Hello again everyone~! I said I was working on a multichapter MikoKuro and I deliver! Thank you very much to Kamilia07329 for beta-reading for me so this could be put up!

A few notes to keep in mind: This fic is written in third person limited from the POV of Mikoto (and sometimes Kuroko). As such, I use their first names but the names they refer to their friends as, so Uiharu, Saten, Konori-sempai, etc. I don't have a specific time frame that this takes place in, although I imagine it around the Daihasei Festival arc (although I won't bring any of that plot into it since its not complete in the Railgun manga). And of course this is from the Railgun side.

So are you ready? No? PERFECT, let's go!

"Onee-sama, really, what am I going to do with you?"

The Teleporter shook her head and crossed her arms. This was the third time this week that something had happened. First there was an electrical explosion, then a power outage, and now a whole system failure due to electrical overload? As if the current Judgment cases weren't enough, now she had all this to worry about…

"Well how was I supposed to know the system was that sensitive?!" rebutted the Electromaster and undeniable culprit of the aforementioned issues rather loudly. She followed up with a grumble of "most of the systems I've hacked can take a lot more than that…"

"That's not the point, Onee-sama." She sighed. "I've told you a million times not to get involved in my work, and to leave things to us, and to be careful with your powers."

The other esper's eyes flared with anger, but she only groaned and slumped into the couch. "Yeah yeah, I know…"

It was the Judgment officer's turn to grumble. "You know and yet you never listen to me…"

"What was that?"

Kuroko sighed again and waved her hand. "Why don't you return home, Onee-sama? The paperwork we needed you for has been filled out and I can take care of the rest. There is quite a bit to do since there are so many incidences now, however, so do not expect me home anytime soon." Any other day, she'd try to exploit this situation and convince her senior that her mistake should be repaid by keeping her company, but today, for some reason, she just didn't want her to stay.

Mikoto was feeling a bit odd today too. Normally she'd wave off the issues she'd caused because Kuroko was taking care of it – after all, her partner was the best Judgment member she knew, next to Uiharu – but today she felt, well, regretful. She really hadn't meant to cause trouble this time and it seemed her junior was really burdened now. Surely there was some way she could help? "I can help with some of it, can't I?" She straightened her posture. "Maybe I can fill out the reports or something?"

"No Onee-sama, you've done enough." It came out a little harsher than she intended, making the Electromaster look a bit surprised. That faded quickly and the Teleporter saw her look turn angry. Kuroko didn't have time for this; her Onee-sama could be angry at her somewhere else. She gently tugged her off the couch and turned her to the exit. "Please return home, and try to avoid doing anything else that will put a burden on me."

"Kuroko, let me just—"

"No, Onee-sama. Go home."

Mikoto was, for lack of a better word, shocked. That was the most irate voice Kuroko had ever spoken to her in. No, not irate…most exasperated? That sounded right. She let the girl push her out the door and stood out in the stairwell of the Judgment branch with a dumbfounded look on her face.

Kuroko caught on almost immediately. What was wrong with her today? First she didn't want her beloved Onee-sama around, and now she was being impatient with her? She frowned and sighed, stepping into the stairwell with her and closing the door behind them. "Onee-sama, please understand," she said cautiously, "I am not trying to reprimand you, but every time you do something like this, I get more work. There has been an increase in student misbehavior, especially in the areas that we take care of, and these mishaps are not helping. It would be nice if you could watch your actions, for my sake."

Mikoto was listening, but instead of trying to understand, each word she heard only made her angrier. Talking to her like she was a nuisance…where did she get the idea she could do that? Her fists clenched as the girl finished, and it took all of her willpower not to snap at her. "I'm not trying to make your life harder," she said through gritted teeth. "It just kind of happens. You know that."

"Yes, I do know." Kuroko put a tentative hand on her shoulder. "But you need to control it."

