Lindsay's Story

Chapter 1.

"Talent show" Gil Grissom frowned sitting back in his chair in his office.

"Yeah, can I do it please" Lindsay Grissom shuffled on the corner of her father desk, placing her joined hand under her chin if she was praying. Her Dad looked over his glasses at her, she poked her bottom lip at him and fluttered her eyelashes at him.

"Don't look at me like that I get enough of that from your mother I don't need from you" Dad smirked.

"Don't change the subject, Daddy please" She poked out her bottom even further.

"Yes but no dancing in bikini's or short skirts okay" Grissom pointed.

"Can I assure that will not happen" Lindsay smiled ever so cutely, Grissom gave her a yeah-right look. "Again" She added smiling.

"Okay you have my full permission" He smiled up at her.

Lindsay jumped of the desk and doing a little victory dance. Grissom look at his daughter and laughed.

"Just promise me this though"

She stopped her dancing.

"What?" She asked

"Don't do that on stage" He laughed.

"I promise, I gotta go Daddy, I love you" She lent down and hug him and kissed his cheek. She grabbed her bag from the couch.

"I love you to baby, homework when you get home and" Grissom asked.

"And don't forget to eat, I know Dad" she smiled running out the door.

She walked half ran down hall, she bumped into Nick causing his case files to fly onto the floor

"Oh shoot Uncle Nicky I'm so sorry" she dropped her bag and helped him pick up the paper that had come out of the files.

"It's alright Lind's" He smiled taking the paper that she handing to him.

He helped her off the floor.

"Have you seen my Mom" She smiled putting her draw string leather bag pack over her shoulder.

"Yeah just seen her, she's gone to the layout room with Greg" He smiled.

"Okay thanks, gotta go" She lent up and kissed his cheek.

He watched her running up the hall and laughed shaking his head. She always made him smile.