Unexpected Obstacle

A/N: There is a 3 month time jump between the last chapter and this one. Please be gentle. Its been a while since I wrote anything.


Sitting at the counter with her dancing around my kitchen is the best thing that has ever happened to me. 3 months had gone by since she had come into my life, and they were the hardest 3 months of my life- in this case literally. She and Jesse had started casually sleeping together about 2.5 months ago. She stayed the night most nights now and I would wake up to her dancing in tiny shorts in the kitchen while making us breakfast. It was a wonderful thing to wake up to after the torture of the previous night. I would hear Jesse let her in and then silence. Then a door close. Then laugher. Then the real torture would begin. All I could hear was her moans. Sexy, incredible, most beautiful, but also most torturous noise on the planet. I wanted to be the one eliciting those noises from her perfect mouth. Most nights I ended up imagining myself taking that mouth and had to get myself off.

"Get on your knees and BOW DOWN!" She screamed while bobbing her head. Oh sweet Caroline if you were with me, that's exactly what you would be doing. I shook my head to get out of the trance.

"Jesse got a call this morning from his parents. It didn't sound good. He went to the street to take it and said he'll be back inside soon." She told me swinging around with a plate of eggs in her had. She put it down in front of me and took a seat next to me. Jesse burst through the door huffing in anger. He stomped into his room and slammed the door. He walked out with a duffle bag in his hand and dropped it by the front door.

"My parents just called and told me that I have to come home. A bunch of stuff just fell through and they lost my college fund, and rent money." He sat down on the couch and put his head in his hands. "I'm sorry Klaus. I know this fucks you over. But I don't have any other choice. Working through school won't cut it." I walked over and sat next to him, putting my hand on his shoulder.

"Jesse, its okay. I understand. That's a fucked up thing to happen." I shook my head. "You have got to go take care of yourself my man. Ill figure something out for the roommate situation." I knew a few people that were looking for roommates so that wouldn't be an issue.


Jesse had left a few days ago and my roommate search had been harder than I thought. The people that were looking had already found other places. Which left me out of luck. I walked into the house and kicked my shoes off, walking over and flopping onto the couch. My phone started ringing and I answered with a huffed "huh".

"Hey! So I was wondering if I can come over? I have some stuff I need to talk to you about." Caroline's sweet voice came through the phone and instantly relieved some of my stress.

"You are welcome any time love. Please come in when you get here, the door is unlocked."

"Okay perfect. I'm just leaving my last exam now so ill be over in about 20 minutes." She told me, I could hear the commotion of people leaving the lecture hall.

"Okay cool. I'm just going to shower quickly before you get here." I told her, hanging up after hearing her acknowledgement of my words.


Getting out of the shower I wrapped a towel around my waist, feeling refreshed and ready for another night of trying to find a roommate. I walked out of the bathroom to find Caroline sitting on the couch cross legged, wearing a beautiful yellow sundress. I could tell she was nervous because she was fiddling with the ends of her hair and staring blankly out the window.

"Hey love, what's up?" I asked walking over and sitting opposite her on the couch. She shifted her body towards me and gave me a nervous smile.

"Have you managed to find a roommate yet? Because I'm pretty sure you would have told me by now if you found one. My dads and I just talked and I told them I wanted to move out and find a place of my own because I want to have a normal university experience rather than a sheltered one and they agreed and said they would help me with rent and groceries if I found a place and-" I cut off her rambling by grabbing her hand and rubbing it with my thumb.

"Okay first off stop. The rambling is cute but annoying. No I have not found a roommate yet, and yes I would have told you. And if your dads are okay with you moving in here then I am okay with it. It is what is best for you that I am worried about, nothing else." I saw a relieved smile spread over her face and I swear I saw the stress leave her shoulders. I was then surprised and she rushed at me and wrapped her arms around me, shoving her head into the crook of my neck.

"Thank you! You have no idea how stressful it was living with them! Every time I left to hang out with you or Jesse or Kat or anyone I would just get the typical 'when will you be back?' 'stay away from strangers' 'don't be stupid, don't do anything I wouldn't'. I know they did so much for me but it was just too much living with them and trying to have a college experience." She sighed.

"Its no problem sweet Caroline. You are the most important thing in my life. If living here helps, I will help you move in this afternoon." I told her while running my hand over her hair.

"Thank you Klaus. I don't know what I would do without you!"

Later that day I helped Caroline pack up the rest of her things from her dads place and bring them over. She didn't have too much stuff, only one car load, which was nice. Her and her dads were saying their goodbyes while I brought the last of the boxes upstairs, and set them in her room. I dare not touch anything inside them, as I know she will go into an organizing frenzy when she gets in. I heard her walk in and I walked out to meet her in the kitchen. She grabbed a bottle of water from the fridge, and walked over putting her head on my shoulder.

"Thank you for all of the help. I really appreciate it. Anyways I'm going to go organize my new room. Thank god for semester break because I am going to go organize the crap out of that room." She rubbed her hands together around the water bottle and backed towards her room, her butt bouncing in her tiny shorts on the way, making me hard as she went.

Maybe her moving in wasn't such a great idea.