Hello my people! Dweebs, nerds, wonderful readers!

Also, just a little info for you, I decided a while ago, back when me updating was a nearly regular thing, that I would only be covering Season 1 - not Season 2, so after this thing is done...it's done. Although I might go back sometime in the distant (or possibly never gonna happen future) to write a short series about the episodes glossed over by Will's coma and how the girls dealt with everything...or I might just include those in this as flashbacks and arguments.. who knows? Just wanted to let you all know. :)

(Let's be real, they're gonna be flashbacks, I wouldn't actually write a series of one-shots, I'm too lazy)

ANYWAY, on with the show...

The Oracle sighed, turning to the frowning man next to him. "I know." He muttered to him, feeling his displeasure as the crystal ball before them focused on the young red-headed girl, curled into herself in the dark crevices of her room. The Oracle could feel the power radiating from her even here and knew it was high time some things were explained to the warrior man. "There are some difficulties ahead for the Keeper. Difficulties she must face by herself...but difficulties that she can prepare for with support, and protection." The man gruffed a response as he gently clutched the small dagger strapped to his side, hidden beneath the jacket he wore. "Raythor, believe me, I know far less than it would seem in regards to such things. The powers of the Universe are vast and some far exceed my own. The Keeper's destiny is not in my hands, but the chance to affect that destiny, the small balance of which side she falls to...that is solely within the hands of everyone around her."

Raythor looked at the bald man curiously, tilting his head and then growling as the girl's sobs echoed through the crystal ball and into the empty space of the chamber. "Then why must she suffer if we may change her destiny!" He growled, pressing his hands against the Oracle and pushing him back, his anger clear on his face. He loved Will like a daughter, and for her to suffer in any form was unacceptable. If they had the power to prevent it then they must.

"We cannot prevent her suffering. Only change what causes it and what the outcome will be."

"And what outcome will be of this suffering? Of her pain at the loss of the people she'd grown to trust? What will come of her suffering from this magic?" The Oracle glanced to the ball, a soft look overcoming his features as his lips twitched lightly. "Love. Love, determination, power...Strength. They will all be outcomes of this suffering. Wilhelmina will learn so many things from this one moment of suffering, things that will make her stronger, that will better her when the time comes and she must face what she is so terribly afraid of." Raythor faced the man then, his anger still present but his curiosity overthrowing it. How could this man know Will's fears when not even Raythor knew of them anymore? "And what, oh Wise One, does your 'Keeper' fear?" "The moment that lays on the brink of the horizon, the thing that will decide her fate. She fears what she used to love most. She fears the power of her brother."

Raythor's brow twitched in anticipation as he realized, the Oracle hadn't yet finished. He knew Will's fear wasn't something simple, but something such as the power of her brother, although reasonable, made no sense. Her brother was not half as powerful as Elyon, or half as powerful as Will would be when she received her full powers, her full gifts should she accept them, and therefore there was no reason to fear Phobos. Yes, he had Elyon, but the Prince had never truly cared for her, although Will had. The bond of sisters would prove truer than the taint of darkness and so Phobos would be ended, and his reign overturned. Raythor's constant obliviousness and foolishness frustrated the usually calm, collected Oracle. He often wished he could only speak to Guardians, as young or old, careful or reckless, new or past, they all knew how to listen. How to ask questions. How to understand the simplicity and meanings of a complicated answer. Exhaling through his nose, he turned to the sobbing girl in the crystal sphere again, directing his attention. "She does not fear his power by magic. But his sway, his manipulative being. Your 'daughter'fears her ability to fight him when it comes to the end of her journey. It is the one question she must face. Will is strong, as is her name. But is she strong enough to kill her own blood?"


Will curled in on herself, pulling her knees tighter and tighter to her chest until she felt as if she was as small as possible. She felt almost claustrophobic in the position; small, in a dark corner of her room, alone and locked in. She felt caged like an animal and small. Feeble. But it was surpassed by the tumultuous waves of emotions that crashed into her, overwhelming her and sliding down her cheeks in a quick attempt at relief.


She was running.

That was all she could truly process; running.

And her sister.


The words circled her head at sonic speeds, zooming around and around, barely there a second before disappearing and reappearing all at once. She was overwhelmed to say the least. After years of searching and wondering - wondering what her sister looked like, talked like, who she was - she had imagined the moment of truth - the moment of discovery to be full of rushing emotions and happiness, an overwhelming flooding sense of happiness because at last, at last, her family would be whole again. Her sister would be home.

