In Another L In Another Life

(English) Disclaimer: I don't own Gallagher Girls; all rights to Ally Carter
(Spanish) Disclaimer:No soy dueño de chicas Gallagher, todos los derechos de Aliado Carter
(French) Disclaimer: Je e possède pas Gallagher filles; tous les droits à Ally Carter
(Hungarian) Jogi nyilatkozat: Én nem a saját Gallagher Girls, minden jog Ally Carter

A/N: Hey sorry for no long no update… but here you go! Happy summer!


I grab her wrist before she can hit me but stop myself from reaching for my gun. I don't want to kill her. I caused this; I caused my friend to go insane by killing her lover. When did my life become so Romeo and Juliet? I hit Macey hard in the shoulder causing her to show her back to me and in a split second decision I kick hard at her exposed back before I hear a sickening crack.

Oh my… damn… I…

Macey gasps out in pain before it overloads her senses and she falls unconscious. With a sigh I drop my head in my hands.

I can't believe this is me.


Cammie's POV

I wrap my hands around Macey's small wrist. In the last 5 minutes Macey has gone from crazy psychopathic red to sickly pale. Her black hair clings to her as beads of sweat roll down her face. I can't believe you broke her back!She asked for it… THAT DOESN'T MEAN YOU BREAK HER BACK! Or does it? You IDIOT now everyone's gonna hate you. …Look I'm sorry- JUST SHUT UP! Are you PMSing? N-NO! Wow you just sound soo confident

"Ugh," I mumble to myself with a shake of the head. The voices are really starting to give me a headache. I let go of Macey's wrist and jog over to the walls searching for anything to brace her back with. I find some boards that will work and a bunch of gauze from a first aid kit I found in a drawer. I quickly brace her back and force some pain killers down her throat before turning back to the computer screens and resuming my search for Catherine.

Eight minutes and 39 seconds later I find her in a large room talking to a mass amount of guards and giving out orders. And in that moment it takes everything in me not to turn around and head straight over, but I promised Zach… I promised…

The door slams open and I swing around crouching with a hand on my knives as I prepare to take out whoever is trying to kill me this time. "Relax, Cam." Zach says hurriedly panting slightly from how fast he was running to get back here, " I got some news Jonas GRIM and Jalen- BJ- whatever, them and Jonas found someone in the torture chambers and Macey is missing and-"

I know where Macey is. Yeah me too, right where I left her- WITH A BROKEN BACK! Jesus! Lord have mercy! Will you stop! I am SORRY! But god will you shut the hell up! You didn't give Macey mercy…

"Cam? Are you okay?"

"Hmm?" I ask startled by Zach's question.

"Are. You. Okay?" Zach says slowly as if I was 3 and normally I would kill him for that, but right now all I want to do is cry.

"No." I say shortly and there is a moment of silence before I feel a tightening in my throat and a little sigh escapes me. "I just want things to be easy! But it can't be. Why the hell can't things be easy? Sometimes I hate life you know? I hate f-ing life and I hate f-ing revenge. I thought that's what I needed to be all better but apparently that was a load of crap and now I'm frustrated! Because there is Catherine right there," I rant, wildly gesturing to the computer screens, "But we can't leave or contact anyone because I broke little miss completely insane's back over here!" I say pointing to a passed out Macey. "Buuuuuut," I drawl out stomping my foot, "You know what I hate most? You know the one thing that makes me totally not okay? The voices. The f-ing voices. The stupid voices that can't leave me the hell alone so I can fix my own f-ing problems that I seem to get myself into!" I seethe, ready to kill something. Grabbing for my gun I briefly consider taking the easy way out and letting everyone else deal with all the shitty cards I've been dealt all my life. But one look at Zach and I can't, I just can't because, not all my cards have been shitty. Not all of them.

"Are you done?" I briefly consider shouting, 'No I'm not f-ing done!' But I am done and he knows it. I sigh and nod my head. "Okay now why don't you tell me what happened cause I honestly did not understand a word you just said." I chuckle sadly with a shake of my head, typical boys.

"Alrighty, I know where Macey is," I tell him, and her stares at me expectantly.

"Aaaaand…" He prods me to continue.

"She's in the corner with a broken back because she went completely insane and decided to try to kill me." Zach gapes at me for a minute before shaking his head.

