A/N: Hey guys! Trust is still technically on hiatus, so consider this chapter a one-off especially for Christmas.

The process of rewriting the story is taking a long time, since we're now 31 chapters in (not including this one). I am working as fast as I can, but I wouldn't expect any further updates for a little while yet.

Having said that, I hope you enjoy this little update. Since we're up to Christmas in the story, I figured it would only be fitting. I hope you're all enjoying your holidays. :)

"I've only wrapped one gift and I'm already sick of it."

Johnny chuckled, watching his boyfriend enter the ROR's living space with a gift in hand. Randy placed the gift under the tree before joining the older monster on the couch.

"Correct me if I'm wrong, but since you already sent off the gift for your mother, aren't there only two gifts you need to wrap?" Johnny asked.

Randy shrugged. "Well, the other one is a lot of small pieces. So there's…" he trailed off, mentally counting up the gifts. "Seven more."

Johnny chuckled. "Why not just throw it all in a box and wrap everything at once?"

"I think I will. I can't be bothered to wrap them individually," he admitted.

"You know, I don't believe you ever told me who these gifts were for," Johnny hinted, a brow raised in interest.

Randy went wide-eyed, realising he never made something up to put Johnny off. "Uhh, well it's for, umm…"

"Mike?" Johnny finished for him. "You know you don't have to lie. Despite my own feelings for him, I don't mind if you still consider him a friend."

The freshman breathed a sigh of relief, Johnny's reaction having been better than he'd expected, but then looked down. "Well… I know it's silly, since I bought those gifts, but I'm not so sure we will be friends when he gets back."

Johnny was secretly delighted at the news, though still a hint of guilt bit at him. He put on a look of concern, wrapping an arm around Randy's upper shoulders. "Hey, it's not silly to hope things will work out."

Randy leaned into his boyfriend, sighing again. "Yeah, well… I guess we'll see." He then perked up, jumping up from the couch, something that left the senior confused.

"Where are you going?" Johnny asked, clearly amused at Randy's renewed energy.

"It's Christmas Eve Johnny, where do you think?"

Johnny smirked. "I'm barred from the kitchen, aren't I?"

"Yep," Randy said simply, returning a smirk of his own.

"Do I at least get to see what you've made?"

"Not until tomorrow."

"Just a sneak peek?"



Randy chuckled. "If you're really that desperate I can make some gingerbread too. That you can have tonight."

"I suppose…"

"It's either that or nothing."

"Fine, fine, I'll take it," Johnny chuckled.

"You make it sound like such a chore," Randy said as he made his way to the kitchen. "Now remember, no peeking," he added in a sing-song tone.

Once in the kitchen Randy fetched a small tub from the fridge which was filled with fruit he'd left to marinate in brandy. He wasn't quite sure how he'd kept it hidden from Johnny, but he was happy to be able to keep Johnny guessing as to what cake he would be baking. He'd had to at least admit he was baking something in order to keep Johnny away from the kitchen, so that small victory was enough for him. Although if Johnny had actually put his mind to it he should have been able to guess it would be a fruit cake. Randy was very traditional that way.

He set about mixing the ingredients needed, prepared for a long night's baking. It was going to be hard work, but he was looking forward to the end result. And he was certain Johnny was too.


Randy groaned, slowly opening his eyes and quickly shutting them again, the light hurting his eyes and making his head pound. He made a second attempt, soon adjusting to the light flooding the living space, and began trying to piece together what had happened the previous night. He'd baked the cake and the gingerbread, as promised, and then re-joined Johnny on the couch to watch the Christmas movies playing all night. There was brandy and eggnog involved and, by the looks of the three empty bottles on the table before him, a lot of it.

"Good morning sleepyhead," came Johnny's voice from the other side of the room.

Randy turned towards the Christmas tree and saw Johnny sat on the floor next to it, holding the gift Randy knew he'd gotten him.

"So do I get to open this now?" Johnny asked, grinning wide.

"Sure," Randy said, getting up to come join him. "I just- whoa…"

Randy held a hand to his head as he steadied himself, clearly having tried getting up too quickly. Johnny laughed at this.

"We did drink quite a lot last night," he pointed out.

"Yeah, I noticed," Randy mumbled before cautiously making his way over, taking a seat on the floor next to the tree.

Johnny made quick work of unwrapping his gift and looked down at the box in his hands with a curious gaze. "What's this?" he asked.

"It's a memory box," Randy said with a wide smile.

