Well, this is officially my first story. It is for the prompt on chit chat on author's forum corner. I chose Penelope Garcia and Aaron Hotchner. The day I chose is Make Your Bed Day. My idea is a little twist on the phrase 'you made your bed, now lie in it.' Okay, here it goes...

Chapter 1

This was like any other morning for Penelope Garcia. She would get up, take a shower, choose her outfit based on her color of the day, and make her bed. Except, she couldn't make her bed this morning. She couldn't even dare to look at it. She couldn't bear put on her bright persona to protect her from the hurt she felt. She couldn't bear to be near the bed where it all happened just a few hours ago. But she had to.

She had to make her bed for her own sanity. She would have to get past what happened with a certain stoic man who has had a very special spot in her heart for the last couple of years. She had to dress cheery, apply her colorful make up, and slap a smile on her face so that she could face the difficult day ahead of her. She had to because she couldn't face all the questions and profiling, which came with the territory of working with such people. If Aaron Hotchner could have a bad day, get drunk, and end up at her doorstep, but then just sneak away in the night and expect her to act like nothing was astray, then she could, too. However, she had been there, too. She saw how hurt he was over the previous case, and knew she was just a release. But, there was a little voice in her head that told her he might actually want to be there, with her completely. That voice was killed when she woke up in an empty bed and her insecurities were brought up front, but the worst part was the note he left on her dresser.

I'm sorry. This should not have happened. See you tomorrow.

She could not get over the last three words in particular. Again, like nothing happened. Like he didn't want to remember wht had happened, like he didn't want to remember a night with her. When she woke up and read those words, she cried. She wondered what was it about her that the man that she secretly loved would be able to sleep with her, but couldn't stand to face the reality in the morning.

Walking through the doors of the bullpen, her mind was still reeling from the ideas running through her head. Then, she saw him. He was standing at the bottom floor of the bullpen, like he was waiting for someone to come. She saw him, he saw her, and she turned on her heels faster then she could delete your existence, booking it to the sanctuary of her lair. She waited until she closed the door to break down and cry.

Aaron Hotchner knew he had messed up big time. He had taken the previous case hard, having flashbacks and panic attacks, of course he couldn't admit this in front of his team. However, when they got back, he had not handled his feelings in the best possible way. In fact, he had probably screwed up the best friendship he had had since Haley had died. Penelope Garcia had been there for him. She had been there for Jack, too. She was someone he could confide in, someone who helped support him, someone his son trusted after his mother was killed, and someone he cared deeply for. But, he knew he was not what she needed. He was damaged goods, and she was a breath of fresh air, he could not stand to be the one to hurt her.

But then, that night after the case where a man would terrorize families and then kill the mother, Jack was at a sleep over, and so Aaron decided to drink for a little while, just to take the edge of the case off. However, he had ended up at her door, broken and in need of release. Of course, he loved her and would never forget that night, but that did not excuse the circumstances of the night or how he had ended it. Like a coward. The worst part was the note he left. He felt like the biggest jackass ever. He couldn't even face her when she woke. He knew she had participated last night, but he feared that she would wake up and he would see pity not love. He didn't know if he could face that kind of look from her. She had always been so understanding, not belittling on someone. But, he didn't want to find out if she had thought of that night as a mistake. So, he left a not, hoping that they could get on and still be in each other's lives, because he could not lose her, not ever.

Then, he got in to work, and passed her office. Of course, she wasn't there yet, but he knew she would be later. He began to rethink his whole approach. He began to think about the probably small possibility that maybe she loved him back. Then, he began to think about how much he had screwed up any chance they had if she did. She would surely hate him forever. He know he had to talk this whole thing over with her when she came in.

He waited for her to come in to work. He had to catch her right when she got in or else he might not get the chance all day, or he might lose his nerve. He saw her when she walked towards the bullpen, her outfits as outrageous as ever. However, she didn't have the pep in her step like she usually did. There was just a little less color in her outfit, and her cheeks then usual. He hated the though that he was the reason for this. Then their eyes met, and his heart dropped. She spun around and practically ran anywhere he wasn't.

He had made his bed, and now he would have to lie in it...

Okay, I know this is rough and kind of unorganized, but I wanted to get a start on the ideas in my head. Wonder what will happen next...?