there would be no force in the world that would make her change her decision.

"Fine. Just help me find the right combo of costumes, I guess."

As the two teens decided on a good costume for Ash, Brock came into the living room with a tray full of Halloween cookies.

"So Ash, what are you dressing up as anyways?" Brock asked as he set the tray on the table where Pikachu was, giving the mouse a you better not eat it look.

"Well mom said that I should try something different for once."

"What do you mean by different?" Brock asked as he turned his back on Pikachu, to face Ash.

"Well, as long as I can remember, I've been dressing up as a Pokémon every year. Let's just say it's time for a change up."

As Misty looked at the collection of clothing around Ash, she could only gather that, all the clothing was dark.

"Look Ash, if you want me to help you, then you have to tell me what you're dressing as."

Ash gave her a sly smile. "Well it's definitely not a Pokémon."

Misty was getting annoyed. "Then what is it already?!"

Ash pulled out a set of fake fangs from his jean pocket.

"You've got to be kidding me."

Ash just smiled his sly smile.

"What? What is it?" Ash placed the fake fangs in his mouth and showed it to Brock.

"You're dressing up as a vampire?"

"Better than any ordinary vamp. I'm Dracula!"

Ash yelled in the classic Dracula accent, scaring Pikachu and Brock into laughter.

All Misty could do was shake her head and face palm herself. All while trying not to laugh.

"What about you Brock? What are you going as?" Misty asked as she tried to change the subject.

Ash noticed that Misty was beginning to enjoy herself. "Now to get her in a costume."

"Well, you know how I'm trying to be a breeder right? Or at least someone that helps out others in need?"

Misty was starting to get a little confused. "Yea?"

"Then I'm going as a doctor."

Misty face palmed, yet again. "That's in real life Brock. And according to Ash you're supposed to enjoy the night, not make it well... normal."

Brock thought for a moment. "Hey I know! What about a mad scientist?"

Misty fought back the urge to face palm, yet again. "Well, at least it's not normal."

"Speaking of normal, I really think you should change your normal-ness tomorrow night, Misty."

Misty knew where Ash was getting at, and being another stubborn teen, she decided not to fall into that trap. Instead she took a different approach.

"What do you mean change my normal-ness? What? Getting bored?"

"Mist, you know that's not what I meant." Ash said as he desperately tried not to get into another fight.

"No, that's exactly what you meant Ashy-boy!" Misty knew she hit a nerve. He always hated being called Ashy-boy.

"Well I wouldn't have said it, if you stopped being so damn annoying every day! You're like a new definition of normal!"

"Oh, now I'm annoying?! Maybe if you looked up lazy and dense in the dictionary, then you'll find a big fat picture of you!"

"OH YEA?!"


Brock stepped in between the two lovely couple. Well at the very least, a close couple of friends in another useless argument.

"Seriously? I think if you look up an old married couple in the dictionary, then you'll find a big fat picture of the both of y'all!"

That set off a mini outbreak of fights between the three good friends, while Pikachu took that opportunity to take as many Halloween cookies as he can.

At the end of the mini fight, Misty walked away with a bunch of bruises on both her arms. While, Brock had a black eye and few bruises, and Ash had a black eye and a lot more bruising then Misty, courtesy of the red head.

"Well, that was fun." Brock said as he desperately tried to heal his black eye with a patch of ice, a couple hours after the fight in Ash's bedroom.

"Don't I know it." Ash pouted as he also tried to heal up his black eye with a different patch of ice, while sitting on his bed.

"Hey. where is she anyway?" Brock said as he noticed Misty's absence.

"Probably still in the bathroom." Ash replied, still trying to die down the bruising.

Brock shook his head. "Amazing what she can accomplish, when she gets it her way."

Ash scoffed. "Yeah, black eyes and bruises."

They both looked at each other and broke into loud laughter. Meanwhile in the bathroom across from Ash's bedroom, the sound of laughter reached Misty.

"I swear, boys could be so... I don't know boyish!" Completely at a loss for words. "Well at least he didn't ask me to wear a stupid costume or anything." She said proudly, while trying to cover up her bruising on her arms with makeup.

"Luckily there's no bruising on my face. CAUSE if there were, a certain trainer would get it for sure." Misty said as she was talking to her reflection in the bathroom mirror above the sink.

At that moment, she started to daydream about a certain trainer in a black cape. She pictured his hair all messy, pointing in different directions, wearing nothing but black clothing matching his hair, with a dark black cape blowing behind him in the wind. And then there would be his eyes. Full of desire and lust. She sighed heavenly.

She shook her head to snap herself out of her trance. "Pull yourself together girl! It's only a costume! Not an excuse for you to go to lala land!"

She angrily put away the makeup and looked at the mirror for just a split second. Then she froze. "I swear my reflection just winked at me."

Misty stared at the mirror, and did simple motions of her hands. The reflection copied like it usually would. "Huh, I must be seeing things."

She left the bathroom in a rush to get back to Ash's room. "Sorry to barge in on your male bonding."

Misty said as she moved towards Ash's bed, and pushed him off.

"Whoa! Wait a minute I'm sleeping there!"

Misty sighed in annoyance. "Look Ash, it's late. And besides, your mom lets me sleep in your bed because you are a gentleman, are you not?"

Ash didn't want to get into trouble with his mom, yet again. "Ugh, fine. Just this once."

"As if." Misty mumbled to herself, as she tucked herself in.

As Ash and Brock climb into their respective sleeping bags, Misty couldn't help but smile at Ash.

"Well, he may be a pain in the butt, but his mom raised him right. And besides, I honestly can't wait to see his tall dark and handsome self to the max tomorrow night anyway. Hehe."

With that thought in mind, Misty fell asleep wondering what the following day may bring.