So, I'e decided to do like a Cori and Tanto story, but also try and make it into a series. I really do hope you like this story. I have planned nearly all the chapters to be done, and also planned part of the second in this series. :D

Don't own cats. But I own any OCs

A swarming blizzard was surrounding the city of London, causing alley cats to scurry for safety in large buildings, well if they could find one which was welcoming. The snow was deeply laid on the cold stone of the alleyways. Town houses, all from the Victorian era, covered in the bright white blanket. To those whom had heat and were indoors, the night seemed like a winter wonderland. Full of bliss and beauty. But not to those who were left to suffer in the harsh, bitter coldness. Those left out had to find warmth for the night, usually cats would huddled together. Or they'd fight for a discarded cardboard box to shelter in.

Although, two small kittens had found shelter in a small box. The box itself was no bigger than a shoe box, maybe cause that is what it was. The two kittens were huddled close. Both looked exactly alike in fur pattern and shape. It was obvious to see that they were indeed siblings, twins for that matter. The only thing which was truly different was the gender of these two cats. One, the slightly smaller one, was a queen kit. Whilst the taller one was a tom kit. The queen kit had her eyes firmly shut as she whimpered, her brother holding her close for protection. In the long winter nights, he felt as though she needed him more.

"Tanto.." He purred, stroking her headfur like a mother would do to calm a scared kitten, "Its all alright. Calm down." Her reaction to his words were just to huddle up closer to him and try to let a purr escape her cold lips. So cold she could swear they had turned blue.

"When will the night be over?" She mewed quietly.

"Hopefully soon. But remember Tants, no one or thing can harm you whilst I'm hearing, protecting you." He smiled fondly at his sister as she opened her warm brown eyes.

"Tell me a story." She pleaded, "To help pass the night. Tell me a story of wonder and fantasy." Tantomile, which was her full name, smiled widely.

"I have many stories Tants, you may need to be more clear in which one."

"The one you've always told me. Of that yard, and how everyone is so welcoming. How you make such a place sound so real. Coricopat, I love that story. I just wish it was real." He nodded.

"Well, how do I begin? You probably know the story better than me!" He laughed before returning quite serious. "Well. Every night, when I put my head down to sleep. I dream of this amazing place..."

"The junkyard!" Tantomile interrupted.

"Yes, The junkyard. And in this amazing, wonderful place; There are these cats. All unique in their own special way. We are there, amongst them. We belong with them. They name themselves..."

"..The Jellicle cats." She interrupted again, smiling proudly that she remembered them names. Coricopat laughed softly and nodded again.

"Right. On this special occasion, they were all warming up for the massive ball which was going to take place. You clinged onto me, somewhat scared to what was happening. I hummed a soft song to calm you down and you smiled and whispered 'You are the best sibling ever'" He grinned, kissing her nose. Tantomile twitched her nose and kept listening to him.

"But as soon as the songs started you loosened up. I saw you, in my dream, dancing and singing along with the other queens. You were having fun, something which made me happy."

"What was you doing?" Tantomile tilted her head.

"I don't know. Tants, its in first person, I only saw what the others were doing. I did dance at one point, with the rest of the toms." He told her, shrugging lightly.

"How I'd love to see you dance, you must have two left feet!" She giggled.

"Haha, very funny Tants." He laughed. "The dancing and singing was in full swing. Every cat felt like they belonged, showing off some of their own moves. Some a little more than others, the certain maine coon from my dream comes into mind." He shuddered lightly. "But then. A flash of lights, a clash of lightening. Police sirens going off from outside this somewhat safe junkyard." He looked down at Tantomile, who seemed in awe with the story. "A tom, as red as burning lava, appeared in front of them. His piercing yellows eyes burned menacingly around the junkyard. Each cat had frozen in fear. Why, everyone apart from a tall, muscular grey tabby. He bravely stood up to the red intruder and fought him off, claws and teeth baring. Growls were heard coming from each tom."

"And, of course, the grey tabby won!" Tantomile grinned, clapping her hands. Coricopat reluctantly nodded. In his dreams, the grey tabby never won. It was always the red intruder. But he'd never tell his sister that. For some reason, that story gave her a shining beckon of hope. And Cori wanted her to keep that. He softly kissed her forehead.

"And the dancing went on for ages until the leader, an old tom, decide who should be the cat to be reborn." He smiled. "And the cat who gets chosen would really deserve this honour and wear it like a badge of war." Coricopat curled up with his sister gently. "And now, my dear Tants, the land of dreams calls to you. Goodnight." He purred as she shut her eyes and willingly drifted off to sleep.

Coricopat sighed as he watched her. He just knew that somehow, that place existed, but he had made himself believe it was nothing but a dream...

Sorry for the shortness, first chapters are always short for me. This is just to really introduce Cori and Tant and their relationship. They are kittens in this for the time being but time will make them into the adults they are in the musical. xx

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