As promised next chapter, I'm, well, uh, yeah, it's like ripping off a band-aid. Thanks to everyone!

Over the next few days everything followed a similar routine. They'd wake up, do some laundry, Mizu would sit with Luffy for a short while telling him stories. They'd eat lunch, sit around playing games and eat again. At night they'd sing swap stories and go to bed. It was surprisingly nice. Although, Law had been distant like he'd been avoiding her for some reason. Mizu knew he'd come to her when he was ready so she didn't think about it. Everything was going on so nicely until it happened.

They heard a cry from the ship and several bangs before a blur ripped from the ship and bolted for the forest.

"Stop him! He'll rip open his stitches!" Law yelled preparing to run after him when they heard a roar from the ocean.

"What the hell is this?" Mizu groaned

"I'll bring him back." Jinbe told them before leaving for the forest.

The whole crew's jaws dropped when they saw a sea king getting the crap beaten out of it. Then with a huge splash it floated in the water dead and whatever killed it was headed their way. Mizu flinched hoping whatever it was, it was friendly.

"Hi there." Came a friendly voice from the island's edge. Swatting water off his clothes of someone Mizu couldn't believe. "I take it Luffy is still here right?"

The crew just stood there stunned and slowly put two and two together with the sea king. Then just how he got there and everything in Mizu's brain exploded. She didn't regain the conversation until Rayleigh asked them a question.

"You're leaving then?" even if Mizu wasn't as pirate-smart as the rest she had heard stories of Silvers Rayleigh. Who else would turn up to an island in the middle of the calm belt completely fine and without breaking a sweat? With a dead sea king floating dead in his wake. "Is she a part of your crew too?"

"I'll just grab my stuff so we can leave." Mizu went to find her stuff but found it already packed neatly by the dying fire.

"That won't be necessary, Mizu. You will not be joining us any further." Law ordered with his back to her. The crew began to protest, with Shachi and Penguin being the loudest and Bepo's flicking between Law and Mizu rapidly. "Be quiet, she's not coming and that's final. We discussed this remember?"

"Yeah and we all said we'd stay with her!" Shachi yelled

"Mizu's one of us!"


The crew yelled their complaints all the while, Mizu and Law stood in silence waiting for them to quieten down. Mizu didn't understand what was happening. Her heart pounded in her chest and her hands shook. There was no way to describe just how she felt at that moment. The fear, the anxiety, shock and betrayal, a cocktail of those and mixed with disbelief and a few others was not a good mix.

Mizu glared at Law's back and stomped forward a little if to give her a bit of confidence. "I'm coming with you, you promised you wouldn't leave me behind!"

She saw Law's grip on his sword tighten at her words but to be damned with him at that moment she thought. Law gritted his teeth and still refused to turn and look at her. "You're weak. I can't have weak people on my ship."

"That hasn't stopped you before, so why now?"

"Things change, people change and where we're headed is not for weak people."

"That's not the reason and you know it! It's an excuse, I might not be as smart as you Trafalgar Law but I know an excuse when I hear one. Don't you dare lie to me you insufferable idiot, if it were true you'd face me and say it."

Law turned slowly with an anger Mizu hadn't seen before. "You are weak. I don't have time for weak people."

"Then why have you protected me all this time? Huh? Fun? I told you not to lie Law and you did it again. If you can't give me a reason then I'm coming with you."

"You are staying here Mizu, I told you I don't have time for the weak. Why are you desperate to come with us? At every turn you've despised fighting and piracy so why?"

"Why? Why?" Mizu's hand shook by her side as she scrunched up her eyes and yelled, "Because I freaking love you!" Mizu didn't care that she was crying now and openly in front of a lot of people. However, she did care about the fact that she yelled something rather personal out. Mizu quickly added, "I love being with you guys, you make me happy, I haven't been this happy in a long time, that's why. I don't want this to end this way. Please, Law, I'm begging you, don't leave me behind."

