"STEVE! HELP!" screamed Danny as the car behind him forced him and his Camaro off the pier and straight into the Pacific Ocean.

"Shit. Shit! SHIT, come on God Dam it!" he panted as the air became thicker and thicker as the car became fully submerged, grabbing hold of the seat belt and pressing the eject button it wouldn't open! "It's jammed, Steve it's jammed. I can't get out! I CAN'T GET OUT!" he screamed down the radio, there was no answer. "Steve, help me please?" the water was rising quickly filling the car, he tried pushing himself up and away from it but there was no room. Danny threw himself against the door, it wouldn't open, he did it repeatedly but it wouldn't budge "Come on! COME ON!" The gun, where is the gun? Thrashing at the water that now was past the steering wheel, it had been on the dash. It must have fallen when the car rammed into me, he concluded. "My extra piece!" he sighed in relief as he reached down to his ankle holster, but the belt had locked, he couldn't move at all now, he tried to reach it but there was no give there at all. Giving up he threw his head back against the rest and inhaled deeply, how many breaths did he have left?

Closing his eyes "I'm going to die!" he whispered before opening his eyes to look out the window at the darkness, he couldn't see anything, he was going to die alone and afraid, as a lone tear escaped down his cheek. The water had now reached the bottom of his neck; there was only about 30 seconds of oxygen left if that. "Savour it Williams…" he panted pushing himself up off the seat taking in another few breaths. Inhaling deeply as the water started to take over all of the air. Taking one more deep breath, the air disappeared and the entire car was filled with water. That was it.

Two Hours Earlier

"Steve… Steve… STEVE!" Danny shouted at him as Steve ran over the plan again and again and again, causing Danny to wish he could shoot himself just to get away from him, that got Steve's attention as he turned around to look at the blonde detective who was sitting against his desk, just sighing at him. "Steve, despite what you may think, I am actually a trained Detective and believe it or not I have done this sort of thing before." He sighed as Danny started waving his hands around trying to emphasis his point.

"I am well aware of that Daniel, however that does not stop me from worrying a little bit for my partners wellbeing, is that ok with you?" he retaliated running his hands through his soft black curls before walking over to his partner and sitting down next to him. Danny gave him a playful nudge with his shoulder to show some reassurance, he wasn't good with all the emotional stuff.

"Thank you Steven for your concern but I will be fine, this is our only shot at finding Lindsey's killer. Come on babe, even you have to admit we have just hid dead end after dead end on this case. This is it and I can do this, can you just listen to me for once please? I will be fine."

An hour earlier, Steve and Danny headed to the Camaro to get some lunch when they found a note taped to the windscreen addressed to Danny. Seeing as Steve was a nosey bugger he came in and looked over Danny's shoulder as he begun to open it but then he stopped, he couldn't resist.

"Oh I'm sorry I didn't know you were also called Detective Williams…" before giving him a look but he opened it anyway, shaking his head the entire time. He pulled out a plain white sheet of paper with only a couple lines of writing on it.

"You want answers? Meet me at the pier on the North Shore in three hours by the slipway at the far end. Come alone Detective, I will be watching. Please burn this message after reading, or I will give you no information."

Ever since they had read the note, Steve had gone into full SEAL mode, storming back up to the office, after snatching the letter from Danny's grip. After two hours of wearing the man down Danny had finally managed to convince Steve to let him do it. Steve had only agreed because he made Danny promise to go in strapped with an extra holster for good measure and he warned Danny that he would be staying within 5 block radius, no matter what the note said. Chin and Kono also agreed to be within the radius, forcing Danny to go along with it, he never really had a choice when it came to Steve.

When Danny pulled up the Camaro beside the slip way he put it in neutral and began the wait. Steve had basically strapped him down and man handled him into wearing a radio and an earpiece so he could hear everything that was going on. Danny had felt slightly violated but he wasn't going to complain, that much… then a sharp voice caught his attention.

"Are you in position Danny?"

"No I decided to go for some shave ice instead… animal"

"Alright alright, no need to be like that Detective, just checking we want this to go as smooth as possible."

"Really Steven, I thought I was doing this just for the banter! I had no idea that this was a serious situation, you should have said…"

"Alright Daniel, I know you miss me but you need to stop with the sarcasm, it's only a little attractive!" he was going to get in deep for that one.

"Whatever stops the tears babe?" SMASH!



"DANNY? DANNY!" screamed Steve, but there was no answer.