"I know what I'm doing, Kuroko!" Mikoto pushed the girl's hand away and took a step back. "I'm a Level 5 for a reason, okay?!"

Suddenly Kuroko's expression looked very annoyed – uncharacteristically annoyed. "Then why don't you start acting like one?" she hissed.

"What the Hell does that mean?!" Mikoto bellowed, getting into Kuroko's face.

Her tone was even and quiet, but her words were incredibly firm. "You are always letting your powers run wild. The moment anything upsets you, you let the electricity flow wherever it wants to go. Your powers are lost in the sea of emotions you can't control, and therefore you can't control your powers. You blow something up or you knock out the power, and sometimes you even hurt people." Her eyes narrowed. "Then I get the work. I have to pay for the trouble you've caused. I have to spend more time here than at home, where I want to be. I have to sacrifice my precious time—"

"Enough!" roared Mikoto as she stomped her foot, letting electricity rattle through the metal stairwell. The lights flickered a few times. "I am so tired of your lectures! You never consider how I feel when this happens, do you? What, do you think I do this for fun? You think I do this on purpose?" Sparks flew wildly around her. "Do you think I try to make your life Hell?! You think this is all about you, isn't it?!" Suddenly a large bolt shot at the lights and short-circuited them. They were plunged into darkness.

Kuroko didn't respond immediately. It was too dark to see her expression, but Mikoto didn't really care. She was too angry. She waited only a moment before she decided she was going to turn around and storm out—

"This was never about me," came Kuroko, but in a voice Mikoto had never heard. It was so quiet, so filled with emotions that she thought it almost sounded…dark. "This has never been about me."

The lights flickered back on a moment later. Mikoto didn't get a look at Kuroko's face before the door opened and Konori appeared. "Hey, are you two okay?" she asked. "The lights went out and I know it gets pretty dark in—"

"We're fine," Kuroko cut her off in her usual tone. "We were merely talking some things out." She turned on her heel and straightened up. Mikoto still couldn't see her expression, and now that she had a moment to cool down she was a little concerned. She had spent more than enough time with the Teleporter to know when something was wrong, and after the outburst she just had – which she was already starting to regret terribly – she knew she had probably hurt her feelings. Konori's expression looked worried too, which wasn't a good sign.

What Mikoto did notice was that Kuroko's hand, which was clenched into a hard fist, relaxed. Her head turned towards her just a bit, but not enough to show her face.

"Please go home. I have work to do."

Suddenly she had teleported away. The two could hear sounds from inside as she reappeared and sat at her desk. Konori looked from her back to Mikoto and lowered her voice. "Is everything alright? You two look a little shaken up."

Now calm again, Mikoto felt her heart sinking. She had really done it this time…"Um…yeah. Yeah, everything's alright." She took a step back. "I'm, uh, going to go home. Let me know if you need me for anything about my stuff, kay?"

Konori nodded and bid her farewell. Mikoto found herself rushing out of the facility, her head swimming with worry and her heart drowning in guilt.

- とある科学のレールガン –

Kuroko never came home that night. Or, at least, not when Mikoto was awake. She returned home in a flurry of emotions and was unable to do anything productive for hours. She couldn't even fall asleep until her raging emotions had finally run her ragged and she passed out on the side of her bed. Even then she dreamed of their fight; how she had yelled at Kuroko, and that dark voice when she said those final words…She woke up the next morning incredibly restless. She did, however, wake up in her bed; there was no one home when she woke, so she assumed Kuroko must have come home late, put her in bed, and taken off before she woke up. This did nothing to help the dilemma she was facing.