"At least you didn't kill her." I pinch my fingers together leaving only a tiny space between them.

"I was this close too. But her back is braced we'll just have to pick her up before we leave and blow up the building."

"Yeaah about that…"

"Zach what aren't you telling me?" I ask cautiously.

"We're practically in a huge ticking bomb and we have no idea when it's going to blow up."

"Oooh kay," I say before shaking my head, "I'm not going to ask. Anyways I found Catherine," I mutter distractedly as I stroll over to the computer and clicking the mouse a few times to show him. But when I see the picture on the screen I freeze. And then the rage comes it boils up inside me so fast I just know I'm about to kill someone. And they will die a slow and painful death, and in case your speculating who I will be killing I will tell you right now that someone will be Catherine. "Hell no." I whisper out shaking with rage. "Zach tell me that is NOT Catherine with a f-ing gun to Georgie's head."

Georgie's POV:

I had slipped away without a trace as soon as we got into the basement, cavern thing. I knew exactly where I was going, I've been along this path many times. Finally I reach right where I want to be, the torture chambers. I knock twice and no one answers. Effortlessly I tamper with the wires on the palm scanner so I can get inside.

After a few minutes it creeks open and I am met with the sight of one broken and bloodied woman. "Abby," I whisper out softly, "It's time." Her eyes flutter and I sigh in relief. 7 years she's been here, yet I'm sure it feels like ages longer to her. Abby… Aunt Abby.

"Hmm? What's going on, squirt?"

"I'm not squirt, remember that's Cammie." Immediately Abby's eyes flash open.

"What's going on Little Man? I didn't think I'd be seeing you again until…" Her eyes take in the empty room. "It's time isn't it Little Man?"

"Yup Cammie, the Chameleon, found us and she's getting us outta here. Well… sorta…"

"Come on Little Man spill the beans."

"Okay Cammie came just like I planned, but she wants to kill a few people first so…" I say quickly hoping that she might miss that last part.

"Did you say… kill a few people?" Abby says cautiously and I wince. It was the one rumor I never confirmed for Abby. I just couldn't. She was captured by the Circle when she was in Rome when I was 10 but she's been looking for Cammie her whole life, I just couldn't tell her that her niece killed people for a living. I told her everything else. Well what I knew. I told her about Riley and then a couple months ago when I found out Cammie was at Gallagher I came and told her that as well, with the help of BJ and R. Rebel of course.

"Yeah Abby, I did."

"Wh-what?" She whispered shaking slightly and I knew she was confused and worn out.

"I'll explain everything later right now we need to get you out of here." Easier said than done. First I had to pick the locks… all twelve of them, it took a good twenty minutes and by the end I was sweating. Picking locks isn't the problem, I can pick a standard lock in 8.42 seconds flat, but picking a circle lock? And not one but twelve of them? It wasn't an easy process. Then I had to take care of her festering wounds, luckily there was a rec room for the guards connected to the cell so I was able to gently clean and bandage her quickly.

But then came the real problem… walking. I heaved her to her feet and she wobbled unsteadily, putting all her weight on me she shuffled forward slowly. Ten minutes later we had reached the rec room door and Abby had tears in her eyes. "God damnit! Why do I have to be so slow." She hissed out and tried to take a big step forward causing her to shake unsteadily before nearly falling to the floor. Suddenly I heard the patter of running feet coming down the hallway, pushing Abby behind me I prepared myself as I glanced out the door. From the shapes in the shadows I could tell it was a young girl and another older boy/teen.

"Who's there?" I called steadily out into the shadows but feeling cheesy and foolish in the next second.

"Grim?" Jalen's answering voice floated towards me and I sighed in relief. "Oh good it's you! I didn't even notice you were missing! I swear we can make a pavement artist out of you yet!" Bj rambled as she came rushing towards me. Before suddenly halting as she took in the sight of Abby. "So this is who you where coming to see all those nights." Jalen mumbled to herself and I nodded.

"Abby," I whispered, "I know this might be weird but I think I could carry you and we would go faster…" I wince to myself at the weird aspect. Carrying my Aunt. Abby sighs.

"Your probably right kiddo but…"

"Do you guys need some help over there?" One of Cammie's guy friends asks, not that Zach dude, the geekier one. I share a glance with Abby and she nods looking slightly relieved.