But alas, there was no such rush. There were no feelings there at all, except perhaps desperation, and if not so dazed (yet still so concentrated), this might've worried her. When did the notion of her sister's discovery become such a void-subject? Such an uninspiring proposition? Perhaps it was because she was in shock. She had never truly known what her sister would look like, and time spent wondering had built multiple ideas of the girl. To know it was someone so close was stunning. Surprising. Unbe-bloody-lieveable.

No, she thought quietly, it wasn't a surprise.

That sense of familiarity - the urge to further advance an already present knowledge had risen within her at her first meeting with Elyon. Whether consciously aware of it or not, she had always known the girl was her sister.

Then, perhaps, it wasn't the shock.

Perhaps it was because the truth had been revealed, if not in his actions and their results, then in the words by which she had suffered illness.

'The girl will kill them, fear not the power of the Guardians, and only deliver them to me in her hands. Without the Keeper they are hopeless.'

To desire the death of innocents, of protectors, of heroes who barely knew themselves or the power they had; the potential, was so twisted that Will knew there was no way to justify it. The reach of his darkness held no limits.

Her brother - loveable, wonderful, kind, murderous Phobos - was a tyrant. One she had sided with and protected - and the very knowledge caused a queasiness to burn in her stomach even as she skidded around a corner, the school coming into sight.

It was not that there was shock, but that the truth had been revealed and with it, a monstrous realization. Her brother, though caring to some, was cruel and cold. He could switch personas at the drop of his sands. And that was the problem.

Her brother.

Her blood.

Elyon was sweet, kind, like Phobos, but she was his blood - Will's blood - and within that blood lay the cunning of evil, the draw of darkness and the capability for cruelty. Knowing or not, it was there and it was easily played with. Manipulated.

Even Will herself was not above evil.

That was what scared her.

That was what made her excitement, her eagerness turn to ashen dust.

The knowledge that no matter how soon she intervened, she would always be too late.

One could not fight their blood nature after all.



Irma flew backwards into a nearby wall, feeling the crack of her bones caving in beneath her flesh. She was in her Guardian form, they all were, fighting Cedric as Elyon watched on from the sidelines, torn. Irma understood her conflict; she didn't know who to trust, her life-long friends who'd lied to her and alienated her, or her mentor, the kind book-store owner who'd listened to what was probably nonsensical prattle, all for the sake of making her feel better. There was no easy way to decide, and though Irma hoped Elyon trusted them, loved them enough to side with them, to believe them, she knew that there was no use.

Maybe the others can't see it, she mused, listening to them call to their friend even as Cedric tossed them around like little more than rag dolls, their powers having little effect on him, but I can.

There, in the relaxed slump of her body and then quiet calm of her eyes, was darkness; joy and delight in destruction and satisfaction in sadism. Elyon wanted them to suffer, she wanted Cedric to win this fight, to hurt them, because the mere idea of them being in pain brought her joy. She was happy to watch them be flung in every which direction, pleased to hear bones break and hopes shatter in pained screams. Maybe it was a family thing, though she couldn't be certain - Will wasn't evil, and if it was a family thing, then Irma herself had the potential to be such as well - but Elyon seemed to get the same joy from their pain as did Phobos. There was nothing in her that indicated she had been the kind, sweet girl Irma knew before. It was as if she was looking at an entirely different person, only her appearance remaining the same. Yes, there was conflict, her desire to see their pain versus the fragments of trust and love remaining for them; her desire to see the world Cedric promised versus the desire to remain in the place she'd known as home her whole life. But it was a conflict easily resolved by this new Elyon.

Irma winced as in succession, Hay Lin, Taranee and then Caleb flew past her, landing piled on top of each other inside the broken window of a hair salon. She tried to move towards them, only to find her injuries too painful. Hay Lin groaned from the bottom of the dog-pile, Caleb slipping off of her and Taranee. Though Taranee made no sound or movement Caleb was quick to assess her, signalling to Irma that she was alright, just incapacitated.

"Elyon!" Cornelia yelled, "Elyon, listen to me! Just listen! He's the bad guy! Meridian - your brother - Elyon, Phobos is a tyrant!"

Cedric turned at the drop of a dime, spinning viciously towards Cornelia and pinning her to the wall of a nearby shop in the blink of an eye. Spit flew from his mouth as he roared, Cornelia shaking where she stood in fear, though she kept her expression blank.