God, why am I feeling so guilty? she groaned as she got ready for class. It's not like I yelled at her more loudly than I normally do or anything. It's not any different from other times we've fought… As she kept thinking, however, a realization dawned on her. When was the last time Kuroko ever fought back? If we were talking about offensive and defensive here, Mikoto was always on the offense and Kuroko on defense. Hell, the Teleporter rarely ever let it become an argument; she'd back down almost immediately – and if she didn't, a little punch or shock put her in her place. Yeah, I guess… The hands that buttoned her shirt slowed to a stop. I'm always the one yelling at her…hurting her…

A gloom set over the level five that she was unable to shake all day. It's all my fault was all she could think. It kept ringing in her head and building up more guilt and frustration. She had to apologize to her roommate; that was the only way to get rid of it. That proved easier said than done, however, because she couldn't find Kuroko at school. She even waited outside some of her classes for her, but the girl was nowhere. Maybe she had an emergency at Judgment and ran off for awhile? she guessed. When the little auburn-haired girl was still a no-show after the third class Mikoto had checked, she asked one of the girl's classmates. (Kuroko didn't have many friends here at Tokiwadai besides the Electromaster, but she seemed to be on friendly terms with a few girls she shared classes with.) The girl said she hadn't seen her all day; apparently she hadn't shown up to any of her classes. Now that was strange. Kuroko never misses classes. What the Hell is going on?

By the end of the day she was a wreck. Since Kuroko couldn't possibly be skipping classes, she decided she must be at the Judgment branch. I bet she's working on the reports for all the trouble I caused… she lamented as she rushed to the office. She was almost at the door already. I'm definitely gonna help her if that's what she's working o—

Bash! She ran full-force into someone who was running out of the branch and they both tumbled to the ground. Mikoto landed on top of the person and groaned. "Man, what the heck?" She sat up and mumbled an apology when she realized who she had crashed into. "Ah, Uiharu."

The smaller girl whined as she sat up and rubbed where the Tokiwadai student had landed on. "H-Hello, Misaka-san." She gave her a lopsided smile as she stood up, but then she gasped when she remembered what she was doing. "I'm sorry, I have to go! There's a situation!"

Well that wasn't good. "What situation? What's going on?" she spoke quickly.

"It's Shirai-san. She went to take care of some thugs and when she engaged them, the line suddenly went dead! We haven't been able to reach her for awhile now!"

Mikoto felt her heart tighten. "I'll go. Where is she?"

"Misaka-san, you're a civilian so I can't really—"

"Tell me where she is, Uiharu!" The smaller girl flinched at the force of her yell. Mikoto immediately felt bad and huffed. "Look, I can handle myself in a battle better than you can. You can stay here and give me support and if I can't handle it, I'll have you call for backup, okay?"

Uiharu looked unsure, but she couldn't deny that the Electromaster would be better suited to this scenario. "Well, okay. Here." She handed her an extra headset – most likely a replacement for Kuroko's assuming it was broken or destroyed. "She's on the other side of the district. I'll be on the line and will give you a specific location in a moment."

"Alright." Mikoto nodded and put on the headset. "Just do for me what you do for Kuroko."

The other girl nodded and they each took off. The level 5 found herself making a mad dash towards the Teleporter's location. I have to get to her, she thought. She's been gone because of me, and if she gets hurt… She tried to shake the thoughts from her head. I'll save you, okay, Kuroko? Just hold on.

She hadn't yet reached her destination when Uiharu began to relay a more exact position to her. Apparently Kuroko had engaged the thugs just outside the area designated as Skill Out territory and they had lost the signal there. As soon as she got the location, Mikoto picked up her speed, even powering her treads with a bit of electricity to give her an extra boost. A few of the people she zoomed by were nearly knocked over but she paid them no mind. She was too focused on reaching her destination.

Finally she slid around a corner and into the alleyway she was directed to. Sparks jumped from her forehead as she entered. The buildings around it cast shadows that were dark enough for someone to hide in. "Kuroko?" she called as she continued cautiously. There was no answer. A few feet in, she saw something on the ground. When she approached and knelt, it seemed to be the remains of a headset, and next to it was a small pool of blood. "Uiharu, I found her headset and blood. Can you see anything around here?"

