Hey guys!
I'm aware it's been a very long time since I updated this story or any of my stories in general, but just wanted to leave you a little note.
Ever since I begun my senior years at school, exams and my work became priority and I had less time in general to write and upload stories to here. I also drifted off this site for a while too but have recently remembered about it and begun having a look at all my stories again.
Currently I am almost finishing my first year of college and have a busy part time job the days I don't attend college, so time is very limited to write stories. However I feel my writing skills have improved dramatically since I begun writing on this site about 4 years ago, so I'm hoping that in any spare time I have now, I'm going to re-edit the chapters I've already written if needed and hopefully continue these stories and actually finish them for once so I don't leave people on major cliffhangers for like 3 years again. (Sorry x)
It may be a slow transition back onto this site and writing stories again but I miss creating them with their plot twists and dramatic endings to please you all so I'm hoping you can bear with me for the next little while as I begin writing more chapters.
Thankyou so much for your patience and for sticking around this long even if I've been terribly inactive.
Hope to see you all soon,
AlexRiderandMIHigh x