Bella's P.O.V.
"John! Please! This is our one chance, our one chance to get out of here! To start over." I said, tears slowly making there way down my face.
"Bella, I don't know..." He said looking scared.
"John..." I said taking his hands. His eyes met mine.
"Bella, I'm... scared." He said his voice shaky.
"I can't stay with Abraham any longer. As long as we stick together we will be fine."
We stared at each other for a while.
"Okay." He finally said
"Lets try Macon." I said, full well knowing he most not lat us stay.
"Macon it is." He said.
We held hand and started to travel through space and time to Gatlin.

When I opened my eyes we were standing in front of Macon's house.
I felt John squeeze my hand.
Hand in hand we stepped onto the porch. I reached out and knocked on the door.
The door swung open on its own. It was late and I knew everyone was asleep. perfect!
John could see my thirst for power in my eyes.
I already know I might go dark, and I have excepted it. But that makes me want this all the more.
"Bella, I know how bad you want to do this, but I am not going to do it with you." John said.
I simply said a quick "Fine" Before travailing to Lena's room.
I merely tapped her lightly on the shoulder Before I was overwhelmed by the incredible Power I know posses.
I felt her roll over and I was out of there quicker than you can say Bella.
I was then in Ridley's home. I tapped her on the shoulder as well.
I jumped from Larkin's home to Delphine's house and got her and her daughter Reese's and son ryan's powers.
I then Proceeded back to John.
"That was quick." He said.
"I Heard there are some incubuses who we might be able to stay with in forks..." I said.
I over heard Macon talking about another breed of Incubuses who are fine with people.
"We can try" He said.
He grabbed my hand and the next thing I know We are in a abandoned hotel room.
"we cant forget disguises!" He said.
"Let the fun begin." I said and with that we started.

2 hours later...

Me and John walked out to show each other our knew looks.
John had dyed is dark hair blond, added a pair of glasses and braces.
I let out a laugh.
"Now to get rid of some of your muscle." I said.
Using Larkin's power of illusion I made him look skinny as all git out and extremely pale.
"My muscles!" He cried.
"Hey. At least no one will recognize you." I said a smile crawling across my face.
"Oh, don't try that on me. I mean, Look at you!" He said
I had dyed my long, blond hair brown. I changed my Black eyes to a Green and Did a few little details here and there.
"Are you kidding me? I look horrible!" I said.
"Really?" He said, pointing to himself.
I laughed again.
"Fine. you won the ugly contest." I said holding back laughter.
"Lets go already, the school starts in ten minutes." He said.
"Fine" I said. and without another word we were at the front of the school.