"Um…" There was some typing from the other side. "I'm pulling up the security cameras…" Mikoto stood up, looking worriedly to the other side of the alley. She didn't see a blood trail so either it wasn't Kuroko that was injured or she had teleported rather than walked away. "I don't see anything in the area, but- Oh wait!"

Somewhere outside the alley there was a dull explosion. "There's a guy attacking something in an alleyway a few blocks up!"

"Roger!" Mikoto was off in a second, now clinging to and running along the walls. She followed Uiharu's directions and soon was able to pinpoint the source of the sound. Just as she reached it, an explosion went off in an alleyway and something was knocked out and onto the ground. The Electromaster shot herself over, only to see that the something was actually a someone – the someone she was looking for.

"Kuroko!" she yelled frantically. The girl was lying on the ground, conscious but not moving. She could see that the Teleporter was not visibly injured, but the look on her face – it was like her mind was somewhere else. Suddenly a rocket shot towards the girl. Mikoto had no time to think as she barely managed to grab Kuroko and roll out of the way. It crashed just in front of where they used to be.

The assailants hadn't come out of the alleyway yet, giving Mikoto a moment to look down at her companion. "Kuroko, are you—" She stopped when she felt her aimlessly grasping at her shirt. Kuroko's eyes were glazed over and her face was devoid of emotion. It looked like she wasn't even registering that Mikoto was there. "Kuroko?" she called out, taking the girl's hand and putting an arm around her shoulders. The smaller girl didn't respond. She barely even twitched at the contact.

"Misaka-san, what's going on?!" came Uiharu from the headset.

Mikoto was at a loss for words. "I…I don't know. Something's wrong with Kuroko." She tried waving a hand in front of the girl's face. Again, no response. "It's like she's in a trance or something."

Laughter came from in front of her. The Electromaster looked up and saw a few men emerge from the cloud of smoke the last explosion had caused. The man in the middle wore a nice white suit and sunglasses and had slicked back hair, looking rather clean for a thug (if he even was one, which now Mikoto was unsure of). The two behind him were dressed casually. The one to his left must have been the one shooting at them, as he held a rocket launcher slightly smaller than the usual models Mikoto had seen Anti-Skill confiscate from war lords and the like.

The man in the middle cocked his head to the side. "I wouldn't call it a trance, per se," he said in an amused tone. "More like…a time-out. A reboot, if you will."

Mikoto gritted her teeth. "What did you do to her?"

He chuckled. "Well, the little girl was trying to apprehend us. That wasn't really in our agenda, and having her teleporting all over the place was a pain, so I…shut down her mind. Stopped her brain from functioning, essentially."

Dangerously large sparks flew around the girl as a glare settled on the man. "Well you better make it function again or I'm going to have to make yours stop, too."

"Oh really?" He let out a laugh this time. The man behind him armed the rocket launcher at her. "Well I'm afraid I can't do that if I don't have a brain to work with, now can I?"

"Misaka-san, what's going—?" The line cut off with a simple electric discharge. She gritted her teeth and her sparks subsided.

"Let her go."

"Oh, see, I'd love to, but that girl there…Well, I'm afraid I may have done more than just shut her brain off."

The man behind him that was unarmed looked a little nervous and mumbled something to the supposed leader as Mikoto's expression grew darker by the moment. She looked down to the girl in her arms; her eyes were lidded now and she looked lethargic. She pursed her lips and gently set her down, standing up. Both the underlings seemed to get nervous as she slowly reached into her pocket. The rocket launcher twitched as it was loaded.

"Now now, sweetheart, I wouldn't try anything unless you want to befall the same fate" – he motioned to the rocket launcher – "and be unable to dodge the explosion that'll turn both of you into ash piles."

Her hand stopped, but her eyes didn't move from him. "What else did you do to Kuroko?"