Law slowly walked towards her and hugged her tight to his chest. He whispered into her ear just so she was the only one to hear. "I know. It's why I can't let you come with me. You make me weak, I can't afford for that to happen. This is goodbye Mizu." He brought his mouth close to her ear and whispered softly, "I love you."

"Law, please, don't do this." Mizu hugged him back, her arms tightening around his body. She cried into his chest which muffled her words but Law heard her loud and clear. As he pulled away she fell to the floor tears dripping onto the floor. She sat the motionless as they boarded and left not once looking behind them. Even after they were long gone she stared out into the ocean, all her tears had dried up but it was like she shut down.

On board the ship Law locked himself away in his bedroom. He collapsed on the edge of bed rubbing his eyes. Leaning back he thought about why he had just left her there. Law kept repeating that moment in his head. The moment when that man had ruined his chance to be happy again.

Casey turned to Law as he set to work on mending his wounds. Law wasn't being nice either, the jabs against his open cuts where downright mean. So much for bedside manner, Casey thought.

"Start talking." Law demanded, he did not like having a marine aboard, let alone treating one.

"I'm sure you remember when my crew took Mizu?"

"Thanks for that." Shachi muttered cracking his knuckles.

"Well, there was a rumour that a woman had joined your crew. A one that you cared about."

Law raised an eyebrow "And?"

"Word from the top, if there was a woman you cared about we were to bring her to G5 headquarters. Someone wanted her."

Law's eyes narrowed as he started to wrap up Casey's arm. "Were they going to use her as leverage?"

"No. They wanted to execute her. In their words, 'to make you suffer', they were willing to pay a lot of money for her too."

When Mizu came back to her senses again she was snuggled beneath some blankets and beside a roaring fire. There was many figures around her, talking or maybe plotting, they sounded serious. Mizu sat up gradually and turned to see that her ship had gone. He really left her behind.

Mizu turned back towards the fire and saw the people who were left behind. Rayleigh spoke to her first, he spoke in a comforting manner that put her heart somewhat at ease. "Ah you're awake. I was beginning to if you'd ever wake up. If it's any consolation I could still hear the crew whining even when they were on board." Mizu nodded dumbly tears threatening to spill once again. Rayleigh frowned at her despaired expression, he continued knowing what the girl was going through. "Jinbe's agreed to take you back to Sabaody and get you transport to anywhere you want."

"Thank you but Sabaody will be fine. I have a friend there who can help me out."

"We have something to do first but after that you can leave."

"I mean it, thank you." Mizu gave them a weak smile.

"Hey I remember you! For the auction house!" To her surprise, Luffy was up and devouring a whole mountain of food.

"What are you doing up you'll ruin all Law's-" she stopped dead, not being able to continue talking.

"Don't cry, here eat some meat." Luffy held out some meat while simultaneously stuffing his face full of food.

"Thank you Luffy." Mizu nibbled on it graciously.

Luffy was telling Mizu all about his adventures, he told her about Ace sadly, but she laughed at all the funny stuff and really enjoyed his stories. She told him bits of hers but the 'adults' told them to rest, it was getting very late after all.

As they got settled, Mizu pulled her bag close to her looking through the stuff the guys had left behind for her. Everything that was packed was looking good until she spotted something. Her eyebrow twitched, at one particular piece of clothing. The guys including Luffy noticed the change. Her eyes darkened, jaw clenched and with white knuckles she gripped the outfit tight. Being the bravest and most curious, Rayleigh raised an eyebrow. "What's wrong?"

"THAT FUCKING BASTARD! I'M GOING TO FIND HIS STUPID ASS AND SLAP HIS SMUG BASTARD FACE SILLY." At the end of her promise Mizu yanked the offending article out and proceeded to rip it into tiny pieces. "NOTHING BETTER NOT HAPPEN TO THAT IDIOT BEFORE I GET MY GODDAMN HANDS ON HIM. I CAN'T BELIEVE HE ACTUALLY PACKED THAT STUPID THING. I'LL MAIM HIS FREAKING FACE." Taking a deep breath she turned to Luffy who was laughing his butt off at her, actually rolling around. Jinbe was shocked while Rayleigh too laughed at her outburst. "Luffy if you see that despicable disgrace for a human being, you know Law, you tell him I'm coming for him. I'll freaking kick his stupid ass up and down the grand line. Promise?"

