Hey! How're you doing?

So this is my first story on FanFiction so please be nice! I got the story line from the TV show Castle because... well it rocks!

I don't really know how this thing works but Reviews are good eh?

Detective Finn Hudson. He somehow ended up in New York as a murder investigator but not in California as a boring old cop. The nature of 2013, right?

It was his first day and he was already lost. He had gotten a address and when he got there it turned out to be a block.

"Excuse me, can you tell me where Artie Abrams office is?"

"It's on the top floor. When you get there just ask someone where to go"

Finn gave the lady a small smile and made his way towards the elevator. When he got to the top floor he saw a man with a Mohawk, probably his age, standing near by.

"Hey can you tell me where I can find Artie Abrams?"

The guy with the Mohawk turned around and looked at Finn.

"Yeah sure, follow me man."

They started walking towards Artie's office when the guy started talking.

"You new here?"

"Yeah, just moved from California."

"You got a name mister California?"

Finn chuckled but then stopped and offered the guy his hand.

"Finn Hudson"

"Noah Puckerman, but call me Puck" He said as he shook his hand and then told Finn to follow him. They stopped in front of a door which had a sign on the right side of the door that said Artie Abrams.

Puck turned to him and said "Good luck dude. I'll show you around when you're done"

With a clap on the back, he walked away.

Finn took a deep breath and knocked on the door. When he heard a male voice telling him to come in, he took the door handle and walked in. It was a small but nice office. A desk with a computer on, two chairs in front of the desk. Behind the desk sat a man, probably his ages typing on his computer. He had glasses on his nose and when he finally looked up from the computer, he stood up and offered his hand to Finn to shake.

"You must be Finn Hudson"

Finn nods and shakes his hand. Artie pointed the chair opposed his desk while he sat down.

"Nice to meet you Finn. Take a seat"


When Finn walked out of the office Puck was standing up against a table with his hands crossed across his chest. When he saw Finn he chuckled since he looked like a little boy on Christmas day.

"Seems to me that you got the job, judging the look on you face"

Finn just chuckled and high-fived the hand Puck was holding towards him.

"Come on! I'll show you around"

Their first stop was an empty desk.

"First of all is your desk. This is where you will be working everyday from now on. My desk is right behind yours. We work as a team here so you better get used to it. We're like this big family. Anyways, our best detective is Rachel Berry, her desk is right in front of yours so you can always ask her."

Finn wondered why the name Berry sounded so familiar. He was sure he had heard of it before, but he couldn't remember from where.

"Hey Puck? One question"

When he was sure he had his attention he asked

"Why does the name Berry sound so familiar?"

Puck sighed and ran his fingers trough his Mohawk.

"You've probably heard of the Berry murder. Hiriam Berry, murdered the summer 1995. The case that never got solved. Rachel is his daughter"

Ahh.. Finn had read about that case in the newspaper. Finn didn't have much time to think about it because Puck was quick to change to subject.

"Come on, next stop is the lab" Puck said and started walking.

When they had walked for just a second, they stopped in front of a glass door. Finn looked inside and saw a black woman that looked busy searching a body for some evidence. Puck knocked on the door and walked in and gestured Finn to follow him.

"Cedes, this is our new detective, Finn Hudson. Finn this is Mercedes Jones, she's our medical examiner."

Mercedes smiled at Finn

"Nice to meet you Finn. I would shake your hand but..." she gestured to her hand which were covered in blood, probably after searching the body. Finn just chuckled and Puck did the same. After a small talk Puck clapped his hands together.

"Well we have to get going. Catch you later Cedes"

They wave at Mercedes on the way out and then make their way to the area that the corpses cars are kept.


After he had met the girls who drive the corpses car, Tina and Quinn (Puck was mostly flirting with Quinn but whatever), they went and met another detectives called Sam and Santana.

They still had one place left. The gym. Sam had joined them because he had to talk to the trainer. They made their way towards the gym and when they stopped at a glass door and Finn looked in... he saw her.

She was wearing black booty shorts that showed her long perfect legs and her perfectly rounded but. She also had blue sports bra on and dear lord! She had the most flat stomach ever but you could still see the outlines of her six-pack. She also has a very cool black belly ring. Her hair was up in a high ponytail and she had her hands wrapped in bandage while she was kickboxing with her trainer encourage her.

Finn had never seen such a beautiful girl before. Puck's voice however, cut him out of his thoughts

"Yo Mike! Rachel!"

The girl stopped kicking and looked in their direction breathing heavily. Puck pointed at Finn

"This is our new detective, Finn Hudson. He just got transferred from California. Finn this is our trainer Mike Chang and our best detective Rachel Berry"

Rachel walked over and held out her hand for Finn to shake while she hit Puck on the shoulder with the other.

"Hi, I'm Rachel. Nice to meet you."

Finn shook her hand "Finn Hudson. You too"

Warmness filled Finn as he shook her hand. Her small hand fit perfectly in his big one and it was soft and girly.

Suddenly Rachel's phone beeped and she went over to the corner of the room and took it out of her hoody.

"There has been a murder downtown. Puck go and get Sam and Santana and the two of you get ready. I'll be right there just wait for me ok?"

Puck nodded and told Finn to follow him. He was busy, thinking about the small brunette that he had just meet few minutes before. He snapped out of it when Puck started to drag him towards the office to get ready to go on the crime scene.


They were all ready to go but Rachel was still not here. He was chatting with Santana and Puck while Sam checked something on his phone. Then he heard heals clicking on the floor and he looked up and saw Rachel walking towards them. She was wearing purple hoody witch was little oversized but it suited her. She was also wearing light blue skinny jeans and to top everything, she was wearing black leather boots with high heels, (he wondered how she could run in the things, like really), that went up half of her calves. Her hair was down, still a little wet from the shower. She had a ton of mascara and a little lip-gloss on. Finn thought that he would pass out!

"Sorry I kept you waiting! Shall we go?" she said as she put on her coat. There were "yeah's" and "let's get this over with" from Puck and Sam, but he just nodded and walked with them towards the car.

So there you go... Well I hope you liked my story and will keep coming for more! :)

Reviews are good eh?