Rating: M
Disclaimer: I do not know any of the workers of the WWE personally nor am I affiliated with them in any way. This story is a work of fiction and I make no profit whatsoever from it.
Five Years Later
Seth glanced down at the white gold ring on his left hand as he walked out of the chapel with the love of his life holding his other hand. His turned to his left and was met with the icy blue eyes of the dark blonde haired man that had an identical grin on his lips. He almost couldn't believe they'd done it as he pulled the older man into his body for a long, passionate kiss right out there in the middle of the sidewalk. He didn't know how long he stayed lip locked with Dean and he didn't really care. This was their moment, their night, to do with whatever they wanted.
A few months earlier Dean had suggested to him that they just run off to Vegas and get married. Skip the long, drawn out ceremony and over the top expensive reception and just elope. Seth had denied the older man at first. He had always wanted to have a big ceremony when it was legal for him to do so but after the planning started, he started to second guess himself. There was so much more that went into wedding planning than just two people celebrating their love for each other.
The only part he wished that he could change was the fact that his family wasn't there. He knew his mother would be devastated to learn that her only son had married in secret by some fat guy dressed as Elvis. He hoped that one day she would be able to accept the reasoning behind his decision. Tonight was about him and Dean and nobody else. He'd tell them once they got back to Los Angeles.
He pulled back from the passionate kiss first and looked into Dean's icy blue eyes. He felt his heart warm with love every single time he looked into his husband's eyes. His lips broke out into a huge grin as that word rolled through his thoughts. Husband. He was married to Dean Ambrose. He still felt like that seventeen-year-old kid that was almost bouncing off the walls while he waited in line to meet his favourite band. His hands grabbed tighter onto Dean's shoulders through the expensive black Gucci suit that the guitarist had bought. His own suit a little slimmer fit. "You're my husband now." He grinned at the older man.
"You don't regret it do you?" Dean shot back. His own hands wrapping around the small of Seth's back. The past five years had matured Seth's looks but even through the more defined features, Dean could still see the twenty-year-old that he fell in love with. He admitted that he did miss the giant chunk of blonde in Seth's hair. His lips tugged into a bigger smile. He was so glad that he had taken a chance on this kid, remembered who he was and most importantly made Seth his. And now Seth was his forever.
"Never." Seth grinned. He leaned forward and pressed his lips against Dean's once more before he pulled back. "We're married now. I'm married to Dean Ambrose."
Dean chuckled. He could feel the eyes of strangers walking past them but he didn't care. He wouldn't care if the damn President was gawking at him. "Does that mean you'll start doing some wifely duties?"
Seth cocked an eyebrow up at the older man. Dean's good looks hadn't changed much over the past few years, maybe a few extra wrinkles around his eyes but nothing that make him any less handsome. "And what duties would they be?"
"Daily blow jobs, cooking me meals. You know. The usual." Dean answered with a shit-eating grin on his face.
"If I'm expected to give you daily blow jobs then I expect them in return!" Seth laughed.
"Whatever my baby wants, he gets." Dean grinned. He leaned forward and pressed his lips against Seth's one last time before he pulled back. He slid his arms out from around Seth's trim waist and instead entwined their fingers as they walked down the Las Vegas strip towards where Dean had a surprise waiting for his new husband.
Seth took in the bright lights of the city around him, the neon signs flashing erratically only causing his grin to grow larger. Vegas held a lot of special memories for both he and Dean. It seemed only appropriate for them to run away and get married here. His mind rolled through the past five years. Through the highs of their relationship, a huge weight taken off their shoulders by being able to be out in the open with their relationship to the crippling lows of the new band not doing quite as well as they had all expected.
Their debut album had made a lot less money and had been far less successful than all five members were expecting and then the tour that followed almost cost as much to go on as the amount they made. The band was still together though. Their second album had gone back to their original roots of a Hardcore, heavy metal which had gained a lot more momentum and had definitely reaffirmed just what sort of a band those five were. They still included a few slightly different tracks on their second album that was more in the direction that the band wanted to head in.
Seth had quit his job in Randy's tattoo parlor to concentrate on being a photographer. He would always be the band's number one photographer and did every single one of their photo shoots but with that came more and more offers from other bands who also wanted his services. His job working with Randy became more of a nuisance than anything so he just quit. It meant he got to spend a lot more time with Dean anyway. He'd even helped Dean create his debut line of guitars with Sami. They'd called the line the 'Switchblade Conspiracy' and the guitars had been a huge hit.