"Promise!" Luffy laughed clutching his stomach, his laugh being infectious Mizu burst out laughing with him.

In the morning Mizu stared out at the ocean, smiling at all of her fond memories. "It seems everything's come full circle. It's not like any of this was planned after all. All the best things in life just happen naturally."

A few months later.

Mizu had just got settled at Sabaody, Jasmine hadn't arrived yet so she got a small flat and moped around the place. For the first few weeks every place reminded her of Law and made her feel depressed all over again. Even after a few months when she walked past the place where Law bought her a load of cakes she got weepy and upset. Completely lost in her thoughts, Mizu bumped into someone.

"Watch where you're going." The strangely familiar voice demanded.

When Mizu looked up she spotted a very familiar blue mask. "Killer?"

"Mizu? What are you doing here, I know for a fact that the Heart Pirates aren't here." Killer was a lot of things. Strong, loyal, could put up with Kidd's famous tantrums but a teary eyed woman? Nope. "Woah! Mizu, no, don't do that, please don't do that!"

"I'm sorry." Mizu cried wiping her eyes, they were bloodshot and a deep red glow appeared on her stressed and anxious face.

"I, uh, what's, um-" Killer stuttered, he yelled at himself to pull himself together, if anyone saw him it would ruin his reputation.

As though sensing Killer's distress, "Do you like tea?" Mizu asked, solemnly, "I can make some while I explain or if you don't really care you can just leave if you want."

Killer knew he'd regret it but she just looked like a kicked puppy and he couldn't say no. Plus, it might make Kidd happy if he got some information about Law from her. Keeping his surprise at bay, he walked into a flat he knew she had lived in for a while. There were tell-tale signs of it. "Mizu, are you not with the Heart Pirates anymore?" seeing her flinch he knew he hit the nail on the head. "Can I ask what happened?"

"That's why I'm making tea." Behind the smile both of them knew she was really hurting on the inside.

After Mizu told her story, both of their teas going stone cold, all Killer could do was place his hand on her shoulder in sympathy. Mizu asked him about their travels so the blonde tried to cheer her up with some of their antics. Leaving her in a better mood, Killer left to go inform Kidd of this new information, the next day Kidd turned up at her door demanding tea.

A long while later.

In The Three Parrots, a bar hidden away in the big hotel district was Trafalgar Law getting ready to make his way into the New World. On his way he spotted a familiar looking bar and headed into it while his crew prepared to set sail. Behind the bar was an equally familiar blue haired head-barmaid. Ordering her barmaids around a busy bar filled with normal civilians and pirates alike. Law made his way to the bar and sat down waiting for an old friend to spot him.

"Well if I live and breathe. You know if you didn't have a reputation to keep up I'd smack your sorry ass." Jasmine grinned leaning down on the bar in front of Law.

"Nice to see that you're doing well for yourself." Law smirked eyeing the busty busy bar-maids bustling about.

"Shame I can't say it's nice to see you." Law raised an eyebrow. Jasmine pointed to a picture behind her of herself and a woman he tried to block out of his mind. "You broke her heart so you're very lucky I'm not breaking yours. But again, I've heard of your new abilities, so I'm glad you didn't have them before. You'd have probably take my girl's heart with you wouldn't you?"

"Probably." Law shrugged, "She's here with you then?"

"You say that like you don't know." Law smirked again helping himself so some alcohol and a glass. "Don't even deny it, looks as beautiful as ever doesn't she?"


Jasmine frowned fighting the urge to nail his hand to the bar to make him see Mizu again. "I take it you're not planning on seeing her?"

