And here, my lovelies, is a new Bevin story just for you. I've had the idea for a few days, but never bothered writing it down until last night. This is a short little chappy because its a prologue, mostly meant to give a backstory so you know why Chapter 1 is going to start the way it does. So, yeah.

I hope you enjoy it, I've never actually done a story like this before. Usually I write mushy fluff and all that stuff, because when I try things like this it never goes as planned. I get to excited for the eventual ending -the one I have planned out the moment I think of the story- and then rush through it, and the quality of my writing feels horrible. However, I want to try again, so hopefully this turns out good. And I'm counting on you guys to let me know if it feels like I'm rushing it.

Please and Thank you. I hope you enjoy

Oh, also, in this story, Ben is 18 and Kevin is 19

"Want to come over tonight?"

"Yeah sure. What for?"

The brunette paused. He hadn't thought of that. He bit his lip briefly, but a smile graced them a moment later

"We could drink and watch movies"

"Okay. I want some of the money for the booze though"

"Yeah, of course" he dug out his wallet and handed the ruffian a few bills

Kevin smiled and took them, mumbling a thank you and stuffing them into his pockets.

"Should we go now, then?"

"Might as well" the brunette shrugged "Gwen is already at home, and we don't want her with us anyways"

"Alright" he turned left down the road at the corner and pushed down on the gas


A soft, tired sigh escaped the brunette as he flopped down onto the couch in his living room. There was another sigh as his best friend trudged in behind him, lifting up Bens legs with a single hand and sitting in the space that had been emptied, dropping the legs back onto his lap. Ben groaned, grabbing a pillow and burying his face in it

"I'm tired"

"Me too"

Ben pushed himself up an eyed Kevin briefly

"Hand me a beer?" He asked after a few moments

The ruffian reached beside the couch and grabbed a beer, absorbing the metal of the cap to pop it off, then dropped the coating and handed the drink to Ben. The brunette took it gratefully and offered a small smile, and Kevin nodded, smiling slightly in return.

"So what's the plan?"

"Sumo Slammers"

Kevin grinned and nodded his approval. It didn't take long for the duo to become borderline drunk, to the point that Ben was laying with his head in Kevin's lap, and Kevin was running his fingers through his hair.

"Your hair is so soft, Benji" he mumbled

"I feel good. Like I want to dance" he fidgeted slightly, wiggling his hips around on the couch

"Work it" Kevin praised, taking another long swig of his beer "you move those hips"

Ben finished the last of his beer and tossed the bottle away, the speed of his hips movement on the couch speeding up substantially, hands rubbing up and down his chest.

"Work it!" Kevin cheered, wide grin on his face

"Kevin" he reached up and grabbed Kevin's cheeks, pulling him down "love me"

"Okay" Kevin swooped down and crushed their lips together

It didn't take long for them to wind up upstairs, thankfully locking the brunettes bedroom door behind them.

Okay, let me know what you think of this chapter. Reviews make updates come faster.