So this is goodbye for this story, I'm not sure i am happy with the way i ended it,

it's mainly centered around Caroline/Klaus & their Children.

Hope you like it and Look out for more Klaroline Stories in the near future.


Caroline stood in the main hall, her clipboard in hand as she bossed everybody around getting everything into place.

Klaus had told her to relax and let the people he had actually hired deal with all the commotion but Caroline refused.

Seven years had passed and their lives had changed quite a lot.

Caroline and Klaus had welcomed a baby Daughter into the family naming her Eileen Rose after her mother, Klaus had agreed thinking it would be a lovely way to remember her connection to her human life.

Caroline had spent the last seven years being a mother and taking over the town committee, she had been put in charge of organizing the fund raisers or the Miss Mystic Falls pageant.

She had a new sense of purpose, something she enjoyed doing as much as being a mother and wife.

"Please Sweetheart, Let me get somebody to help you?" Caroline turned around to find Klaus looking at her concerned

"I am fine. I want today to run smoothly and the only way that will happen is if I am in charge! Now go and do something fatherly"

Klaus sighed as he leaned towards her pressing his lips too her forehead

"Fine, I will go and save Henrik from that troublesome daughter of ours"

Caroline smiled knowing that he was talking about Eileen, She was trouble alright, always running them ragged and climbing trees, Caroline knew that when the time came her daughter would become a werewolf and that broke her heart because it would be unlikely she'd be able to prevent it happening.

Caroline was pulled from her thoughts when somebody covered her eyes

"Guess who?" She knew that voice the moment he has spoken

"Marcel. You came?"

He pulled his hands away and moved to stand before her

"Of course I came, It's not every day your little sister gets married" Caroline smiled brightly

"Klaus is somewhere around and so is Henrik if you want to see them. I've got to do this then get to my motherly duties and check on the bride"

Marcel nodded

"I'll see you later."

He walked in the direction Caroline had pointed.

"Do you need any help?" Caroline turned to see Cami offering her a small smile

"I didn't see you there. If you don't mind. I had to get rid of the men they don't know how to organize a wedding"

Cami chuckled

"I don't blame you, I still remember our wedding day and the worrying."

Caroline nodded

"I remember, trying to get all the factions to work together to get the church ready was bad enough then it was organizing the compound for the guests. This seems to be running a little smoother, I've got Klaus and Henrik on Eileen duty"

Cami and Caroline laughed together

"I bet she's running rings around them" Caroline couldn't agree more.

The time had come to give his daughter away so Klaus knocked on the bedroom door trying to remain calm, his mind running back to holding the lifeless little girl in his arms, the girl he tried feeding his blood to try and save her.

The baby girl before he changed their past.

Then he remembered the little girl obsessed with horses and her mother's growing stomach.

The opening of the door pulled him from those thoughts, Seeing his beautiful daughter standing before him in her wedding dress, He was scared to give her away, to give her to another man; another family.

"You look Beautiful Hummingbird" Grace smiled at her father as she came to the door linking her arm into his

"Thanks Dad. I know you've had trouble getting used to Kai so thanks for putting it aside for me" Klaus smiled

"I'd do anything for you kids and your mother"

Caroline stood before them lining up all the bridesmaids preparing them to go down the aisle first

"Eileen Rose you go first then we have Liv and Jo followed by Rebekah and Bonnie" all the older bridesmaids nodded as they followed Caroline,

Eileen wore Purple and Blue flower girl dress,

while Liv and Jo both wore Purple dresses

Rebekah and Bonnie wore Blue dresses.

They followed behind Caroline as she led them to their start place.

Grace took a deep breath

"Are you sure you want to marry him?" She smiled at the thought of Kai

"Yes Dad. I have never been so sure in my life. I'm ready"

Klaus sighed he was still scared to let her go completely to the raging psychopath turned nice guy but Caroline kept having to remind him he was once just like Kai.

When Grace reached the top of the stair case the music began it was a song Kai continuously declared was their song, the piano sounded and the voices filled the room.

This is my love song to you
Let every woman know I'm yours
So you can fall asleep each night, babe
And know I'm dreaming of you more

You're always hoping that we make it
You always want to keep my gaze
Well you're the only one I see
And that's the one thing that won't change

I'll never stop trying
I'll never stop watching as you leave
I'll never stop losing my breath
Every time I see you looking back at me
I'll never stop holding your hand
I'll never stop opening your door
I'll never stop choosing you babe
I'll never get used to you

Her heart skipped a beat as she followed her bridesmaids down the aisle with her father beside her.

She could see the tears filling Kai's eyes as she walked towards him.

Today was the start of their eternity together.

"Today we have been called to bare witness of the union of Malachi Parker and Grace Mikaelson. If anybody here believes these person should not be married speak now or forever hold your peace"

Grace closed her eyes silently pleading none of her family would stop their wedding.

Klaus moved to stand but Caroline clamped her hand on his arm keeping him down

"No! She'll never forgive you" Klaus realized Caroline was right, He'd lose his daughter if he prevented her from marrying Kai as much as he hated him.

"Very well. Let us begin the ceremony" The registrar began the ceremony.

Five Years Later

Grace and Kai now had a family of their own,

fraternal twins named Kristofer and Kaitlyn born 9 months after their wedding and another boy named Jamie that was now one years old.

They lived a little closer to the family in a larger home suited to all their needs.

Klaus had come around too Kai and adored each of his grandchildren just like Caroline; She suited being a grandmother though she refused to let the children call her that, they had to try and keep up their rouse so the kids either called her Nanny or Aunt.

Over the past two years Henrik had been living his life in the wild again, helping packs in the area's surrounding Mystic Falls.

Within the packs he'd found a girl that made him feel different, Klaus had teased him declaring it meant she was his mate.

Henrik refused to believe such cliche things but he began to notice that every night that he turned, he always ended up closer to her or they'd be found together.

He knew he loved her even without the pull of his werewolf Gene.

Zara had ran away from home as a child confused of what was happening until her parents told her about it and helped her deal with it.

She made him feel more connected to his true nature, they'd been in love for a while before their packs united as one in the ceremony of their own marriage.

Eileen Rose had grown beautifully turning out like her mother,

blond hair and blue eyes an eye for clothes and for parties.

She'd been practicing her magic since she was twelve as a precaution even able to put a block on her werewolf gene,

She and Grace had created it so that she wouldn't need to turn into a werewolf even if she accidentally triggered it.

She was now fourteen and already planning for her first Miss Mystic Falls pageant.

Caroline was proud of her being just like her.

Caroline and Klaus stood in their back yard watching as their family joined together for a family BBQ it had become tradition that on the first week of June that they would get together and celebrate their family and how they got there.

"We've made a pretty good family. You and I"

Caroline smiled as she leaned into his hold

"We have. I'm happy that I remembered everything. I'm glad that I got the chance to be a mother to our children and that you are their father. Not many vampires can say that they have a family, we are the lucky ones"

Klaus kissed her cheek

"No sweetheart. I'm the Lucky one"

Caroline smiled.

Klaus realized he could now see in perfect Clarity, his life was bright once again and it was all thanks to the woman standing beside him, His wife Caroline Mikaelson.


A/N: Thank you all that read my story, I know the ending wasn't all that great but hey Kai was there and i am actually considering a Kai and Grace story now... Ohh Idea's in my head :D