"No. Nor am I bringing her along with me." Law replied taking a large gulp straight from the bottle.

Jasmine sighed stealing the bottle back. "You should know a certain red haired clown and a blonde tried to poach her before I arrived."

"Did they now?" Law made a mental note to perhaps kill Kidd the next time he saw him.

"Yeah, Mizu said that they offered to let her join them, that she declined. Red threw a tantrum and to get him to shut up Mizu made him dinner and promised to put his next wanted poster up on her wall. Red did one better, had a signed one sent back to her, I've seen it. She's also got Luffy and his crew on her wall as well as Red's Blondie. Didn't see yours though, probably doesn't want to be reminded of the all the pain you caused her."

"Is that so." Law bit out. There were five things in that whole packet of information that severely bugged him. Kidd was so dead when he next saw him, for the dinner. He was going to sneak into Mizu's apartment, take down the posters and burn Kidd's. Finally, remove the metaphorical dagger in his chest at the dig about his poster and that day on, ahem, the island.

Jasmine carried on ignoring the anger rolling off Law. "I've been training her, just so you know. Got a new nickname and everythin' curtsey of the regulars."

"Oh really?"

"Whirlwind Mizu. She's like a storm when she fights, sharp kicks, quick strikes, unrelenting and manic." Jasmine gave Law a little wink when she mentioned Manic. Law downed his glass and got up to leave. "You'll be back right?" Law looked up at Jasmine, a dangerous frown on her face. "When you've done whatever it is you're doing, killed whoever has threatened her? You'll come back for her?"

Law turned his back on the bluenette. "You should fire Casey. He's got a big mouth."

"But we're called the three parrots; one marine, one pirate and one maid, couldn't find a weirder bunch of people to run a bar. I can't fire one of the parrots."

Law rolled his eyes at her before glancing over his shoulder. "Just, look after her."

Jasmine nodded, "I promise."

That night when Mizu came for her shift, dressed quite weirdly in a frilly black and white dress, she felt eyes on her. Mizu whirled round ready to clout the perv trying to cop a feel but instead found no one. Shrugging Mizu kicked the door open to a round of cheers from the regulars ready to enjoy her night at the bar.

Hiding, quite ashamedly for him, behind a building was Law catching one last look of Mizu before he set out on to accomplish his plans. A small blush came to his face when he the outfit she had willingly put on and how much more beautiful she had been. Law groaned knocking his head back on the building behind him.

"Wow, Captain, stalking young ladies now are you? Isn't that a bit beneath you?" Law glanced to his left and smacked Casey upside the head as he left. Law nearly turned back around when he heard the ex-marine sniggering.

Round the corner were Jean, Penguin, Shachi and Bepo all whinging that they were banned from seeing Mizu. "Oi! Stop acting like a bunch of girls and get back to ship we've things to do."

"After we've done them can we come back for Mizu?" Bepo asked hopefully.

"Maybe." Law replied noncommittally,

Three of the bounced off hope in their step, Jean however stayed behind eyeing Law sceptically. "I don't think you believe that Captain."

"Even if we do succeed, it will mean even more danger, I won't risk her like that. Even though I know she wouldn't care in the slightest." After a second Law added, "Don't tell those morons I said that."

"Yes Captain and if I could speak freely for a second?" Jean asked, fully prepared to speak even without permission and fully prepared to be slightly maimed in the process. Law nodded giving him permission. "You're an idiot." Jean gave him his best Mizu impression and best Mizu-inspired foot tapping and eye roll.

"Yes. Yes, I know."

Thank you everyone, just so everyone knows, I had planned on ending it here since I thought up the idea. I had bits of it written since before I wrote Chapter 2, just took longer to get here than I thought. I hope everyone enjoyed and thank you so very much for every one of the 192 alerts, 149 favourites and the reviewers who took the time to look at my story! I can't believe how well this story has done and you've given me the confidence to write more and more.

Thank you for reading this far and I hope everyone has enjoyed it and will continue to do so!