The Migrant Fleet donated their largest ship to replace the Citadel, so that the universe could try and regain it "sameness". However, it was much smaller than the glorious Citadel, and there was no real name for it besides the "New Citadel", but people didn't really complain about the name as much as the size. After the assassination attempt on the Council, the New Citadel enforced more security. It was harder to travel and trade than ever before, but Solana and Talus Vakarian weren't there for the souvenirs. They came to bring Garrus's body back to Palaven. His mother was too sick to travel, just barely holding on to life, but she wanted to see her son one last time.

They were told to see Dr. Chakwas, who was now working for Council affairs. She tried everything she could to save Garrus, but he fought against the medicine and everything she did. Chakwas knew it was a dead end.

Solana took his death the hardest. She was always close to him and knew that he was going to propose to Shepard after she defeated the Reapers. When the news of the Commander's death reached her, Solana immediately contacted Garrus and tried to help him with his mourning. He never responded to her messages, but she knew he was alive. Finally, an official message from the Council alerted her family that he had become part of their security, vowing to stay and protect the Council for the rest of his life. Their entire family was torn, but Talus thought that this was best for him. He would be under careful watch and would be helping to secure the Council.

They walked past the construction of the Shepard Memorial. Their were artists from all races making sure that every single detail was being sculpted in. While only the bottom half of the memorial was complete, it was still a glorious monument, but it was still hard on both Vakarians to see it. It was being built here, but it would be shipped to Earth later after it was safe and rebuilt. Earth was Shepard's home planet, so everyone deemed it fit to be placed there.

The hospital quarters were just on the other side of the monument. Dr. Chakwas was waiting for them there, fearing what she would have to say. It was never easy telling family about death. She never got used to it and never wanted to. Garrus' body was carefully packaged and was laid inside a heavily protected coffin, but it could be opened. Solana and Talus entered the room, fully prepared to see his body, but they were relieved to see that Chakwas had secured it already.

"Doctor Chakwas, thank you," Solana whispered but kept her eyes at the coffin. She wanted to look at Garrus's face, but knew that now would not be a good time. Her heart was already heavy with regret, any more and it would burst.

Talus nodded his head in agreement with his daughter. He was never really close with Garrus. He wanted what was best for his son, but he barked his orders at him, never allotting him to grow up in the way that he should have. Of all the years Talus lived, he never felt more pain in his heart than he did now. His wife was going to die soon, but he loved and cared for her in all the best ways. His treatment towards his son was less than that.

"His face isn't damaged if you would like to see him," Dr. Chakwas tried to keep the moment from remaining silent. A mind always wonders when noise is absent.

Talus shoke his head in acknowledgment and opened his mouth, ready to speak, but then closed it. He wasn't sure if he wanted to see the death on his son's face. "He was never careless with fighting. He fought side-by-side with Commander Shepard, so he must've been something special." Chakwas nodded at his words in full agreement, but she wasn't ready for the question that followed it. "So truly, how did he die?"

The doctor stared at the coffin for a few moments before responding with the only answer she could think of, "It was a broken heart."

This caught both sister and father off guard, so they turned their full attention to her.

"What do you mean?" Solana asked.

"If you had seen the way he looked at Shepard, even when she had just woken up, with her hair askew and crust in her eyes, then you would've seen the love he had for her. Garrus's heart was far too broken to be fixed by anyone but her. He wanted to see her again, and this was the only way he could think of. It was an accidental suicide." Chakwas tried to piece together the puzzle for herself and the Vakarians.

Solana's eyes swept across the floor, as if she could find any other reason her brother died. "I can't believe it," was all she could muster.

"At least he died for love and not political reasons or for the war," Mr. Vakarian tried to reassure her. He was torn inside from the news, but he knew that wherever Garrus was, he was much happier than being alive.

They all agreed in silence, not saying another word. Dr. Chakwas helped them load Garrus's coffin onto a platform so that they could take him back to their ship. The Vakarians said their thanks and goodbyes to Chakwas, knowing this was the last they would see of her.

At this moment in heaven, Garrus was becoming whole from Shepard's embrace. She was the glue for his heart and the medicine for his soul.

This chapter was a request from mrhawkprime. I hope you enjoy it! Also, happy holidays to those who celebrate them. Another chapter should be out soon!