AN: So this is set in ME2 for Mass Effect, and well post DH for Harry Potter. Screw the epilogue. Harry's just as confused as you are as to why he is where he is. And this is a bit of an old story, so he has a touch of God Mode Sue. Sorry about that.

Something twinged on the edge of Harry's awareness, a prickling sensation that made him look up towards the wall of the apartment he kept on the Citadel. It was a sensation that he'd started to associate with biotics, though he only noticed it when out of high pressure situations. His mouth twisted into a thoughtful grimace as he felt the signal move across. It was strong, similar in scale to an asari matriarch, but now that he took the time to truly sense it, the tone felt different to the few matriarchs he'd spent any time around. The sensation stopped moving, staying motionless outside his door, and he tensed warily. The door chime rang out suddenly, startling the time-displaced wizard, and he shot to his feet. A few seconds later the chime sounded again, and a pair of muffled voices sounded through the door.

Harry moved to his side of the door, preparing himself to dodge instantly if needed, and cautiously tapped the open key. The door slid open, and the trio of armour clad figures on the other side turned back to the door.

"Good, you are in." The lead figure commented. Harry didn't respond immediately, taking in the little group with 2 years worth of practice in the mercenary field. Well armed, heavily armoured, and a rather eclectic group, even with closer alien-human relations. A Turian – the helmet preventing Harry from knowing the gender – in scarred but serviceable blue armour, clearly the victim of a rather viciously damaging attack, stood next to an obviously female Quarian in a form-fitting envirosuit. Harry's gaze flicked across her suit, taking in the contrast between the clearly well used and maintained guns strapped to her waist, and the soft lines and gently swirling patterns on the hood. This appraisal took only a moment for the two aliens, and Harry then stared into the eyes of a woman he'd once been hired to find. His brain hung for a few seconds, till the redhead opposite him cocked her head slightly, before enquiring:

"Are you Potter? Harry Potter?" Harry's eyes narrowed. There were three people he'd told that name to, and two of them were dead.

"Yes." He answered. Little point in lying after all, not when they had found his little bolt-hole. "And you're dead." He said it calmly, but inside he was prepared to move, to fight. This could be his break – resurrection would require magic. He could find the wizards again. His remark was not received quite as calmly as it was made.

The aliens stood behind the resurrected Spectre reached for their weapons instinctively, but the redhead held a hand out to her side, warning the two off. They stood down without a word, though the Quarian kept her hand on the butt of her shotgun. The woman nodded,

"Yes. I was. An organisation called Cerberus brought me back." Harry felt his brief moment of hope slip away. He'd encountered Cerberus before, and it explained how they knew his name. Their leader was the third man, the one who got away. No magic there at all.

"And what is it a resurrected Cerberus lackey could want from me, then?" Harry asked provokingly, still eyeing the trio warily. The Quarians hand clenched on the butt of her gun more forcefully, shifting forward as if to say something before the leader answered calmly.

"Nothing. But a resurrected Spectre could use some assistance to save the galaxy." She held out a hand to him. "Jane Shepard. Mind if we talk?"

Harry narrowed his eyes at her, feeling out with his rudimentary leglimantic ability. The rush of images was always hard to interpret, even more so than usual in this case, but the heavily armed woman believed what she was saying. Believed it to a certainty. After a moment of contemplation while her hand hung between them, he responded, reaching out to shake.

"Harry Potter. Come on in."

It was an almost farcical scene, Garrus reflected as they sat in the apartment. The human they had come to recruit clearly was not one for company, having taken the folding chairs he had directed them to sit on out from under a clearly unused table. The suits of armour they wore were not helping matters either, having clearly not been designed for sitting. The human, by contrast, was lounging on the only comfy seat in the apartment and, if Garrus read him right, was entirely too amused by the sight of the three armour-clad individuals perching on the small furniture.

"Saving the galaxy, then?" The man questioned pointedly. "According to what you said after the Battle for the Citadel, you've already done that once."

Garrus couldn't see his commander's face, but he knew she wouldn't look happy. By the tone of her reply he knew he'd been right.

"They only played sanitised clips. Sovereign wasn't the full threat. He was just the vanguard. There are more like him, maybe even thousands more, waiting beyond the edge of the galaxy. If we do nothing we'll be dead" Shepard stood, clearly too agitated to remain seated. "And we've done nothing to prepare for this. Cerberus thinks they have a lead, but I need a strong team to follow it. They passed me a dossier on you, said you'd be an asset." She stopped pacing and faced the human. Potter had stopped lounging during the commander's little speech, Garrus noticed, and was focused on her words. "So," she said. "Are you in?"

