So, figure 1 in this will be italics and figure 2 in this will be bold. It'll still be that way when you figure out who's talking, just so you don't get too confused and then Will speaking will be normal. Love you! Enjoy!

Her head thumped as she sat up, dizzy and disoriented, colours swimming in front of her until everything was just nothing but white. It wasn't eggshell white, or dirty white, just...white. Nothing but pure, crisp, untainted white. Will imagined this is what Diana's wedding dress would've looked like when she and Phobos got married. It would be nothing but white, the purest of whites, a mixture of silks and lace. She'd wear a gentle crown of silver and small white flowers would be woven into her dark brown hair. Will would smile, skipping down the aisle throwing flowers before her sister-to-be in a deep maroon dress with a gold buckle. Or would have. There was no way of that happening now. Diana was dead, Phobos was a cold hearted Prince soon to be dethroned and Will was too broken to smile. "I wouldn't be too sure."

Will's eyes blurred, losing focus before the beauty before her as she stumbled back a step only to be caught by two pairs of arms. The warmth of their hands against her cold body caused her to shiver and she quickly looked up to try and identify the people holding her. At first glance she was blinded by brightness that stung her eyes and made her head thump with a painful ache. 'What the fuck am I looking at? The sun?' She thought bitterly as she stared at the floor, or whatever the hell it was she was standing on. The figures exchanged some sort of silent form of communication before gently pulling her up. A hand was raised in front of her and lowered parallel to her eyes, running down the length of her face and then back up and she quickly closed her eyes. As the warmth of the hand disappeared, she opened her eyes to see everything was clearer, but by no means less bright. She searched for the figures that had been holding her up and saw they were nowhere to be found. She turned in place, desperately trying to find the two figures, but all the spinning caused her to get dizzy and she quickly stopped, settling with just remaining where she was. Will quietly whimpered as the feelings of loneliness crept in and the realization that nobody was with her sunk into her skin, but everything was soon silenced by a voice she thought she'd never hear again, "Are you saying I'm a nobody, Will?"

She wasn't sure what had happened, but that seemed to be a usual occurrence these days. One moment she was staring at the two figures, and the next she was staring at the endless white that she'd naturally call a sky, flat on her back and the throbbing in her head becoming heavier. 'Oh. My. Fucking. God!' She gasped, pressing her hands to her head and covering her ears as she squeezed her eyes shut. What the fuck was happening? "Actually Free Willy, I'd say it's more of a who the fuck is happening." Oh my Jesus. This was not happening. She was dead. She had to be dead, how the hell else would this twit be here? "While I agree Cassidy's a twit, Will, it's not polite to completely disregard my presence or insult her." "Yeah!" Cassidy agreed, grinning at her brunette friend before gasping in indignation much like Irma. "HEY!" She protested. "I'm not a twit!" "Of course you're not Cassidy. You're just slow." Will stifled a laugh, instead focusing on the fact that the two women before her were actually before her and not dead like she'd so believed. "Erm...quick question?" The two turned to face her, Cassidy smiling as the brunette women grinned. "Go ahead sweetie." "What the fuckis going on!?"


Will sat on the floor Indian style, her head propped up in her hand that leaned on her knee as she tried to absorb everything that they'd told her. So she wasn't dead. She should've guessed because if she was dead, there's no way in hell that she'd be able to have this all encompassing, brain frying headache. But while she wasn't dead, she wasn't exactly alive either. So far, they'd established that she'd been unconscious, kinda comatose in the Lin family's basement for about a month-ish and that the 'she' in the basement was actually her body and the 'Will' surrounded by white and these two people, was actually her spirit. "Well slap me and call me Kermit the Frog...How the fuck did this happen?" They'd also established that Will was perfectly fine, just incapable of returning to her body. "Well, Willy, the thing is...Phobos did it."Will's head snapped up, her eyes squinted slightly as she stared at Cassidy. He what? "He had Cedric write a reply to him on the wall of the train station. You know how the books in your library gave you a headache when you were small?" She nodded. "Well that was from the writing too. But this writing, the language of the Beasts, it's a lot stronger in effect because it's ancient, it's packed with a kind of magical punch that hit you a little too hard, Will. It knocked you unconscious and you hit the ground pretty hard...that and one of the idiots carrying you hit your head off the wall." Will nodded, because yeah, that sounded like the Guardians.

"Okay...but I'm still confused...all the stuff that happened, the Tracker and Sniffer, the skiing trip to Heatherfield Mountain, the labyrinth, all the attacks and the Sandpit...that all happened while I was unconscious?" She received two nods in affirmation before the brunette sighed. "But Will...there's more to it..." Will sighed, burying her head into the space between her knees as she tried to remain calm. She couldn't believe she left the Guardians to deal with Phobos. He was her brother, she should've dealt with him but no...And Caleb. He'd probably forgotten about her by now, he was probably smitten with Cornelia, never sparing her a second thought now that the blonde occupied his every thought. "Will, that's not all true." "Yeah, Will, Caleb is a good boy, a strong-hearted and kind person. He hasn't forgotten-" "Stay out of my head, the both of you." She growled, turning to face the brunette as Cassidy sheepishly nodded. "Just tell me what's happening Diana..."

Well there ya go, Cassidy was in bold, Diana was in italics, and a whole load of shit has happened. Love you peeps, stay tuned for more fun and games.

~The Phantom