Cloistered Emperor

By: A Really Big Idiot

Summary: Somehow, trapped in an ancient time, Zero Kiryu desperately needs to find a way to get back home. However, he unexpectedly meets the man he is destined to love for all eternity…and to one day murder. "To the one I love…please prepare to die." He whispered. A RidoxZero Dark Romance Fic!

Prelude: The Event

It was the blackest time of the night, but despite the darkness, the winds of winter hugged the pale moonlight like a cruel lover.

I was caught in a three-men stand still – me, the lone ex-human vampire hunter, against two powerful enemy purebloods. Luckily, at least one of them (for now) was on my side. However, as we all bared our chosen weapons at each other, we all knew that the next attack would be the deciding one. We were all exhausted, after all. This battle had been long and tedious, but now it would have to come to an end.

But, strangely, the moment the older of the two purebloods looked directly in my wrathful eyes… it was as if he just realized something extremely important.

Time seemed to stop as we nakedly stared at each. It was like the world had fallen away, and we were the only ones left in it.

But the way he looked at me…

The way…he…just…looked

He looked at me with an expression that made me feel like a monstrous ghost.

A strangeness. An incongruity. Odd sensations were stirring in my chest…

"You." The mad pureblood inaudibly whispered. "You." He breathlessy repeated. "…How?"

I then realized that I couldn't turn away from him. I couldn't stop staring. For some reason, my heart had morphed into glass…

And it was shattering.

I…I don't understand why its hurts. I thought to myself. I…just…don't…understand.

We continued to look at each other. Both his eyes, one blue and one red, burned into mines. He continued to look at me with that strange yet awful expression.

I was completely frozen. I should realize something. I know I should, but…

But I don't know what that something is.

Disturbed, I tightly held on to my newly unleashed Bloody Rose. It was completely transformed. Thousands upon thousands of hungry thorns surrounded us like angel feathers, and while I had never used my prized weapon in such a state, I knew that it was no longer a simple anti-vampire gun.

No, it became something much more than a mere weapon.

It had become a part of me.

Yet, our otherworldly silence continued.

"All this time…it was you." The madman quietly said. "I-"

But when he raised his bloody claw-like hand – the instincts that I dedicated my life to perfect did not fail me.

There was no time to think.

My weapon's thorny bullet immediately devoured the tormented light from his eyes.

"NO!" I said.

Yet while my voice was a whisper, it felt like I was screaming.

To Be Continued