"I have a knack for telling when people are lying, or making things up," mused Potter thoughtfully. "And the fact that you seem to be completely on the level makes me wonder whether you're just completely insane." A grim smile played across his face. "Then again, I've been there. Trying to convince an uncaring public that they need to work together to fight a threat they can't see. They called me mad then, too."

Potter stood, and walked over to Shepard, narrowing his eyes again, before the tightness in his face relaxed.

"I have a job I need to finish. Then I'm all yours." Potter nodded as he said it, before moving past the woman toward the door, clearly intending to show them out.

"Need a hand?" Shepard asked, cocking her head as he walked away. "Give us a chance to get to know each other."

Potter turned back, a little grin playing about his features. "Think you can keep up?"

Shepard's answering grin was almost feral.

"So what's the job?" Shepard asked as they wove through the crowded streets in one of the Citadels lower wards. Harry glanced back at her as he lead their odd quartet toward an abandoned office complex.

"A contact on Illium wanted me to find a runner, and I've tracked him to there. We're to bring him in, alive or dead. My preference is for the former though. I need to ask him a few... questions." Shepard nodded, turning to Garrus who, as usual, had anticipated her request.

"Concussion rounds only then?" He asked her, sliding his rifle out to reset the ammo at her nod. Harry looked at him curiously.

"You're the sniper of this little band, I take it?" Garrus grinned inside his helmet as he answered with a hint of pride.

"Damn straight." Harry nodded, before glancing at the Quarian.

"Close quarters?" He asked her, gesturing to the shotgun she held. Tali shook her head as she responded.

"No, I'm the engineer." Shepard frowned. That was unusually terse for the Quarian. She'd see if there was something wrong when they got back on the Normandy. Dismissing the matter for the moment, Shepard turned back to their newest fighter.

"How about you?" She asked.

Harry let a smirk slide onto his face for a moment. "Biotic support." He answered, ignoring the world of difference between his powers and the somewhat limited arsenal of a biotic adept. Shepard nodded, it was always useful to have another powerful adept to back up Jack. After all, the violent girl did have a tendency toward charging into the fight. They could use a more long-ranged biotic fighter. The talking passed the time till they came to the locked door of the building. They stood still momentarily before Tali activated her omni-tool, scanning the door.

"The systems are locked down." She said in frustration. "It'll take me a few minutes to power them up again. Harry rolled his eyes, and shook his head slightly.

"Or, we could do this." He said, gently moving the Quarian to one side. The trio looked at him in confusion as he walked to the door lock, before flicking a hand toward it in a negligent gesture. The door tore off it's mounting, leaving a gaping hole where it used to be. Shepard's eyes narrowed. There'd been no biotic flare, no sign of activated eezo. Something didn't add up, but she pushed it to the side for now, as the young man they had been sent to recruit had walked through the door, leaving them behind. Glancing at her two companions she gestured for them to follow.

The next few minutes passed in a similar vein, Harry briefly checking his omni-tool at each junction before blasting through a door and moving off. The monotony was broken when the quartet found themselves staring through a door at a large group of mercenaries clustered around a thin looking man who was giving them orders. The crash of the doors bouncing off the floor toward them brought their attention pretty quickly, and they had started to raise their guns when the thin man suddenly screamed:

"It's him! Kill the black haired one and you've got your money!" In immediate response, the mercenaries charged, firing their weapons as they went. Shepard's group hadn't been idle as they did, and they moved quickly to cover, kinetic barriers taking the few shots that did hit with ease. Shepard turned to face the confused looking man crouched next to her. She raised her eyebrows at him while gesturing to the impromptu fire-fight breaking out around them as Tali and Garrus returned fire.

"A quick trip to pick up a runner, you said," she remarked. "A five minute journey, you said."

The object of her sarcasm looked back with a smirk. "Makes it more fun though," he quipped back. Shepard found a grim smile stealing onto her face in response, before motioning toward the enemy with her shotgun.