He shrugged. "Oh, well you see, my ability is called Mental Ruin. What you see happening to your friend – her inability to function on a mental level – is due to my ability. Now, I'm a smart man and know that Teleporters need to do some complicated calculations to teleport." He chuckled. "Well I thought, 'If she can't remember how to do the calculations, she can't teleport, right?' So while she was jumping around trying to avoid explosions, I shut down the neural pathways that led to those memories. Unfortunately I'm only a Level 3 and can't pick and choose what I shut down, so I had to shut down all the memories…but that works too, right?" His men laughed. "The result was that she instantly forgot everything, so her brain shut down. Now she's much easier to deal with." The three of them laughed this time.

In a second a huge beam of lightning had shot right above the men and hit the rocket launcher, instantly destroying it and narrowly striking the men. They looked to the girl, now surrounded by a deadly aura and even more deadly lightning bolts. "So, you wiped her mind like you were wiping a hard drive, huh?" Her voice made them quiver. She started to approach them, each step sending shockwaves out around her. Slowly they were pushed back to a wall in fear. By the time the leader bumped against the wall, he looked around him only to notice that his men had run off. She stopped at five feet from him and brought another coin to her fingers, pointing it at him.

"I'm sure Anti-Skill will be here shortly," she said in a low voice. "If you want to be taken into custody alive instead of as a corpse, you'll fix her mind right now."

The man was sweating bullets. "Um, w-w-well, you see, there's a funny story about that—"

"I'm not in the mood for funny stories."

"Alright alright! L-Look, I can't actually fix her." He looked downright terrified as he tried to smile. "I-I'm not a high enough level to know how to reverse it yet. So, uh, t-there's really nothing I can do."

Mikoto frowned even more. Sparks flew around the coin. "Are you sure?"

"Yes! Yes yes yes I'm sure! I'm telling the truth!" His knees gave out and he clapped his hands together. "Please believe me! I-I would if I could in a heartbeat! I swear!"

The Electromaster didn't look pleased. She flipped the coin in the air.

"Oh God no! Please! Please!"

A loud bang sounded as the Railgun went off. A light shot into the air as the beam burned a hole straight through the wall – just above the man's head. As electricity crackled around them, Mikoto sighed. "Well, guess I'll let Anti-Skill deal with you." She then turned around and ran back over to Kuroko.

Needless to say the man's pants were no longer white.

Mikoto knelt next to the girl again. Her eyes were closed, but she had moved and was now curled up on her side. Upon closer examination, it seemed the girl really wasn't hurt, just covered in dirt and grime that was kicked up by the explosions. Her expression fell as she brushed a large chunk of rock from her hair. Oh Kuroko…Somehow I can't help but think this is my fault.

Anti-Skill showed up only a few minutes later. Mikoto lifted the girl up and explained what had happened. The thug leader was cuffed and complied without resistance, and some troops managed to catch his buddies a few blocks down. Meanwhile, an ambulance arrived and examined the girls. Mikoto quickly handed her roommate over but made it clear she wasn't leaving her side. Not wanting to deny a distraught Level Five her wish, the crew let her ride in the ambulance with them. All the while, Mikoto kept a protective hand on her companion's shoulder.

It's okay, Mikoto, she told herself. Kuroko will be fine. You'll see.

- とある科学のレールガン –

About an hour later, Mikoto was still pacing in the lobby of a certain hospital. No one had come out to inform her of Kuroko's condition yet. Uiharu was there as well, sitting and watching the Electromaster with a worried expression. As they continued to wait, Saten arrived in a flurry, having been informed by Uiharu, and asked about the Teleporter. Seeing Mikoto visibly tense, Uiharu explained the situation to her quietly.

Not long after that, a nurse approached them. Mikoto wasted no time following her to the correct room. The small girl was hooked up to a couple of diagnostic machines. There were wires placed all over from her hairline to her temples. A few bandages dotted her arms and there was a patch on her cheek. The girl herself seemed to be unconscious, but she had a peaceful expression on her face.