"How dare you speak of the Prince in such a manner! How dare you call Phobos a tyrant! I ought to teach you a lesson in respect, Guardian," he growled. He grasped her throat in his hand, squeezing tightly with a menacing grin as they all watched on, all too injured to move, except for Elyon. The blonde's eyes were quiet in her observation, though some struggle, some conflict rose in her as Cornelia began to pale and shake, her hands that had clawed so desperately at Cedric's slowing down, her arms becoming heavy and limp. Dying.

Should she intervene, she wondered.

Would she? Irma pondered, voice hoarse as she called out to her friend, trying to force herself to stand as Cornelia gradually began to fade faster, Cedric spewing words of hate and triumph. It was all going to end here, now -


Irma's eyes, wide and gaping, stared in raging disbelief with the others as a blur of red tackled Cedric to the ground, forcing the monstrous man into the tarmac of the road, Cornelia collapsing against the wall with broken, desperate gasps, colour still far from filling her face. There was the sound of thumping, punching and mumbling, "dirty" "fuckhead" and "don't you dare touch them" commonly breathed into the night in angry huffs.


Irma had never felt so relieved, watching her cousin beat the disguised beast as slowly, around them, her conscious gathered themselves, Will's presence giving them renewed strength. Irma pulled herself up, feeling the aches and pains becoming a part of the background, adrenaline rushing through her again as she raced towards the fallen blonde still hacking away, confident in Will's ability to defend them, with or without Guardian powers.


Having Cedric pinned beneath her, fists rapidly crunching against his face gave Will an odd feeling. Like the swirling tendrils of warmth that a person gets when looking out over the distant horizon and realising that beyond the precipice they stand on, beyond the fork in their future paths, lies a whole world of wonder and possibility. Perhaps in different circumstances, when it was a different face, Will would be able to mistake the feeling for fear. For nausea and queasiness and an overpowering and altogether confusing blend of fear and adrenaline.

But these were not different circumstances, and it was not a different face. It was Cedric; both a tormentor of her childhood and an antagonist of her present. He had struck fear in her once, but now...now she struck him down. And it was not fear that she felt - or at least, not because of him. Instead it was the curling wisps of satisfaction. Of justification and righteousness. And it was making her ill.

Her fist paused, hovering a moment above his face as he grinned up at her, bloody and bruised and delirious, his grin villainous and marred with a glittering glamour of blood. He looked insane, as if he'd happily feasted upon the lives of innocent children, torn their hearts apart with vicious bites and now happily offered the same fate to her. He raised a blonde brow and tilted his head; expression convoluted and merry.

"Little Princess," he spoke mockingly, "how quaint it is that I should find you here - in the company of such hoodlums. I had feared for your safety in the presence of such...vile villainous creatures."

Will grit her teeth, a wordy retort at the ready only to be startled by the soft touch of a hand on her shoulder, and the gentle whisper in her ear;

"Breathe it out, babe, he's just trying to get you riled."


"You got it, babe, and I got you, right? You didn't think I'd let you run off into the drama without me, did you?"

'Course not,' Will thought breathlessly, her silence making Cedric no less unnerved than before, 'I'm the star of your new favourite soap opera after all.'

"That you are. Now let's get this show on the road, baby sis is over there wearing her big girl panties and looking pissed."

Nodding to herself, Will offered Cedric a wry grin and a waggle of her fingers before hammering her fist into his temple and knocking him dizzy before rushing up and away from him.

Time to meet the family.


"Corny, babe, you okay?" The blonde glanced at her, shaking and trembling as Irma carefully draped her arm around her shoulders. Cornelia tried to answer her, but only coughed and wheezed, blood spurting over her lip. Something in Irma's gut dropped, and she pulled the girl to her quickly, wrapping her in her arms and holding her against her chest. She didn't know what it was, maybe something to do with the mystery of Guardianship, or maybe something to do more solely with she herself, but she knew instantly what to do, raising a hand coated in cool water to the blonde's throat and pressing lightly; feeling her energy drain away as the water boiled and hissed, heating up but not burning either of them, before it slowly soaked into Cornelia's skin; healing the mottling bruises already formed from Cedric's grip.

