Toph Bei Fong stood in the garden and felt the mud between her toes.

The smell of grass after rain hung in the air. After a couple of months without rain, the grass was parched. But now, the earth had come alive again; all the insects and small creatures bustled around.

She knew these rocks. She had known this grass, this soil, for as long as she lived; had walked on it for eight years. The mud between her toes was as familiar as her mother's voice. It should have been comforting. It should have felt safe. It should have felt of home.

It didn't. Stifling as a metal box; proud, lonely and ignorant. What was it like to feel sand? What did granite, obsidian, pumice feel like?

Wasn't there so much more to her element than just the mud between her toes?

She knew the earthen walls, raised twenty feet high all around the Bei Fong estate. Meant to keep intruders out; succeeding in keeping residents in.

Toph Bei Fong was a member of the Bei Fong family. She could never leave the Bei Fong estate.

But that didn't say anything about what the Blind Bandit could or couldn't do.

Fluffing out her fringe, Toph smirked and clapped her hands.

The ground dropped beneath her feet, efficiently and quietly.

It wouldn't do to let her parents find out about the other side of her life.

Turnabout is fair play.