Authors Note:- well this is going to be fun. it's just an idea that came to mind so I wrote it.

Disclaimer – I am googling a way to find out how to own it, but remember I am still googling.

Speak when you are angry and you will make the best speech you will ever regret. -Ambrose Bierce


If you ask anyone who knows Marty Deeks, the first thing that comes to mind when his name is mentioned, it'll more often than not be that he talks a lot. Actually, he talks too much. He just doesn't stop. Not that I'm complaining, I like it when he talks and rambles. It's kind of cute, though I'd never admit it to him because, trust me, feeding his ego is the last thing you want to do. But sometimes a person wants silence and wants to be alone and when they just keep talking, it gets very irritating.

That's what happened seven days ago. A case hit close to home and all I wanted was some quiet. And, well, Deeks decided to be Deeks and wouldn't stop and it was really pissing me off. I knew he was doing it to distract me-which had worked sometimes before-but that day it didn't. So I warned him four times, which had no effect, and it was so annoying as I had a headache and I ended up yelling at him, "You know what, sometimes I really wish you wouldn't talk for a whole week. That would be the best week of my life, Deeks."

I regretted the words the moment they left my mouth and I immediately apologized to him. "I'm sorry, Deeks, I didn't mean that. I'm just... just please don't talk."

I swear he was way beyond hurt because he just said, "Okay," and barely talked to me for the rest of the day. I'll admit I didn't try much, actually, we hardly looked at each other for the rest of the day and even Callen and Sam started thinking we'd had a fight.

And the problem was, he didn't say a word to Sam and Callen when they mocked him about it. Unfortunately, I guess it's half true.

I know I shouldn't have said those words, but you can't exactly blame me. I was upset, had a headache and he was pushing all my buttons. And I did apologize for it—okay, I know it was just once, but at least I did. He didn't say a word to me. To be honest, I was glad he didn't because I don't know what I would have said and I really enjoyed the silence that day. I thought a little peace and quiet was occasionally nice. I'd talk to him the next day. For now, I was really enjoying the silence.

I didn't know what the real reason for Deeks's silence was, and by the end of the week, I wanted anything but silence. Those seven days without Deeks's voice were going to prove to be the worst seven days of my life.


We get angry very easily and when we get angry we tend to forget everything and we end up saying things we never meant to people we care the most about. We regret it immediately and we know that it hurts the people we tell. But people forget that, we have said those words to people we care about and it hurts us more than anyone else.

Hope you guys like it..

Much Love