"She doesn't seem to have any external injuries besides a few scratches," explained the nurse, "and there are no visible signs of trauma, however we can't be sure until she wakes up."

Mikoto was already standing by the bed, looking down at the girl. She let out a breath. "What about what happened to her mind? Do we know anything yet?"

"The doctor wanted to discuss that with you. I'll bring him in."

Mikoto's eyes didn't leave the girl in the bed. One of her fists clenched tightly as her eyebrows furrowed. Behind her, Uiharu and Saten looked more worried for the Electromaster than the Teleporter now. They looked at each other, wondering if they should offer words of comfort, but Saten shook her head no. They decided not to say anything.

A few minutes of awkward silence passed as they waited. None of them moved, except for Saten who shifted uncomfortably from one foot to the other a few times. Eventually the long-haired girl caved in and asked shyly, "Um, hey, are you guys thirsty? Maybe I can get some drinks for us, or…"

The Electromaster jumped. She had apparently forgotten there were people other than her and Kuroko in the room. She didn't look back as she mumbled, "Sure, that'd be great, thanks."

Saten wasted no time in leaving. Uiharu mentioned quietly about going with her and left as well. Now it really was just the Level 4 and 5.

Mikoto gritted her teeth. It's all my fault. She covered her eyes with her hand. If I hadn't yelled at her yesterday, if I hadn't been such an ass, then… she would have gone to class, and she wouldn't have gone on this assignment, and…

"Misaka-san?" came a voice. She jumped again and turned around to face a very familiar doctor. Unlike usual, however, his frog-face didn't cheer her up.

"Oh, um, hello doctor," she said awkwardly, not even bothering to address him formally (Wasn't his name Heaven-something? She couldn't really remember right now).

He smiled. "Hello. How are you? I heard you were involved in the fight alongside Miss Shirai."

"I'm fine." That came out curter than she meant it. "I'm more concerned about Kuroko. What's wrong with her? How do we fix it? Is she going to-?"

"Misaka-san, please," he chuckled and made a motion for her to calm down. He then motioned to a couple nearby chairs. "Have a seat. I'll explain what we know."

Her cheeks lit up a little bit. Reluctant and a little embarrassed, she sat down and said no more. The doctor followed suit and sighed. His reassuring smile faded and was replaced with a serious, firm line. Mikoto prepared herself for the worst news, and whatever blame she would carry with it.

"Miss Shirai has suffered serious memory damage. Her memories have not been erased, per se, but rather 'cut off'. They are still there, but the neural pathways that her brain uses to access them have been shut down. It seems the only memories she has retained are those of her childhood. Everything else is completely inaccessible."

Each word made Mikoto's frown grow larger. "What about her teleportation?"

He leaned back in his chair. "As you know, Teleporters require precise calculations in order to move through the eleven-dimensional space required for teleporting. These calculations were most likely held in the memories of elementary school that she attended in Academy City, which are not part of the memories she has retained."

"So she can't teleport anymore…" Her voice caught in her throat near the end.

"She won't even remember that she could teleport."

Her fists clenched on the ends of the chair. "What about a cure?"

"We're working on that." He sighed. "Unfortunately, the criminal really is too low a level to reverse the effects of his ability, so we'll have to do it without his help. We are doing some analysis on his ability to see if we can find a clue, however."

Now anger began to bubble up within her. "So you pretty much have no idea how to reverse this?"

"Oh no, we know what we have to do. Whether or not we can do it is the issue."

She thought for a moment. "Is there anything I can do? I mean, the brain is all about electric signals, right?"

"We don't know enough about what's wrong to be able to start trying to repair it yet. However, I will inform you if your ability can be of use to us." He managed a small smile. "I can see you feel obliged to help her somehow, so I'll respect that."

She flushed a little and looked away. "Well, she is my roommate and my best friend and all…" Her voice trailed off at the end. "And besides, I…I owe it to her."

"Oh, I see." He chuckled. "You two had a fight before this, didn't you?"

