Thing's had progressed smoothly after that.

Chrysalis had made a new treaty with the Equestrian empire with some sleazy fine print, but the Changelings were allowed back into the country.

Cadence and Shining Armor left, as their country was an old one that needed to catch up with the others. They left after a brief get together, tired for their beds.

Zecora was named an honorary member of the Gryphon Court for rescuing Bullion as she did, and was welcome into her lands any time. Zecora had revealed that her "peasant magic" worked well against Sombra's dark agents, and it was with that magic that she was able to sneak into his system undetected. It was also how she made Twilight fall unconscious many times after strenuous torture sessions, and silently heal her injuries when Sombra wasn't looking, like re-planting the black flowers in his garden a different sort that wouldn't hurt the princess while still staying under cover.

Bullion returned to her country, with fantastic stories of her discoveries and of the prowess of ponies. She still bore scars from Sombra's initial possession, and a few black feathers that would never grow back gold again. She used them as proof in her stories.

Luna's hidden realm was no longer hidden, and she eventually opened the realm to all astrologists that wanted to see the night sky during the day. It is also a popular area for several bat-guards of Luna's brigade to stay as a vacation hotspot of sorts.

Luna herself was pleased by this, and has admitted that Black Magic is still strong within her, but not strong enough to overpower anything. She has long since started using the magic recreationally, to find better things like cures for curses that can only be undone by one familiar with darkness.

Celestia had admitted that she was planning on not returning from her skirmish with Sombra. She had felt his presence for some time, and was going to plan a last battle against him that would result in both her deaths. Luna would become the main princess of Canterlot, and Twilight her rookie princess apprentice.

Fluttershy had confirmed that she had figured that out long ago, which is why she had made prior connections to the changelings and Zecora, who was located deep in the woods by Sombra's hide-out. Fluttershy had known of Celestia's plan when she was so adamant at the court meetings for Twilight's royalty.

Discord was able to effortlessly change Twilight's form back to its usual self, and they are both residing back in the Canterlot castle, tired from the many events that transpired.

Twilight was leaning against a banister, looking at the blooming pinks and orange hues of the sunset scattered across the sky like watercolor. Discord stepped up and leaned beside her, taking in the view.

"It feels so strange, being here after all that," Twilight muttered. "It seems like it was lasting forever, and things didn't turn out like I expected."

Discord brushed her mane back from her eyes. "Happily ever after? I didn't expect that either, but you ponies have an irritating way of making things turn out alright."

Twilight laughed, and the sound was gentle to Discord's ears.

"But Discord…" Twilight trailed off. "What about us?"

Discord cocked his head. "What about us? That we're both strange immortal creatures of terrible magic or that destiny has cursed us both of the need to visit the restroom on occasion?"

"Not that. It's just…" She turned away again, leaning her head on the metal banister. "…I don't know how to feel about all this." She looked uncomfortable.

Discord stared at her a moment. "I have a favor to ask." Twilight cocked her head, though her wings didn't flap in concern like they usually did when talking to him. He jerked forward, cupping her face in his claws and clamping her hind legs down with his own. "Don't ever sacrifice yourself for me again."

She faltered. "But…"

"Did you do it to be some sort of hero? A memorial to friendship?"

"No!" She wriggled from his grasp. "That's wasn't why I…"

Discord sighed. "Well, the question is, do you Love me?" The question seemed to take her by surprise, as she sort of hopped back a few steps, a furious blush on her features.

"Why would you – that's a totally unconventional question that is so scandalous to ask a princess that I should… I should…" She faded out, her face turning a deeper shade by the second. She swallowed. "Yes."

"Good, because I'd be awfully put out if I was and you weren't. Well that settles that. Now all we need to do is get an obscene amount of cats and all will be according to plan…" He drummed his talons together, muttering a muah-ha-ha under his breath.

"Wait. So you actually… Love me too?" She looked so surprised by the revelation that Discord laughed. Her face was hilarious.

"I thought I was pretty good at that whole flirting thing, but I guess not." He squinted. "Maybe you're the one with issues." Twilight laughed, and Discord hoped her could make her laugh over and over. It was a pleasant sound.

"Think about what Spike will do when he hears about this, he's been petsitting and booksitting this whole time…" she trailed off.

"We could always walk in sucking each-other's faces, that would certainly provide a statement." She smacked his shoulder, walking inside as the last beams of sunlight sprayed over the horizon. Discord snapped his talon's and the shutters closed.

"No kisses, not yet." She looked flustered. Discord chuckled.

"What, never kissed a pony before?"

She didn't answer.

Discord took that as a silent challenge, and she felt it coming on. "No kisses, Discord! I mean it!"

She wandered over and lay on her bed, sighing, stretching her wings. Discord coiled over her bed, his nose eventually brushing hers. She opened her eyes lazily, obviously tired.

With a grin, he pecked a kiss on her lips, just long enough to be called a kiss but not short enough to be called a kissmequick, and sped out the door.

"Discord!" She shrieked from her room, and it echoed down the hall, bringing the attention of several other ponies.

It was good to be home.


And thus ends our adventure! Huh, I think this is the one fanfic I've actually ever finished. That's probably why it was so rushed. ^u^;;

I hoped you enjoyed it, and thanks for reading!