Disclaimer: I do not own Fairy Tail.

"But I must admit I miss you quite terribly. The world is too quiet without you nearby." – Lemony Snicket.

Chapter 1

"Hey Mira." Looking up towards the person who greeted her, Mira was met with a smiling face Natsu who is walking towards her. "Hey Natsu. Can I get you anything?" "Some flaming chicken for me and fish for Happy." Answer Natsu which follow with an "Aye sir!" by the blue cat.

While Mira had gone to prepare their meals, Natsu look the guild for the blond celestial spirit mage but couldn't find her. Maybe she's in the library thought Natsu as he knew she was around the guild from her lingering scent. He had not seen Lucy since yesterday afternoon after Lisanna had come and drag him away if you don't count the fact that he had drop by her place that night to see her, only to be greeted by her sleeping face.

He wanted so badly to get into her bed and snuggle up to her, breathing in her scent and falling asleep while watching her but didn't want to be kick out and have her mad first thing in the morning. After all, Lucy looks best when she's in a good mood and all smiling. He watches her for few hours before with great reluctant, made his way back home for the night.

Yes, yes, he had sleep in her bed many times, but since there had not been any progress in their relationship, Natsu had decided that he might try to be a gentleman to show that she was the only person that he would want to sleep with and not something that he would do with just anyone.

Even with this resoluteness, it's hard not to sleep with her on her bed surrounding by her scent so he decided to only go back to his house when Happy is not around. Natsu would also sleep in her bed by going to her place before she arrive as he found that she was less likely to get mad at him when she realize that there is nothing she could do to get him off her bed. This is his favorite as he would do this when Happy is out on a mission with Wendy or when he stays over with them and this gives him some alone time with Lucy. He would pretend to hug her from her back to keep her close to his and stealthily smile when she did not push him away.

Natsu knew that Lucy was his mate from the moment he met her at Hargeon. They may have just met for the first time but somehow it feels as if they have met before. It just feels so right being around her without any awkwardness between them.

When she left, he wanted to stop her but doesn't want to seem like a creep and scare her especially after what happen with the fake salamander. Of course, it was also because he was in the middle of eating but prefer the first reason more. He figured that with his heighten sense of smell, he will be able to find her easily.

Luckily for him, he doesn't have to resort to some ploy to get her to come with him. Thanks to the fake Salamander, all he needed to do was rescue her from him and bring her to Fairy Tail while running away from the military soldiers.

After she was settled in her new place, he get her to form a team with him and Happy as he wanted to keep her close to him and also to make sure that she is safe. If she were to go on a solo mission while he is not around, he would worry sick about her safety. Besides, there is a chance that she might get close to other male member in the guild. The last thing he wants is to have his mate be with someone else other than him or worst, having her end up being with Gray. There might also be pervert out there who's trying to pick her up when she's out alone.

It had been great going to mission and spending time with her while taking the time for her to get used of the idea of being around and getting to know him. However, after coming back from Edolas and finding out that Lisanna was alive he had little time to spend with Lucy. Sure he was glad that his childhood friend was alive, but she had been keeping him occupied trying to 'catch up'.

"So Natsu, tell me what have happen while I'm gone."

"Well, we had few new members as you can see, Mira had decided to tend to the guild and not be her demonic self, and Erza is still scary. Aren't you getting bored of listening to the same thing over and over again?" replied Natsu feeling slight annoy by the same question.

"Oh come on Natsu! I'm still trying to get use to the guild after being absent for two years. Why don't we go walk around town today. You could be my personal tour guide for today and show me the changes in town." Said Lisanna while proceed to dragging Natsu out of the guild before he could protest.

This was what happen yesterday and had been going on for the past weeks since she's back. If she wasn't trying to drag him around town, she would suggest going fishing when Happy is near them so she would have some support from the feline in persuading the dragon slayer to spent time with her.

Initially, Natsu had freely agreed to all her request, but after a while, he realize that he had little to none when it come to the amount of time that he could spend with Lucy and find that he long for her present around him. Well, it's more like a need for him to be around her and realize that he is more reluctant to agree to Lisanna's request.

"Here's your flaming chicken Natsu and this is our fish Happy." said Mira with the usual cheery smile on her face while placing Natsu and Happy's food on the bar top. "Thanks Mira!" reply both the boys.

Before Natsu could start feasting on his meal, Lisanna had appeared out of nowhere and said "Natsu! Let's go fishing today! We could catch some fish for lunch right Happy?"

"But I miss Lucy. I haven't spent time with her for a longggg time. Maybe next time Lisanna." Answer Happy, which had come as a shock to Natsu as he didn't realize that Happy might also miss Lucy and see this as an opportunity to escape from the clutches of the younger Strauss sister.

"Yea Lisanna, Happy's right. Lucy's rent is almost due too so we need to go on a mission with her." said Natsu, showing her one of his toothy grin.

"Then maybe I could come with you guys. I'm sure Lucy wouldn't mind."

I would mind thought Natsu while starting on his meal.

"Maybe next time Lisanna. When Erza's back." Thinking that this way Erza or Gray may be able to keep Lisanna busy while he find time to spend with Lucy. "Beside Lucy might need all of the reward money for her rent so you might not get a portion of it. It might not be a good way to have your first mission after you're back. It's probably a good idea to go with Mira and Elfman for your first mission. You know, since it's your first since you're back after a while. I'm sure they miss going on one with you."

"Fine. Maybe next time then." Seeing as she wasn't able to convince Natsu otherwise, she decided to go on an errand that Mira had been asking her help for. "Well, I better get on with the errant for Mira. See you Natsu."

"Yea, bye Lisanna." Yes! Now I can go spend some time with Lucy. Thought Natsu while continuing to gobble down his food and thinking of what they can do together.