"A memory box?" the senior scoffed.

Randy's smile faded slightly as he tried explaining. "Well, yeah, to put… well, things you care about I guess. Photos, notes, maybe concert tickets and things like that."

Johnny held the box up, examining it more closely. "I've never really kept anything like that before, though," he said.

"Well, maybe you should start?"

Johnny shrugged. "I suppose."

Randy's smile completely fell now. He knew he probably hadn't been on to a winner with the gift, but he was hoping Johnny would at least appreciate the sentiment. Johnny noticed the change in the freshman's expression, however, and was quick to try and reassure him.

"It would look rather nice on my dresser," he said, giving Randy a small nudge and flashing a smile. "And you are right, I should start collecting a few things, to remember my time at college."

Randy's smile returned. "Great! I know you won't regret it. I have a memory box, too, and I keep all sorts of things in there."

"Oh? Perhaps I could have a look some time?" he asked curiously. "That way I'll know what I should start keeping."


"Brilliant." Johnny then set the box aside and pulled out one of the boxes from under the tree. And then another. And another. He handed Randy all of these gifts, six in all, and looked on in amusement as Randy looked between them all, not knowing where to start. "Merry Christmas Randy."

"M-Merry Christmas," he stuttered, shocked at how many gifts he'd been given. "I, uhh… which one should I open first?" he chuckled.

"How about that one?" Johnny suggested, pointing to the largest of them.

"OK." Randy put the other gifts down beside him before ripping open the first gift. He opened the box and pulled out a large, green winter coat. "Oh wow, thank you Johnny!"

Johnny smiled wide. "I asked the store clerk for help picking out that one. She said to go for a complementary colour. Although… there was no way I was buying you something yellow," he finished with a slight grimace.

"What's wrong with yellow?" he asked with an amused smirk.

"It's so… garish."

"It's also the colour of JOX," Randy pointed out.


"That's mean."

"It's true, though."

Randy giggled, setting the coat aside. He then picked up the next gift, unwrapping it to find a rather expensive looking watch. The next was a scarf, and then a bottle of cologne, a couple of pairs of slippers and a few books.

Looking over all the gifts he'd received, Randy couldn't help but wonder how much it all had cost. "Johnny, I appreciate… all of this, but this really is all too much."

"Shush. This is your first Christmas away from home and I wanted to treat you, OK?"

Randy rolled his eyes. "Fine, but you're not doing this again."

Johnny said nothing, instead smirking slightly.

"No Johnny," Randy warned.

"Alright, alright, just this once then," he conceded.


As Randy began collecting up his gifts Johnny kept eyeing another one, still unopened and sitting under the tree. He was in two minds as to whether or not it would be a good idea to give it to Randy now, or later.


"Hm?" Johnny's attention snapped back to his boyfriend who was now offering him a plate with a slice of cake and a fork upon it. "Thanks," he said gratefully, taking the plate.

"You look distracted," Randy said, retaking his previous position on the floor beside Johnny.

"Oh, it's nothing." He took a bite of the cake, savouring the sweet and rich flavours of the fruit and brandy. "This is delicious."

"Thanks. I was worried it didn't come out as well as I thought it would, though."

Johnny shook his head. "No, it's really, really good. Best I've ever had," he said with a wide smile.

Randy giggled. "Well, thank you. I'm glad you like it."

Johnny once again eyed the present and, after another moment's thought, made his mind up. "Say, Randy, I've got-"

The ringing of a phone cut Johnny off, and he looked over at the table where the phone rested, wondering who it could be. "Just a minute," he grumbled, heaving himself up off the floor and making his way to answer it.

"Sure," Randy said, picking himself up from the floor as well and making his way to the couch, taking both plates along with him. He then watched as Johnny answered the phone.

"Hello? Oh. Hello father." Randy could tell from Johnny's face and bitter tone this was one call he didn't really want to have to answer. "Yes, I'm having a lovely day. Yes, that's right. No father, I won't… Mmhmm. Yes. Well, wish mom a merry Christmas too. Mmhmm. No, he's not. It didn't work out. It just didn't work out, father. Yes, I know he was, but… Mmhmm. Yes, I have someone else in mind. That's right. Yes, I believe so. No, father. No, I've made up my mind. No, I don't believe I'm mistaken. You have nothing to worry about. Mmhmm. I understand. Goodbye, father."

Johnny solemnly took a seat next to Randy, not mentioning anything about the call. Despite his curiosity, Randy knew better than to ask and instead continued to eat.