His mind rolled through to his memories of less than a year ago when he and Dean had sat down for dinner in their home. The conversation they had that night though was anything but light and fluffy with talk of their future as the front runner. They'd talked about everything to do with their future, including where they'd live, marriage and if kids were even an option for them. Seth had told Dean when the topic of children had popped up that "I'm not ready to share you with anyone just yet. Hell, I don't know if I'll ever want to." That was also the night that Dean had gotten down on one knee and pulled out a thin, white gold band that had diamonds encased in the ring and asked Seth to be his forever.
Seth smiled as he thought back to one of the happiest moments of his life. He glanced down at the two bands on his left ring finger, his heart thrumming hard against his chest every single time he looked at them. He knew it was stupid to get so excited from looking at wedding bands but the mere sight of them always made his heart sing loudly. He turned to his right and looked over at Dean who was focused on what was ahead of them. He grunted as Dean tugged him roughly to the side of the footpath. His eyes raked up the large hotel that they were heading into, his smile growing. This was the hotel that they had first been intimate in. "What are we doing here?"
"You think I'd marry you and not throw you a reception?" Dean winked at him as they walked through the glass revolving doors.
Seth followed behind his husband as they made their way to the courtesy desk. The pretty woman behind the desk smiled at them and then led them towards where their grand function room was. He could feel his heart thrumming in his chest as he walked with Dean and followed the receptionist, their hands still entwined together as they quickly reached their destination. He didn't know what to expect when the doors swung open but when they did he lost all words that were threatening to leave his lips.
Inside of the large room was a group of their select group of friends and family. Every single one of them had a glass of champagne in their hands and raised their glasses once both men stepped inside of the room. Seth couldn't contain his emotions. Tears of joy sprang from the corners of his brown eyes while he jumped onto Dean, his arms wrapping around his neck while his legs wrapped around his waist. He'd never been happier in his entire life. He planted kiss after kiss on every single inch of Dean's face while the raucous crowd cheered them on.
"Thank you, thank you." Seth managed to whisper through his tears of happiness. "You are the best man I could ever wish for."
Dean wrapped his arms tighter around Seth's slender body, slowly easing Seth's long legs from around his waist and placing him gently onto the carpeted floor. "Thank you for pushing me to make you mine." He breathed into Seth's ear. "I thought you were just going to be somebody I kept around long enough to get my fill of fucking you but you made me want to love you Seth. I am so glad you came into my life and made me the man I am today. I love you so much Seth Rollins."
"Ambrose." Seth corrected him. "I'll be Seth Ambrose from now on."
"Okay Seth Ambrose." Dean chuckled. "I like that. Now everyone knows you're mine forever."
Seth pulled back from Dean's neck and they locked eyes. Brown on blue in an intense stare off. "Dean, I was yours from the first moment that you kissed me. And I'll be yours for however long you still want to kiss me."
"Forever. You are the love of my life." Dean smiled. "Now, let's enjoy this reception."
Seth grinned and walked hand in hand with Dean towards where the rest of their guests were waiting. He never would have imagined that two chance meetings with a guy he had idolized for years would turn into him meeting his soul mate, his love. He felt like the luckiest man in the whole world, his heart giddy with excitement as he let every single aspect of today and tonight wash over him.
He grabbed a glass of champagne off one of the passing waiters and turned to his husband, their hands dropping momentarily. They clinked glasses and the rest of the party all cheered. He lifted the glass to his lips and drank a sip. He didn't just taste the alcoholic beverage but the epitome of their love.
And as he locked eyes with Dean one last time, he murmured "forever" just loud enough for the older man to hear. Because that's what their relationship was. Forever.
A/N: So that's all folks! I just want to say a huge thank you to everyone who has enjoyed reading this story as much as I have enjoyed writing it! I first started writing this in October last year so it's been a pretty full on thing for me for the past seven months. Thank you again for everyone who has reviewed, favourited or even followed this story as I have loved all the wonderful support I have had for this story. This story hit over 200 reviews and 31K of views so thank you, thank you, thank you. Special thanks to Sparkles Blue who reviewed every single chapter of this story – you are amazing! I would also like to thank The Cardinal Saint Miller who had her own issues with writing but continued to keep reading this story. And thank you to Jackthesinister JaketheJust who was also a huge supporter. But I have loved every single one of your reviews, pms, follows and favourites!
On another note, this will be the last chaptered fic from me for a while. I am getting married at the end of July and as much as I would love to continue writing long, chaptered stories, I don't think it would be fair if I disappeared for weeks at a time so until at least August there will be no long chaptered fics from me. I'll still be around though, posting one-shots or the odd two-shots but no long fics. So follow me if you want and I'll still be posting just not as regularly or follow me on Tumblr. I post all my fic updates on there too. Until then!
Thank you all again!
GatesVengeance x