"Yeah that'd be great." I call and soon Jonas appears right before my eyes. He gingerly picks her up shifting his weight before slowly stepping forward.

After a minute Jonas slowly says, "You know you kinda look like Headmistress Morgan."

Abby snorts, "That's probably cause I'm her sister." Jonas's eyes widen slightly and he gapes.

"I've heard about you! Your Agent Cameron! You've been missing for-" Jonas stops as he realizes, "Agent Cameron have you really been down here all this time?"

"Call me Abby and yeah, years. Nine, I think. I don't really know, what year is it?"

"Seven years, Aunt Abby." I whisper, "Just seven."

We quickly arrive at the cavern and immediately BJ goes to tell 'Riley and the other people who are kinda the Chameleons friends' about finding Abby. After setting Abby down by a cavern wall Jonas's eyes go back to the bomb and he narrowed in suspicion, he turns on his coms and starts talking, "Hello? Duchess? Mask? Peacock? Bookworm?" No one answers and he worriedly glances at me, "The coms are down." He whispers.

I frown and just then pounding feet come rushing down the stairs. Glancing up I position myself at the staircase to pounce. But before the person even makes their way all the way down the stares we hear Zach say, "I come in peace, it's Mask I just wanted to tell you that the coms are out and…" Zach pauses in his onslaught of words as he takes our scene in. "Where is everybody, and who's the lady?"

"Releasing prisoners, they should be back soon. And this is Abigail Cameron… Grim's Aunt… and Chameleon's." Jonas tells Zach as I glare at Zachary. Honestly Zach's not that bad, but he likes my sister so naturally I hate him. Naturally. So Zach gives an explanation about the coms and tells what's been going on with him and Cammie's side of the mission. But for some reason he's avoiding talk about Preston.

The next thing we know we hear more running feet as both Jalen and Riley burst through the door at the same time. "The coms aren't working-" we hear Riley burst out and with a roll of the eye we give him good natured 'we knows' and 'duhs'.

"And Macey's missing!" BJ finishes. Time seems to slow down as Bex and Grant arrive and we interrogate each other about where she could be but Zach just shakes his head staying silent.

"What do you know Zach?" I ask directing my question to him for the first time.

"I know a couple things," He mutters meeting my eyes. "One your sisters always right… two Preston's dead… and three somebody moved his body." Silence meets his announcement before people start bombarding him with questions. I just stay silent letting my brain process this information right. My brain works like a computer, always sorting and evaluating over and over again, every posibiltiy. But after a few minutes it hits me… two things hit me.

"The bomb." I whisper out unheard by anyone as they are all still yelling at each other. The bomb. It makes perfect sense, the perfect distraction! But where would she go after she saw Preston dead? Half a second later I feel stupid for even asking that question. She would go after the killer… Cammie. CAMMIE! Without even pausing I let my brotherly instincts take over as I bound up the stairs, not knowing quite where I was going but knowing I had to find Cammie.

Running out of the prisoner decent room I head to the elevators remembering Zach saying something about the 5th floor. As I arrive I impatiently press the button over and over again, waiting for the elevator to arrive and as soon as it does I sigh in relief. I quickly step in and press the button for the 5th floor. It's not until the doors slide shut that I realize how stupid I've been.

An elevator of all places! How could I be so stupid? I was letting my emotions overrule logic. And as the elevator came to a stop at level 4, I braced myself for the consequences. As soon as the door opens I'm met with five glaring eyes.

"Hello Grim." Garrett one of the guards says threateningly and I crouch down ready to put up a fight but at the same time I smile trying to act normal… maybe they don't know...

"Garrett! Izzy, how's the boyfriend! Jaden you and Ethan finally found out you're meant to be together? And Drew," I waggle my eyebrows, "You lady killer!" I say back with a smile. "I've missed you guys! Where've you been?"

"Trying to find some traitors and their little friends." Jaden whispers staring at me suspiciously.

"Mmmm sounds fun! I'll let you know if I see anyone," I say trying to slip on by them but Izzy grabs my shoulder.

"Uh uh, no can do G-man we got special orders to take you to her highness herself."

"You mean Catherine?" I ask stupidly earning a smack across the face from Drew.