"Eh?" The Electromaster looked, well, shocked. "How did you know?"

"I can see the guilt etched in your expression." He leaned over and placed a firm hand on her shoulder. "Whatever happened between you two couldn't possibly have caused this. Don't blame yourself for something you couldn't control."

She pursed her lips, partially because he had guessed their situation so easily, but also because she knew he was right: she could blame herself all she wanted, but really, what could she have done? What could she have known that would have changed the outcome? Of course, at this time Mikoto shoved all ideas of 'it wasn't my fault' out of her head. How could she not have had something to do with her roommate's current condition?

Eventually she sighed and looked back to the girl in the bed. "Anyway, I'd like to stick around for awhile, if that's okay."

"Of course. Visiting hours is still open." The doctor stood up and went over to one of the machines, the one that all the wires on the girl's head were attached to. "We may have some more results before you have to leave, as well."

"Then I'm definitely staying." She had already pulled up her chair next to the Teleporter's bed and sat down firmly.

The doctor chuckled. "As you wish. I will return when we have more information." With that, he gave her a nod and turned to leave.

"Doctor, one more thing."

He looked back to her. "Yes?"

Her voice caught in her throat before she spoke. "Her memories…You said the only ones she has left were before elementary school, so that means…"

The look she gave him was firm, but he could see that desperate sadness in her eyes. He knew what she was going to ask without her finishing. He closed his eyes and shook his head.

"Miss Shirai should wake up soon. When she does, she'll be very confused. Be gentle with her." And he left.

Mikoto turned back to the girl in the bed. The peaceful look on the (ex) Teleporter's face was her only distraction from the pain in her chest. I guess I should try to look on the bright side, she thought. At least she won't remember the fight…

A few minutes later, Saten and Uiharu returned. Mikoto, too focused on her roommate, paid them no mind and mumbled her thanks when she took the drink she was offered. The two other girls then leaned against the wall next to the bed.

"So, uh," Saten started, trying to bake the ice, "I saw a doctor leaving here. Did he tell you anything?"

The Electromaster didn't respond at first, but finally said, "She'll be fine. She'll wake up soon," rather gruffly. She was so on edge, however, that the other two knew that probably wasn't the case.

Uiharu leaned over to her friend and lowered her voice. "It's probably not good; let's not press her for information right now."

Saten only nodded and they fell silent again.

For the next few hours, it was another agonizing wait. Saten had no plans and Uiharu had gotten off Judgment work for the day so neither of them saw any reason to leave. Even if they wanted to (simply to get away from the terribly awkward air the Electromaster was creating), they were also the Teleporter's friends and wouldn't have any fun while she was still unconscious. One of the nurses checked in on them a couple times and kindly brought the two who were standing a couple more chairs. As fate would have it, just as she returned, movement came from the bed.

Mikoto was up and leaning over her in a heartbeat. "She's waking up…!"

The nurse sighed in relief. "Please watch her. I'll get the doctor."

The remaining three watched as the brunette began to stir. Her forehead twitched a couple times and she let out a quiet groan. They found themselves holding their breath as her eyes began to flutter open.

The Electromaster's hand was over hers now. She gulped, trying to force her voice out. Finally she spoke in a shaky voice.


She seemed dazed as she stared at Mikoto. It took a moment for her eyes to focus.

In her heart, Mikoto prayed that the doctor was wrong. She prayed that those memories would still be intact. She prayed nothing would change.

Then Kuroko furrowed her eyebrows and pulled her hand away. "Excuse me, but who are you to address me so familiarly?"

Oh my, what a predicament. What's a Railgun to do? Worry, confusion, guilt...so many emotions, and with an amnesiatic Teleporter on top of all things! Hard to decide if its more difficult than fighting evil, huh?

But do not fret! I can tell you now these two have an interesting journey ahead of them, so I hope you'll stick around to see how it unfolds! In the meantime, thanks for reading and drop me a review if you would like!