After about a minute of doing nothing but stare at the ground, Johnny finally took another bite of his cake. "Remind me not to answer that phone if it rings again," he grumbled.

"You OK?" Randy asked, concerned.

"Fine, as long as I don't have to take another call like that again."

Randy nodded. "I hope you don't mind, but I gave the house's number to mom. She wanted to call me… well, actually, us today."

Johnny looked over, both amused and touched. "Us..?" he repeated.

Randy nodded, swallowing another mouthful of cake. "She likes you," he said in way of explanation.

"Really?" Johnny said, smirking. His smirk grew when the phone rang again. "I suppose that'll be her?"

"Mmhmm," Randy hummed, putting his plate aside as he finished the last of his slice of cake. When he got up to answer the phone, Johnny followed. "Where are you going?" he chuckled.

"Well, if I couldn't enjoy my phone call, I'd might as well enjoy yours," the senior said, giving Randy a playful nudge.

Randy rolled his eyes. "Please don't embarrass me this time."

"What do you mean this time?"

Randy gave Johnny an incredulous look. "You do it every time."

Johnny shrugged. "I can't help it if you're so easy to embarrass."

Randy shushed him as he finally answered the phone whilst Johnny leaned in to listen.

"Hello?" Randy said.

"Oh, hello sweetie," came the voice of his mother on the other end. "Merry Christmas!"

"Merry Christmas mom. Did you get my gift?"

"I did, and it was lovely dear. Thank you so much. I hope you don't mind that I wasn't able to send you yours."

"It's fine mom, I can wait until I come home."

"Why couldn't she send it?" Johnny asked in a hushed tone.

"Costs too much," Randy replied, equally hushed.

"Oh? Is that Johnny?"

"Yeah, mom."

"How lovely. Have you two had a good morning?"

"We have. I baked a cake last night, and we had some this morning. I used your recipe, just like you taught me."

"Oh, how wonderful! How did he like it?"

"It was delicious, Ms. Boggs," Johnny piped up, making sure he was loud enough to be heard.

"I'm so glad. Do you two boys have any plans for the rest of the day?"

"Well, not really. We'll probably just spend the day indoors, watching movies."

"Aww… just like we did last year. Do you have enough food? You know the stores are closed."

"Yes mom, we made sure we have enough food for a whole week, at least."

"And brandy, although that seems to have gone pretty quick," Johnny chuckled.

"Johnny!" Randy snapped, only causing Johnny to laugh more.

"Now, now dear," his mother giggled. "There's nothing wrong with a glass or two of brandy. You are of age, after all."

"I know mom. So what do you have planned for today?"

"I'm going to be spending the day with friends, so don't worry, I won't be alone."

"That's good then."

"Well, I'd better let you boys go then. You take care, Randy dear. I love you."

"I love you too mom, bye."

"Goodbye Ms. Boggs," Johnny added.

"Take care boys. Bye-bye."

Randy hung up the phone and turned to Johnny, placing his hands on his sides. "Why did you have to go and mention the brandy?" he said, trying to appear annoyed.

"Oh c'mon, your mom found it funny," Johnny smirked. "Besides, it's not a big deal. You are of age after all," he teased, giving Randy's cheek a pinch.

Randy swatted Johnny's hand away. "Yeah, yeah, very funny."

"Anyway, why didn't you tell me your mom couldn't send you your gift? We could have gone to visit, y'know."

Randy shook his head. "Nah, you heard my mom. She has plans. I think it's best we both spend Christmas apart, we'll need to get used to it anyway."

Johnny frowned slightly. "You know you don't have to, right? I could always drive you."

"Well… maybe next year."

The phone rang again, and the two turned towards it. Randy began to laugh, shaking his head.

"I'll bet it's mom again, she's probably just remembered something," he said, picking up the phone. "Hello?"

"Who is this?"

Randy paused a moment, confused by the unfamiliar voice. "I, uhh… th-this is Randy Boggs," he stammered.

"Boggs?" came the reply, which sounded akin to a scoff. "So you're the one my son is fooling around with."

"I, um…"

At this point, having recognised the voice on the other end, Johnny took the phone from Randy. "Father, what is it?"

This time, Randy took his turn to listen into the phone call, presuming it was safe to do so since Johnny hadn't ushered him away.

"Are you really letting him stay at the house?" John said.

"Yes father, I am. Now what did you want?"

"And you're planning to allow him to-"

"Yes father," Johnny cut in. "We've already been over this."

