"It's early," Pam moaned as she felt Tara moving around on the bed.

"It's the afternoon. I gotta go," the dark skinned woman replied sounding just as sleepy as her bedmate. "You know if I don't get back in time I get hell."

Pam glared through the slits of her eyes croaking adorably, "I don't care."

Tara chuckled, "of course you don't," she stood turning the switch to the lamp to light the part of the room she could have sworn her clothes were thrown to. She and Pam were zealous when it came to matters of the flesh and everything else in between was expendable for instance clothes.

Rising on her elbow Pam pulled her sheet over her breasts as she watched Tara gather her clothes. Long blond hair fell over her right shoulder at the shift. Blue eyes traced the chocolate lines of her lover's body and her mouth watered with her appetite still not sated even after hours of pressing their bodies in a sweaty heated embrace. Tara Thornton was a forbidden fruit she plucked and tasted and she didn't mind that the means in which she got her were unethical. If she wanted to excel in ethics she would have gone to school or at the very least become a nun, but since neither option was all that appealing she reveled in the naughtier route.

Sitting upright she moved to the edge of the bed. "I've never seen someone this much of a hurry to run from a warm bed."

"You forget," Tara looked at her pointedly, "I'm running to one too."

"One of these days you're girlfriend is going to come to her senses and throw you out."

"Maybe," Tara buttoned her jeans.

Pam hooked her fingers through a belt loop pulling the woman closer swatting the hands away to undo what they had done.

Pursing her lips Tara was about to reprimand her when she felt teeth graze her abdomen down to her underwear where teeth latched on and pulled experimentally, "you're husband would be too happy to find me in bed with you."

Pam captured flesh between her teeth biting viciously until Tara grabbed her by the back of her hair and pulled her away. With the blond woman's head tilted back she pointed a critical finger at her in warning, "what the fuck?"

Grabbing the wrist holding Tara's hand with some discomfort Pam angled her head so she could kiss the forearm of Tara's hand.

"You don't know when to quit."

The blond shook her head as she nipped playfully at Tara's skin following a lick until it began a pattern Tara was mesmerized by causing her to loosen her grip. Pam didn't mind the hair pulling so she was dissatisfied when Tara was losing focus and getting distracted. The hand holding Tara's wrist guided the dark hand to the back of her head waiting impatiently for Tara to hurt her.

"Tara," she moaned when she felt Tara's knuckles graze her scalp when she got the hint and pulled her hair harder.

"Behave," she kissed Pam's mouth too quickly for the blond hurrying out of her reach to the bathroom to finish cleaning up.

From the bed the blond glared at her lover, "I hate you."

"Yea," Tara's noncommittal reply echoed from the bathroom.

"What are you doing?"

"Washing you off of me," Tara responded leaning against the bathroom sink as her lover covered in just a sheet leaned her full weight against the frame to watch.

"I like me on you," the blond smiled at the double meaning.

"Of course you do," Tara turned around wiping her hands drying with a pastel blue towel with her signature smirk that had captured Pam's attention in the first place.

They'd lived in Bon Temp long enough to see each other in passing plenty of times. However, they hadn't spoken until Tara found herself stuck on the side of the road changing a tire. Pam had, with good intentions in mind, got out of her silver Honda wearing a blue skirt and a matching cardigan with a pair of four inch white heels.

"Do you need any help?" Pam had asked in all sincerity that day not even knowing a thing about changing a tire. She'd seen a stranger on the road and stopped out of courtesy.

The shoes were the first thing Tara noticed, but they were by far the most unimpressive as her view rose all the way up a well sculpted legs, a buxom chest, and crystal blue eyes. "Yea," was the reflexive reply, "I mean I got it," she corrected that day.

"What are you thinking about?"

"Do you ever get jealous?"

"We're not going there."

Pam smirked, "it's just a question."

Tara shook her head closing the distance between them. Pam had been hinting for quite some time she wanted Tara for more than a few hours of the day. The blond was becoming restless with a tryst and it was becoming worse as their affair continued. This was the part where she would throw her to the bed and fuck her to distraction, but she had plans with Naomi tonight and the woman wouldn't understand if she cancelled. Besides she made a promise and she intended to keep it no matter how angry it made the older woman.

"You're life ain't that bad," Tara looked around the bedroom of her lover's ranch style home. Pam didn't want for anything and while she wasn't living like a conventional queen she might as well be in the eyes of the man who loved her. Why she wanted to fuck that up with an affair she didn't know, but who was she to judge when she was basically doing the same thing.

"My life ain't that great," the blond pressed, "it could be though."

"I ain't staying," Tara pressed.

"Wouldn't it be great if you didn't have to sneak off, if we could be open about us."

Tara shook her head as she gave the other woman her back retrieving her jacket, "don't start."

"No Naomi no Eric—just you and me," she reached for Tara's arm turning her around shoving the woman onto her bed where she bounced until Pam straddled her with her full weight.

"You want to break his heart?" Tara tilted her head staring at the woman above her considering the remorselessness in their actions and the consequences of her proposal. "I love Naomi."

"But you're fucking me," the blonds' voice lowered. "Somehow I don't think you love her as much as you think you do."

"There you go mind reading again," Tara chuckled mirthlessly.

Pam shook her head, "I know what you want," she started moving her hips, "I know you're desires," she lowered her head to the side of Tara's ear, "and a white picket fence with Suzie homemaker ain't it."

The front door slams startling both women.

"Eric," Pam hissed jumping off of Tara.

"Shit," the dark skinned woman looked for a place to hide since the only way out was through the bedroom door and a door through the kitchen. Hearing the refrigerator door open she knew that idea wouldn't work.

"Babe is that you?" Pam called out from the bedroom beginning to dress.

"Yea," she heard the gruff answer, his boots hitting the wood floor, and then the television being turned on.

Grabbing Tara's hand she peaked out the room down the hall. Tip toeing to the kitchen with Tara following behind her being just as careful she nodded for the younger woman to go to the kitchen door while she headed into the living room to find her husband reclined in his favorite chair staring at their television box.

"Rough day at work?" she started distracting him.

He grunted then took a swig of his beer.

"Want something to eat?" she asked turning her head to the kitchen where Tara was slowly easing out of the door.

"Can I watch t.v. in peace?" he asked annoyed by her presence after a long day at the shop. All he wanted to do was let his mind settle, his body relax, and his beer to ease him into that state.

She nodded her head, "sure."

He suddenly stood up and headed to the bedroom. Pam went to the kitchen to make sure that Tara was safely gone when she heard Eric yelling for her to come to the bedroom.

"What is it?" she asked.

"You starting on dinner?"

"I was about to."

"Don't bother," he said undressing, "my sister invited us out for dinner. Some fancy restaurant or something," he shrugged not sounding in the least excited about it.


"Yea," he sniffed then coughed as he made his way to the bathroom, "wear something nice," he instructed her, "and take me something out too." Eric didn't give her a chance to reply because he shut the door on her soon after he said it trusting she would do as she was told.

Pam glared at the door.


I've been contemplating starting over on a few or all of my stories but all that work makes me tired and so I've been on one hand proactively avoiding writing and the other hand too busy to settle my brain on one idea. This was just something I thought of and decided what the hell...