"Better get on with it then," she said, and leapt over the crate, taking a couple of shot on her barrier before performing a biotic charge directly into one of the mercenaries at the rear of the bay. As she hit she heard his armour crack under the force of the impact, smashing her opponent back into a pile of crates where he lay motionless. The suddenness of the take-down stunned the group she had landed in for a moment, allowing her to blast one of them with her shotgun, leaving him with a hole through his torso, and Garrus followed her up with a perfectly aimed blast to the unprotected head of a mercenary to her right. A set of abruptly terminated shrieks further off to her right indicated that Harry was going to work over there, and she dove for a crate in that direction to keep her behind cover. A sharp crackle of electricity later with a gleeful shout from Tali indicated that her combat drone had entered the fray. Shepard grinned again. Harry was right, she really did find this fun.

An almighty crash sounded around her cover, and she peered round to see the cause, before wrinkling her brow at the sight of crates packed up haphazardly against the back wall. Those had all been stacked in the middle of the room last she looked. Garrus called out a moment later.

"That's the last of them. I think the leader ran through the cargo doors!"

Shepard stepped out of cover as her team converged on her position, checking each other over for battle damage.

Garrus appeared to be watching Harry a little more closely than before, she thought. He shouldered his weapon as they got close enough to talk without shouting.

"You didn't mention you were that strong," Garrus said cautiously. "Those crates must have weighed over ten tons."

Harry smiled, and shrugged. "I've lifted heavier," he responded, dodging any further questions by gesturing toward the next set of doors. "We should get moving though. I'm not about to let this guy get away again." Shepard nodded, and indicated the door to Tali, before stopping and turning to Harry.

"You want to get this?" Harry grimaced and shook his head.

"I didn't think there was going to be resistance. I should probably save my energy, rather than go for speed." Shepard nodded, turning back to Tali, who had already moved over to the door. Oddly enough, there was more of a spring in her step with the dark-haired man's admission that he had limits. Tali spent a few seconds working the omni-tool, then waved it at the door. An orange light sprang up around the lock for thirty seconds, then the door started to slide apart. The doors opened halfway, before shuddering to a halt, the servos giving out along with the lights.

"He cut the power!" Exclaimed Tali, raising her shotgun to her shoulder and flicking on the light attached to it. Shepard followed suit, while Garrus manipulated his omnitool, activating his suits nightvision. The quartet moved in slowly, the flashlights flicking from shadow to shadow. Harry hung back a second, before passing his hand over his eyes, a dim blue glow bathing his face in light for a few moments.

A whimpering noise came from behind a crate as Shepard approached it, and she lifted a hand to silently signal the others to join her. As Harry joined her he heard a muttered refrain:

"Oh god, not him not him not him, please not him..." Shepard met his eyes, and raised her eyebrow, clearly asking how he wanted to go forward. Harry grinned in response, before jerking his arm to the left, the crate violently following suit. The figure crouched behind it shrieked in terror, trying to bring its gun to bear on it's pursuers, before a second gesture from Harry slammed the alien flat against a wall. Harry advanced on the squirming Salarian while Shepard and her squad followed him up, all of them watching the dark-haired man with caution, though all for varying reasons.

"No, please, please don't kill me!" The Salarian was now begging, suspended a full foot off the ground.

"Now why would I do a thing like that?" Harry asked with a hint of amusement in his voice. He put his face bare inches from the Salarian, forcing him to look into his jade eyes. "After all, you're worth so much more alive than dead..." His voice trailed off along with the Salarian's muttered pleas as the alien shook violently for a second, unable to tear his gaze away from the human's eyes. The moment stretched on, then sharply broke as Harry pulled away from the Salarian, allowing the shaking alien to drop to the floor. The pistol fell out of the shaking alien's limp grip as it curled up into a ball. Harry looked down at it for a moment, then detached a stunner from his belt and applied it to the back of the prone figure's neck, causing the shaking to relax as it lost consciousness. He turned and surveyed the three armour-clad people behind him.

"All done," he said, wandering toward them. "Let me just send a message..." Shepard cut into his words, raising her hand to get his attention.

"What was that?"

"What was what?" replied Harry.

"That... whatever that was!" said Tali sharply, gesturing at the unconscious Salarian on the ground near them. "You looked at him and then he wouldn't stop shaking." Harry looked at her, and smiled again, though it didn't seem to touch his eyes.

"I'm a scary guy," he said quietly, before moving past them to a clear pace to contact Illium and let them know they could pick up their cargo. As he moved past her, Shepard pivoted, keeping her back from him. She was starting to wonder if this was such a good idea.

"See you at your ship, Commander."