"Who else?" He growls out, "And watch how you say her name, half blood."

"Half blood? Hell no! I'm a no blood, Matthew Morgan did not work for the circle." I say and Ethan just shakes his head as he leads me down the hall and to some stairs watching as I struggle to fight against the harsh shoves Drew and Garrett give. Eventually Ethan just shakes his head again and picks up my squirming body holding me over his shoulders as we continue of the flight of stairs. Before I knew it I was on the top floor, the 13th floor.

"He's here? Good, open the doors!" I hear Catherine's muffled command as I stand outside a heavily guarded room. The heavy metal door was pushed open and I was forced into Catherine Goode's presence, "Georgie! It's been way too long. Where have you been?"

"Oh you know me, I usually stick within my own group," I reply nonchalantly.

"Mmm, well I really need to talk to you about a new mission; Miss. Jalen and Mr. Riley might as well join too, so why don't you tell me where they are. Or I could send Drew and Garret out to get them!"

I raise an eyebrow. "Look Catherine," I spit out, "I don't know where they are and even if I did I wouldn't tell you besides we all know Izzy and Ethan are the real brains of the group, they're the ones who get things done." Catherine takes one long look at me before backhanding me across the face forcing my head to the side and I hear a loud snap as my neck cracks. I blink a few times to clear my vision and I soon as I got my bearings I roll my head from side to side, that's gonna give me some problems.

"Now listen here boy, when I ask something you tell and never contradict me. You daddy never did listen to me and he ended up dead, your sissy listened for a long while but finally she cracked, and your mommy, oh she never even had a chance to live given the circumstances. Now I suggest you speak, or should I use some of Dr. Steve's truth serum?" I wince at mention of Dr. Steve's truth serum, he made it so you were in intense burning pain the whole time and the only relief you get is the antidote after you give them all the information they need. The antidote being death.

"Okay what do you want to know?"

"Ugh, you stupid boy! Where are you friends and where are the intruders?" She screamed at me and I smiled.

"My friends were at the training center, and intruders? I don't have the slightest idea of what your talking about!" I say hoping that answer would pacify her.

"Dr. Steve bring out the truth serum." Catherine commanded glaring at me, her bun was falling out causing red frizzy hairs to fall in her face and her normally straight neat office clothes were all wrinkled.

"Yes ma'am," Steve said with a sadistic smile. What a creeper. Suddenly a new guard runs in but quickly realizing his mistake he slows his pace to a walk and gives Catherine a solute. "I have news to report Ma'am."

"Well spit it out then Tanner, we don't have all day!" She snaps irritated.

"The tagline group was scanning the rooms with R.P.S and saw that the security room was infiltrated by one female, the rest of the guards in the room were dead. We have the room completely surrounded and we're ready to enter and retrieve on your orders." My eyes widen at the mention of a R.P.S, a new technology scanner that can tell you the number of people in the room, the gender of them, and through heat scanning if they are awake asleep or otherwise incapacitated.

Catherine smiles; "Finally, the first good news all day." She turns to Dr. Steve who was in the room once again holding a needle fool of truth serum, "Steve we won't be needing that truth serum anymore." Steve frowns and a grinning Catherine slowly takes a gun out. Still smiling sadistically she fires the gun once at a wall leaving a small circular hole in it.

Then in one quick motion she grabs my arm and thrusts the gun onto the side of my forehead. I wince slightly at the heat of the gun, still warm from the shot.

"Smile for the camera Georgie." She whispers staring at an invisible spot on the ceiling.

A/N: I AM SO SORRY! I know i haven't posted in FOR-EV-ER, I have just had the absolute worst writers block. I'm sorry :(. Hopefully I'll have my new chapter up soon! Anyways thank you so much to these people ~Luv ya, sunshine

Serri5: Thanks girl as always for the reviews and ideas!

LoveZammie4Ever: Sorry about the confusion yes Macey's back was broken… it was an ACCIDENT! But thanks for the review!

xXFangirlingBookwormXx: Crazy chapter right?! Well thanks so much for the review and stuff!

Cow Man: Thanks so much for the complements and the review I appreciate it. Sorry aboujt the grammatical errors, they are a big part of my life as you see. Hope to see more reviews from you later! Thanks!