"Ir-Irma?" The girl coughed, voice softer and clearer than before, though the effects of what had just occurred were readily apparent. Irma feared she may go into shock, but the girl simply smiled, muttering a quiet "thank you" before urging them both up and adapting a fighting posture. Irma turned to the fight when she was certain Cornelia could stand on her own, and jumped into action, shooting a torrent of water towards Cedric as he lumbered towards where an unconscious Taranee was being guarded by Hay Lin. Caleb pulled himself up from where he had been thrown through a shop window, brushing off the shards of glass that hadn't bitten into his skin before throwing himself at Cedric again. Irma glanced around briefly, looking for Will, before spotting her with Elyon, her hands clasped tightly around the blonde's shoulders, her eyes panicked and wide even as Elyon remained sedate.

"Elyon - Elyon, snap out of it. Look - this trance, it's not you, Ely, 'kay? It's not! You don't want this, these people are your friends, they love you Elyon, okay? Love! And you can't give up on them just because fucking Cedric and Phobos are manipulating you! Don't let them do it, Ely, don't let them trick you. It's a ritual, they want you over there, Ely, but not for family, not because they want you home - and you may have been born there but that is not your home - they want you there for power! Your power! They're going to hurt you, Ely, and I need you to snap out of it because I can't let them take you! You can't decide like this, and you need to decide for yourself, for you, and you can't. Please, Ely, do you hear me? Please-"

Will was thrown backwards, the fight stopping the moment the bright light shot from Elyon and pummeled the red head into the ground. Her eyes slowly came into focus, angry and raging, locking on Will as the Guardians stood tense, Caleb positioning himself between the red head and the snake.

"And who are you to decide that for me? Who are you, you, to tell me where I can and cannot go? Where I belong? Where my home is? Who are you to-"

"I'm your sister!"

END of Flashback


She wasn't sure what had happened after that, all she remembered was screaming, blasts of bright light and crying. And then..yelling. The Guardians had turned on her afterwards, Cornelia leading them in their anger. Hay Lin had even turned on her, angry that Will had known Elyon was her sister, when she didn't. But that was not all they were angry for.

The Guardians were angry about Elyon, but they were absolutely infuriated when Irma pieced together what that meant for Phobos. But that didn't explain what Will felt now. One moment she was fine, upset and alone, despaired by the loss of her sister and hurt by the anger of her friends, but fine. The next she was overcome by new feelings, feelings that felt too different and unfamiliar to be hers. Feelings of betrayal, anguish, hurt, upset, anger and rage to name but a few. Feelings that were so strongly felt but felt in different degrees. Feelings that belonged to more than one person. Feelings that connected her and pulled her apart. Feelings that reduced her to misery, curled into a corner of her room, sobbing and crying, a weeping mess.

Feelings that led Caleb to her door, shocked and stunned, his heart aching in his chest.

"Will? W- what's wrong?"

He took a step forwards, hand outstretched as if he could comfort her even from a distance and immediately jumped back as she turned on him. She clawed the air with one hand, the other pressed furiously against her head as she stared at him; a combination of desolation and rage and fury and confusion.

"NO! No get away!"

She screamed and Caleb dodged back as the room shook, the lighting fixture falling from the ceiling and books crashing to the floor. Will startled in fear, crying out again and clutching her head. Everything was too much and she couldn't handle it, her head feeling as if it was about to split apart.

Caleb wanted to go to her, to comfort her but recalled the moment before and paused. Another wave of ...something rushed through her, her whole body trembling and he stepped cautiously only to retreat. A harrowed scream pierced the air and the door slammed shut in his face.

But not before he saw her. Saw them.

Will's furiously purple eyes, gleaming in the darkness of the room.

And there you have it, people, the first "update" (really just a correction, adjustment and addition to a pre-existing chapter) after a very (very, very, very) long time...And yeah, it's a little short, (but it's longer than the original?) but I just wanted to get this bit out of the way...There will be more, fortunately, stuff will happen, and maybe a cliff-hanger for an ending? Hmm...still deciding that one...Anyway, lemme know what you think. Have a nice night everybody! :)

FYI, I will try and update maybe a bit more regularly? Like a couple times within the same season, perhaps? Because I am really bogged down with school stuff but summer is coming up soon so yay! but that also means exams so no, no yay!. And I've been tanking classes due to a couple personal things so I need to actually study and put in some effort coming up to the end of the year. But we'll see, alright? Just know that I am not giving this thing up until it's fucking done. Partially because I don't like leaving things unfinished, and mostly because I'm dedicated to seeing this through for you guys, (I understand how frustrating it is when things are left alone only for someone to come back and be like, no more even though I technically leave this alone for long periods of time...and so in a sense...it's very hypocritical of me to say that... eh, whatever)..

ANYWAY, have a good one. Later peeps.