"Care to explain how you got your optics stuck?" Ratchet asked Prowl, looking at him with an amused expression on his face. Prowl flushed slightly.

"Um, there was a butterfly…" he began tentatively, praying that Ratchet wouldn't laugh at him, "and it landed on my olfactory sensors. I didn't want to scare it off, so I crossed my optics in order to see it properly."

"Hold on, back up. A butterfly? What the slag is a butterfly?" Ratchet asked, confused.

"It's an organic creature. Sari could give you a whole lecture on them. They're really quite fascinating. This one species-Sari tells me it's called a Blue Morpho-has wings that look like they're made of metal, yet they're made out of…what was it again Sari?"

"A protein called chitin," Sari supplied.

"Right, chitin covered in tiny scales. It's simply amazing."

Ratchet rolled his optics.

"Yeah, yeah," he said impatiently, "That's nice. Now are you going to let me fix your optics now or what?"

"Right. My apologies."

Ratchet pulled out a couple tools and went to work. Sari watched curiously, sitting cross-legged on the ground. She quickly grew bored and decided to pass the time by drawing more pictures of butterflies in the dirt with the stick she had found earlier. She had completed no less than fifteen before Ratchet finally put his tools away.

"There you go. Good as new," he said, admiring his handiwork. Prowl carefully moved his optics around, making sure they wouldn't get stuck again.

"Thank you."

"Don't mention it."

"Hey Ratchet!" Sari interjected excitedly, "You should stay for a little bit so you can meet Prowl's butterflies!"

"I don't think so, kid. I've got work to do," Ratchet replied, starting to back away.

"Are you sure? Cos they sure seem to like you," Sari said, pointing at Ratchet's shoulder. The old war medic looked over, and sure enough, a tiny red and white butterfly had perched on his shoulder.

"It looks sort of like you," Prowl said, his mouth-plates turning up in a half smile. Ratchet glared at him.

"It does not!" he said grumpily, "For one, I'm not tiny and I most definitely do not have wings!"

He tried to shoo away the little insect, but oddly enough, it merely circled around his head and landed on his shoulder again, joined by a second butterfly.

"What the-" Ratchet began, but more and more of the red and white butterflies swarmed him, covering his entire chest plate, "Hey, stop! That tickles!"

Meanwhile, Sari was rolling on the floor, laughing hysterically, and Prowl was chuckling at the rather silly sight. Ratchet glared at them from beneath the mass of butterflies. He waved his arms about again, managing to get the butterflies off long enough to storm out of the room. Prowl and Sari looked at each other and then promptly burst out laughing.

"Did you see his face?" Sari asked in between giggles.

"It was rather amusing," Prowl replied, beginning to regain his composure.

Sari lay back on the ground and sighed, smiling brightly.

"I like this," she said contentedly, "Spending time with you and telling you about butterflies."

Prowl turned to look at her.

"Oh? Why?" he asked, curious. He'd have thought she'd much rather be playing videogames with Bumblebee than sit in a garden with a boring, uptight ninja-bot. Sari smiled up at him.

"Well, because it's you! You're usually the one who knows everything, so it's fun to be the teacher every once in a while," Sari paused thoughtfully, "And sometimes I like to get away from all the craziness and just talk to a friend. You're the only one I can really do that with, Prowl."

Prowl looked down at his little friend and smiled softly.

"I like spending time with you too."