"Yes?" he smiled and turned around.

His father surely took him by surprise, it'd been years since they'd been together in the attic. They used to train here before him and Jace - his dad showing him different tricks. Alec had always respected his father, maybe that was why he never tried to stop what was going to happen, he didn't have a chance to do it.

One - his underlip split

Two - a sting, just above his left eye, made him flinch back before his father raised his fist once again and placed it-

Three - in his stomache.

"I want you to stop whatever it is you're doing with that Warlock" his father breathed without looking him in the eyes.

Alec wasn't sure if his words or actions hurt the most but he knew that he'd much rather fight a demon then his own father. By the Angel, he would have killed that demon before his father had even laid a hand on him but this was different. He couldn't do anything against his father.

"Why?" Alec asked as he wiped away some blood from his mouth.

His eye hurt. Everything inside him hurt. He couldn't remember the last time his father had hit him - it must have been just a slap in the face or something when he was little. He felt dizzy.

"Because it's disgusting. It's wrong."

He was just about to raise his hand again, making Alec curl up, when the door opened. It was Jace.

"Oh, sorry - I didn't mean to interrupt!" he smiled and looked at Robert.

He then met Alec's eyes and in a second, it was gone.

"What's going on?" he wondered and took a step forward Alec when Robert stopped him by laying a hand on his shoulder.

"It's okay, Alec and I was just talking about what's-his-name? Ma-"

"Magnus" Alec whispered and smiled as tears started to roll down his face "His name is Magnus."