"I still insist you are making a mistake."

"Look, father, if all you want is to continue questioning my choices then we have nothing else to speak about. Goodbye."

Johnny slammed the phone down with an angry growl, walking away from it as though to get away before it had the chance to ring again.

"J-Johnny..?" Randy began, following Johnny at a cautious pace. "What… uhh, what was that about?"

Johnny kept his back to Randy, facing the tree and looking down at the gift below it intently. He then sighed heavily, bending down to pick up the gift, and brought it over to Randy. "Here. I was waiting for the right time to give you this, but… well, I suppose the chance was ruined."

Randy looked at the gift and then back up at Johnny with a questioning gaze. However, when Johnny pushed the gift out a little further, Randy took it. He tore back the paper, revealing a plain white box similar to the one his new coat had been in. However, the content of the box was not like his coat at all.

"Johnny," Randy gasped, staring into the box. "Is… are… are you serious?"

"I am," he said simply.

"But… I mean, are you sure?"


"What about the others?"

"I'm sure they'll agree. Javier already does, anyway."

Randy looked up, surprised. "R-Really? He does?"

Johnny smiled and nodded. "Yes. We both think you deserve it."

Randy then grinned widely, looking back at the inside of the box. He then frowned slightly. "It, uhh… it only has two sleeves."

Johnny's smile then dropped. "It does?" he said, making a move for the box. "But I specifically asked…"

Randy stopped Johnny from taking the box, shaking his head and smiling again. "Doesn't matter. It's… it's perfect," he said, removing the jacket from the box. He marvelled at it for a moment, taking in the fine stitch work, the crimson and gold colours and the bold letters of the ROR fraternity emblazoned down the side. "And this is for me?" he asked, still not able to believe it.

Johnny laughed, the reaction not quite like anything he'd ever gotten. "Try it on," he said.

Randy wasted no time in doing so, quickly putting on the jacket. The length of it meant that the missing pair of sleeves wouldn't impair his movement in anyway. He buttoned the jacket up, noting it was a perfect fit. After looking down on it for a moment, he suddenly looked up at his boyfriend, practically launching himself at him into a tight hug. "Thank you, thank you, thank you!"

"Easy there," Johnny chuckled, hugging the freshman back. "Now, just bear in mind this doesn't make you a fully-fledged member just yet. You're still a pledge, so you've got a lot of things to learn and an initiation to go through."

Randy broke the hug and took a few steps back, grinning wide. "I'm ready to do whatever it takes."

"Good. Because I can't treat you any differently than any other pledge."

"Oh, I don't expect you to."

"The others might be a tough sell, just as a warning, so you'll need to be prepared to prove yourself to them like you have to me."

Randy nodded. "I will, don't you worry."

Johnny smiled warmly. "I'm not worried. Not in the slightest bit. I've seen what you can do, and I know you'll be a perfect fit. So, as president, I officially welcome you to Roar Omega Roar," he announced.

"Thank you," Randy said, still smiling wide. "So… uhh, what do I do now?"

"Now?" Johnny repeated. "Right now we're gonna go get a cup of coffee and watch us some movies," he chuckled. "We won't be able to do anything until the others get back. So for now we're just going to enjoy the vacation, same as we have been already."

"OK," Randy said, looking down at the jacket. "I dunno, it just feels… different. Like I should have to do something, y'know?"

"Well, if you really insist, you can make the coffee," Johnny smirked.

Randy tutted. "You know what I mean."

"Well, as I said, there's nothing to do until the others get back. Although over the next couple of weeks I suggest you study the fraternity's history, as well as the history of MU. But other than that, there isn't really anything more we need to ask of you than what you're already doing."

"What I'm already doing?" Randy repeated, confused.

"Getting good grades, of course. That's really all we ask for. You keep achieving good grades, stay top of the class, and that's all that's needed. To be one of the best Scare students on campus. And that right now means you."

If Randy could possible smile any wider, he was certainly doing it. "Thank you. For this, and for helping me last semester too."

"No problem," Johnny said, returning the smile. "Now go on, you go make the coffee, I'll find something decent to watch. If that's possible," he chuckled.

"OK!" Randy said excitedly, dashing off to the kitchen.

As Johnny watched his boyfriend leave, he couldn't help but continue smiling, both for Randy's excitement and his own accomplishment in having finally gained the sixth member the fraternity needed. Somehow, now that he'd done it, he felt even surer of his choice than ever.