Chapter 1

I don't own Bleach or Harry Potter

Chidrake POV

Train Ride to London

Hi, my name is Chidrake Potter and and I am on my back to the Dursley's after my third year of Hogwarts. After Sirius and me were attacked by Dementors, I have been having weird dreams.

I'm in a place that is always the night and the ground is all white sand. Then there is howling and a monster with a white body and a mask, that's always an animal, attacks and I attack back with a paw instead of a hand, so I know i'm not human. After it dies I eat parts of it's mask and feel a slight power rise but then i would wake up. There is always a different animal mask and more power.

I also noticed that my hair was turning blue and turning lighter. The same with my eyes and blue-green marks appeared under my eyes. I felt like something was missing from my right cheek. There was also a little black hole through my body that keep growing bigger.

I also started swearing even more and fighting. I started prowling around like a jungle cat. Granger and Weasley started acting like they were concerned. I didn't like them at all but I still had to put up with them. I secretly hung out with the Twins and the Gryffindor boys, because I slept in the boys dorm because I gave mine to another girl. I also hung out with the other houses mostly Slytherins.

I snapped out of my thoughts becauses of ShiroKage hooting at me. When I was younger i learned Japanese and many other languages. Anyway my owls name is ShiroKage cause it means White Shadow and because she is a snowy owl it fits and because she is my shadow, she attacks any fangirls/fanboys and is very intelligent. I let her out to fly. I quickly picked up my trunk. That's another thing I noticed I was getting stronger and faster.

I quickly walked over to the Dursleys. We drove to their house and I quickly picked up my trunk and went to my room. I then went up to the attic and started cleaning. Then I found two trunks. My parents names were on them. I quickly hid them and finished cleaning. I then went down to the living room and told them i was taking the attic. I grabbed my trunk and brought up to the attic and set it down. The room was empty right now.

If I remember there was a Japanese store down the block. Luckily I changed some galleons into mundane money. I grabbed it out of my trunk and ran out of the Dursley's house. I was right it was down the block. I went in and got a lot of things to use for my new room including a futon that the Japanese use, and clothes. I even got a beautiful kimono.

The person who owned the shop was a guy by the name of Sora Takashi. He also owned a dojo and asked if I wanted to join. He even said he will teach me more about Japan and how to act and everything else. So of course I said yes. He said to come by around at twelve. I picked up everything and carried it all back to my room and set it all up. When I was done it was perfect.

I then started looking in my parents trunks. I found a lot of useful things. There was also a beautiful necklace. It was a ying yang on a chain with on the left was things that represent yin and on the other side was things represent Yang. I immediately put it on.. I will never take it off. I then noticed the time and went to sleep.